I saw, while praying, a young girl with blonde hair in a pony tail, wearing a school uniform. She was standing in a lunchroom holding a lunch tray. As she looked at her tray, I heard these words, "Among the well fed will come disease."
This past September, (2016), I received a vision, that I am still praying about. I saw Donald Trump with his hands clenched, his arms straight down at his sides, and his body leaning forward. There was a stern and determined expression on his face. He was following close behind a younger man, dressed in a suit, with his blonde hair parted on the side and slicked down. The scene depicted "discipline." Trump was determined to use his authority to bring about disciple to this individual.
It is early spring. There are dead leaves on the ground. I see a patch of blue flowers in front of me to the left, and red flowers to the right. There is not a bit of green anywhere. Then I hear a voice saying “forsythia,” but I look around, and do not see any at all.
Today, God gave me a vision that I believe concerns the Church and America.
I see a large turtle with a heavy, deep shell. He is standing on his back legs with his stomach leaning against the tree. The turtle looks as if at any second, he could topple over, for he is balancing the rim of his shell on the ground, at the base of the tree, and tipping to his right. Half of his body is concealed because the tree is in front of him. Next to the turtle and to his left is a very large rock.