Divisive Plans Against the Church and Our Nation

Divisive Plans Against the Church and Our Nation

This is a vision I received about the enemy's plan to bring division to the Church.  Division is something we to always need to be on guard for.  We  need to be aware of divisiveness, in order to protect our people and our churches.  Even though the message is directly for the church, as you read the interpretation, I am sure you will be able to draw certain parallels with the events taking place in our nation right now.  

My desire in sharing this with you, is that you will take this to prayer, for our churches, for revival and for unity in our nation. 

I received a three-part vision from the Lord.  First I see a pot, which has a small, round cake made of black seeds pressed together.  The cake is lifted from the pan so I can see its shape, about 7 inches in diameter, and 3 inches thick.

Secondly, I see a large serving spoon with 3 large black olives.  These olives are whole with their pits still inside.

Thirdly, I see three people in line.  The first two people exchange blows and the third throws colorful confetti into the air.  

I believe God is revealing the plans the enemy is making against the church.  The black cake, made of seeds, represents evil words, which the enemy has sown in the past, among the people - words of fear, doubt, suspicion or distrust.  Now he has taken all those words, and brought them together into a cake.  This is an amplification and solidification of those words to offer to the people to feed upon.  These wicked thoughts about ourselves and others are designed to bring about his purpose.

The three olives represent the main goals he wants to accomplish:

1.  To divide the house.

2. To slander the bride, bringing her into disrepute.

3. To destroy our faith.

The three people in the line represent the various manifestations of this evil design at work in the members of the church.  The first person in line strikes the second; acting on the evil thoughts he has toward the other, (i.e. envy, jealously, mistrust and resentment.)  The second person returns the blow in retaliation, and self-defense, motivated by thoughts of indignation, self-justification, and resentment.  The third person in line, rather than attempting to make peace between the two people, celebrates at seeing something to gossip about, taking pleasure in seeing others at odds.

Nothing that the enemy does is new.  We have all experienced this before.  We have seen the destruction he can do within the body of Christ.  However, If God is warning me in a vision about something I've already been praying for, already aware of, it must be that this is on a greater scale, more direct and more focused in its intent.

Because God has been showing me that his desire is to bring revival to the church across America, he wants us to be aware that the enemy opposes this, attempting to set up roadblocks and detour signs.

In Acts, before the first out-pouring of the Holy Spirit, they were all together in one place and in constant prayer.  The enemy would like nothing better than to cause division within worship, prayer, and ministry.  A house divided cannot stand.

The enemy want to slander the bride, causing others within the various churches and among the general population to mock the work of God.

The enemy wants to destroy our faith.  One way he accomplishes this is to pull down the leadership.  "Strike the shepherd and the flock will scatter." When the church, or a church leader falls into disrepute, or no longer exemplifies the character and moral standards of God, many people see it, and their trust in God and the church fails. "God may be real, but he sure isn't in that church!"   

Our strategy must be to not take offense, to not entertain gossip, hateful words, or slander.  

We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.  2 Corinthians 10:5

We must walk in love.

Now a note to add, regarding the present social/political climate - we know that the enemy is doing the same thing now, as he did seven years ago, and even seven thousands years ago.   I would only ask that you now, look carefully and thoughtfully, to see if there can be a parallel drawn between what I have written above, regarding the church, and the current social/political events in our nation.  Just consider.

After considering........... the only thing we need to do is pray.  And walk in love!   

"As you have heard from the beginning, his command is that you walk in love."  2 John 1:6

"If  my people who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my  face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven I will forgive their sin, and heal their land."   2 Chronicles 7:14









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