A House Divided

A House Divided

This vision I received about two months ago.  This is a vision about a very specific attempt to destroy a relationship.  However as you read it, you will see a common tactic the enemy uses to cause division and destruction - in this case a marriage.   It is a warning vision, that reveals a potential outcome, should nothing change with the course of events.  However, we always keep in mind that with prayer all things are possible!

The vision:

First I see the number "5555." 

Then, I see light flesh-colored sausage, perhaps bologna without a rind.  The 3" diameter sausage is sliced from the bottom.  I see 3 slices.  The first is separated and the next two slices are stuck together.  I want to count them, but two of the slices will not separate, and I don't want to count them as one.

Next, I see many papers, and recognize them to be a list of personality disorders.  As I look at the papers, I want to dismiss them, as being unimportant. 

Then, I see a priest in a very small room.  He comes from an alcove on the left, and takes a few steps forward, then turns to his left to walk towards an altar placed against the back wall.  The priest is tall with dark hair.  He wears a simple dark mustard yellow cassock placed over a dark blue-green (teal) cassock.  The teal cassock peeks out at the cuffs, and at the hemline, but is otherwise entirely hidden beneath the dark mustard cassock.  He moves slowly, towards the altar.  With little to no emotion, he merely stands in front of the altar.

Then I see the papers as before.  These are the same exact documents.  I realize, while still in the vision, that what I had dismissed before as being unimportant, was now being shown as important.

In the last part of the vision, I see what I believe to be a demon.  It appeared as an American Indian with war paint and a feather headdress.  The feathers stand straight up and flare outward at the top.  The character was imp-like, not having the proportions of a normal man.  He was riding on a piece of machinery that had handle bars.  It's base was square, and was used to pack the soil down, like a tamper.

This is what I believe the vision means:

The "5555" in Bible Gateway's, "Dictionary of Bible Themes,"  means "Sela Hammahlekoth" which in English means "Rock of Parting." 

Saul was pursuing David in 1 Samuel 23:27-28, it reads: "....a messenger came to Saul, saying, 'Come quickly!  the Philistines are raiding the land.'  Then Saul broke off his pursuit of David and went to meet the Philistines.  That is why they call this place Sela Hammahlekoth."  (Rock of Parting)

The vision addresses a situation where a man and his wife are parting.  The wife has decided to go her own way and divorce her husband.

The papers which are a list of personality disorders give evidence that the accusations against her husband and family are entirely false.  At first I wanted to dismiss, the papers, because I believed them to be unnecessary.  But having seen them twice in the vision, shows the importance of the need to expose these accusations, for they give credence to a lie.  This maybe the very lie that has brought a false justification to the dissolution of the marriage.

The flesh-colored sausage represent a family.  The slices represent individuals coming from one group.  The first slice is separated from the others.  This represents the husband.  The next two slices are the wife and her lover.  In the vision, I want to count each slice, but there are two stuck together, that I do not want to count as one.  I want to see them each separately for the wife and the lover are not meant to be together.  Yet, I cannot separate them.

The priest represents someone who has taken vows to serve and minister before the Lord.  He seems sad, quiet, pensive.  He is not wearing ceremonial garments.  The yellow is not bright.  A bright yellow would reflect joy, the glory of God, purification, majesty, righteousness and faith.  But it is not a bright yellow; it is a dark muted mustard yellow which represents jealousy and deceit.

"Jealousy and deceitfulness" are covering over the cassock beneath, which is a dark blue-green.  Turquoise is a bit more blue, but still in the same family.  This represents the River of God, sanctification, healing, life giving, and the flow of the Holy Spirit.  All these good things are not allowed to manifest because "jealousy and deceitfulness" are having their way in the scenario.

The demonic power shown in the last part of this vision is engaged in finalizing his plan to break up this marriage and damage unity in the family.  He is wearing his headdress or crown of feathers, proclaiming himself to be king.  The headdress also signifies his self-proclaimed right to rule over this marriage. and the extended family.  He wears war paint because he wants to cause fear and dread in the hearts of those involved.  He sits on this earth packing or tamping piece of equipment, because whatever has been hidden and formed below the earth, he wants to keep in darkness.  He is packing the earth tightly, trying to seal off any chance of bringing his deceitful, corrupting, and divisive plans into the light, where they will be exposed and demolished. 

We must pray.  We must expose the lies of the wicked one, and view our situations, our relationships and the details of our lives in the light of Christ.

"I am the light of the world.  Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life."  John 8:12

We must pray for all marriages, and particularly those in the church.  For our marriages are not only covenants with each other, they are covenants made with God.  We are to take the vows we made to each other seriously.  ".......for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, 'til death do us part, according to God's ordinance; and thereto I pledge thee my troth." 

Unless we see, and decide for ourselves, that the commitments we make to each other and to God are binding, we will allow ourselves to fall into the traps the enemy sets for us.  He ensnares us with temptations and ideas like:  "the grass is greener somewhere else, or that the fruit is sweeter on another tree."  He can entice us with the idea of freedom from responsibility, and freedom to go our own way, and to be in charge of our own destiny.  This was the same temptation that Eve succumbed to in the Garden of Eden - to be like God.  "'You will not surely die,' the serpent said to the woman.  'For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.'"  Genesis 3:4-5

We must stand firm, and be true to each other and to our God.  The scripture that comes to mind when I see marriages in discord is this: "The wise woman builds her house, but with her own hands the foolish one tears hers down."  Proverbs 14:1

Please pray for the marriages of the church as well as those around us, and believe that God will help us to live at peace with one another.

Be blessed!








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