He Stopped the Rain

He Stopped the Rain

Today, I have decided to speak to you of God's love, his faithfulness and his provision.  I wanted to share how God performed a miracle for me, just because he loves me.  There is no more wonderful feeling, than having the assurance that God loves you, and cares for you.  He shows himself so powerfully.  This is a real story, a bonafide miracle for me - actually there are so many - I could write a book!  But this is something that happened when my niece was only five years old.  Children mark time well.  At least it helps me keep things straight!

I was in Florida visiting with my sister - my "very born again sister."  Perhaps you know someone like her.  Just being with her in the car,  is like being on a retreat.  I remember, that I was still on a honeymoon with the Lord.  I was a "very much in-love with Jesus Christian."  (Today the love affair is still going strong.)  

We drove from her home in Naples, to Fort Meyer, where I was to pick up a rental car, to take across the state to Miami.  From there I would to catch a flight to return home.  On the way to Fort Meyer, I couldn't help but noticed the sharp drop off, from the shoulder of the road.

After finishing the paperwork at the car rental, I picked up my keys and was instructed, as to the location of the car.  It had already begun to rain, so once outside the office, I made a fast dash to the car I was to drive.   The rain was coming down rather hard, so I became soaked.  

The car they gave me was of foreign make.  There were no English words on the dashboard and only a few random symbols.  I managed to turn the car on and start up the wipers.  My sister signaled to me to follow her, so I stayed close to keep her car in view.   This story goes back nineteen years, so cell phones and a GPS were not part of the standard equipment everyone carried.  I had no way of knowing how to get back to her house, if we ever got separated.

Well, it wasn't long before we were on the highway heading back to Naples.  The condensation began to build up on the interior of the car's windshield.  I looked for my window defroster and I couldn't find it for the life of me.  There were no words, no pictures, no graphics that would tell me where they were.  I got concerned as several cars began pulling off the road, due to the downpour.  I thought to myself, "Maybe I should put on my flashers."  The visibility was now so limited.  To my dismay, I couldn't find them either.  Now I started to panic.  I could hardly see beyond the hood of the car.  

Then I did a most unfortunate thing.  In my panic, I accidently turned off my wipers, and now the water was sheeting off the windshield.  There was absolutely, no visibility what so ever.  

I had already been praying for the last few minutes - but now I needed God to show up.  I just said, "Lord help me!"  

God heard my prayer!

Instantly, I mean instantly, like a split second, God stopped the rain.  The sky turned blue and there were light, white puffy clouds in the sky!  It was as if someone turned on the lights in a dark room.  I looked out my left side window and saw a cloud in the sky.  It formed a little circle, as if God were signaling to me with his hand, saying, "It's okay!"

Then I heard God speak to me and show me:  "Here are your flashers.  Here is your defroster, and here are your wipers."  I was stunned.  I was in awe.  I was crying with relief!

I looked in front of me, and saw my sister's car.  I just cried the whole way to her house.  I was so overwhelmed by the Lord's love for me.  FOR ME!  Jesus loves me!

Jesus, knows everything.  He is omniscient.  Jesus is everywhere.  He is omnipresent.  Jesus is all powerful.  Jesus is omnipotent.  And Jesus loves me!  He is magnificent!  He is mine, and I am his!

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you, and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.  Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you.  You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart."  Jeremiah 29:11-13


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