Hidden in Darkness

Hidden in Darkness

God wants us to be aware of events and situations in our lives, and in the world at large, that may come as a result of supernatural influence.  There are definitely two worlds which are active at the same time and I believe occupy the same space.  If you take a large jar and fill it to the top with marbles, you would say that it is completely full, it can't hold one more marble.  But if you take a large pitcher of water, and pour the water into the jar with marbles, you will see, that there was still more room in the jar.  I believe that the supernatural is superimposed upon the natural in this way.  And sometimes God opens our eyes to see it.

About three weeks ago, (May 18, 2017), I was praying early in the morning, when God gave me a two-part vision.  But, before I share this with you, please understand that these visions are not just about me.  Please read them, putting yourself into the "me"and the "we."  God does not want anyone in the church to think they are superior or inferior to anyone else.  Revelation is for everyone. The Lord wants to reveal himself to you.  He says, "Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and wonderful things that you do not know."  Jeremiah 33:3  

He also says, "Behold I stand at the door and knock.  If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me."  Revelation 3:20

The vision:

I am standing in a dark room.  In front of me is a door that is open just a mere crack.  I see that there is a very tall man, perhaps 9-10 feet in height, standing in front of the bathroom mirror, getting ready to go somewhere.  He is dressed in boxer shorts and a white T-shirt.  He is so tall that the doorway does not allow me to see his face.  The visions ends.

A few seconds later, I see my left hand palm side up.  Then I see a small gemstone, a dark grey, diamond cut stone.  I see the stone in profile, which reveals its pointed base.  Suddenly, the stone turns facing up and its point begins to penetrate my hand.  I watch it as it slowly sinks into my palm.  Then it simply disappears below the surface, as my skin closes over it.  There is no blood, and there is no pain. There is no indication that anything ever happened at the site of entry.

I have prayed about the meaning of this vision for two weeks, and then it was brought to mind again yesterday, so I began to pray once more.  This morning God gave me the answer.  I believe I know now what it means.

The tall man is a demon.  God hid his face from me because, he did not want to offend me, and did not want his eyes to meet mine.  The man was getting dressed ready to go somewhere.  Usually, when God shows me angels, they are already prepared and ready for immediate dispatch.  They usually speak to me and look me directly in the eye.  But not always.

I am reminded an earlier vision of an angel sitting at a stone wheel.  He wore heavy leather pants and boots and was sharpening what I believed to be his weapon.  I watched him at his work for a few seconds.  When he finished, he sat back on his wooden stool, placed his hands on his thighs, leaned forward and stood to his feet.  He walked around the stone, and in front of me, then disappeared out of sight.  I knew that God was sending him on a mission as a result of prayer.

But what I noticed that is different in this case, is that the man, (a demon), is concerned for his appearance.  This is important, for a demon's weapons are lies and illusions.

Jesus spoke of Satan, saying, "He was a murder from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies."  John 8:44

I was reminded of what my dad, an attorney, told me years ago, as a warning.  He said, "It doesn't matter what the facts are, it is what they appear to be."  He wanted my choice in friends, and the actions I took, to be "above reproach." In others words, do not do anything or hang out with anyone, that would cause another person to suspect wrong doing.  Too many people have been found guilty, merely because of appearances, not because they actually did anything. 

The devil uses deceitfulness and appearances to ensnare people.  "For Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light."  2 Corinthians 11:14   "Be alert and of sober mind.  Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion seeking whom he may destroy."  1 Peter 5: 8

Now for the second part of the vision, I believe this to be the interpretation:

The gemstone, was not white, which would have stood for purity, holiness and light.  This gem was a deep grey color.  the color grey is mentioned in the Bible, only in relation to hair color.  Yet, grey hair is a symbol of wisdom, experience and authority.  

The stone penetrates my left hand.  This is important, for the right hand represents strength.  It is personal, natural strength.  The left hand represents weakness.  God was not interested in strengthening my physical body, my natural abilities, or my flesh.  He wanted to address my spiritual weakness.  He was giving me supernatural strength.   The Lord said, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness."  2 Corinthians 12:9

This was the Lord's answer to Paul's prayer - to remove the thorn that was place in his side.  Perhaps the stone is like the thorn, to keep me humble.  But I believe there is more, because of the revelation that came later. 

He is preparing me for the battles ahead. "Praise be to the Lord my rock, who trains my hands for war."  Psalm 144

Every battle belongs to the Lord.  We are his, like chess pieces on a chess board.  We are to be obedient to his call and to his direction.  We must allow him to use us, as he sees fit.

We should be alert, and continue to pray for others, that they would not be deceived, or fall prey to fear, doubt, self condemnation, or placed in bondage through offense.  We need to pray for wisdom and discernment, especially when it comes to praying for deliverance, and praying against principalities.  God said to me emphatically, "Do not go where I have not sent you!" 

During this same period of praying, a fellow intercessor and I were fasting for direction as to whether to proceed in deliverance for her mother.  God gave me a three part vision, which I will share next time.  He was telling me that I was not to go forward but to pray and fast for her.  I believe that we must wait upon God for his perfect timing, for at this time. she would not be able to "hold her deliverance." 

As confirmation, I opened my Bible to an article entitled, "Intercession."  Very often in difficult situations, where there is occult involvement, God will tell me to just pray.  We have to be careful not to jump ahead of God, or fall behind.  We need to stay in step with him.

After this, as I continued to pray regarding the dark grey gemstone, God gave me a vision of the number:  "71."   I knew it was a page number, so I opened to page 71 in my Bible.  It was the story of Joseph.  He had just interpreted Pharaoh's dream, and had told him to store up, the overflow from the seven years of plenty.  In this way the people of Egypt would be able to survive the seven years of famine, that were to follow.  "So Pharaoh said to Joseph, 'I hereby put you in charge of the whole land of Egypt.'  Then Pharaoh took his signet ring from his finger and put it on Joseph's finger. "  Genesis 41:41

I believe that the stone that God placed in my left hand was to show me that he was giving me (as well as the church) authority over all things.  

"Then Pharaoh said to Joseph, "Since God has made all this known to you, there is no one so discerning and wise as you.  You shall be in charge of my palace, and all my people are to submit to your orders.  Only with respect to the throne will I be greater than you." Genesis 41:39-40

Jesus gives us, the church, authority:  "I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you.  However, do not rejoice that the spirits submit to you, but rejoice that your names are written in heaven."  Luke 10:19

In summary, God wants us to be aware of the devil's schemes.   "He will bring to light what is hidden in darkness and will expose the motives of the heart."  1 Corinthians 4:5

God gives us authority over our enemy, but in order to be effective in the kingdom of God, we must be obedient.  We must fast and pray because our enemy is a roaring lion.  It is imperative that we follow the Lord's instructions:  "Do not go where I have not sent you."

We must be obedient, "'For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,' declares the Lord." Isaiah 55:8

And we must be patient to wait for his perfect timing.

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