Judgment, Mercy, Judgment, Mercy.....

Judgment, Mercy, Judgment, Mercy.....

Where do I begin?  I am releasing this vision now in the year 2017.  I have shared several of these visions with the intercessory community, knowing that they will take these warnings seriously and pray.  I want to thank all who have been faithful watchmen, for the post is not without persecution, even from "well-meaning" Christians.  

This is the first of what I call my judgment visions.  This vision came to me sometime near the close of 2004, just before hurricane Ivan hit Florida, and before Katrina hit New Orleans.

These visions are warnings to our nation.  God brings discipline to the church and judgment to the nation when we go astray.  His desire is to see the church and the nation repent, and return to him.

The vision:  First I saw four very large women falling down. Then I saw an inflatable toy happy face rolling down a hill.  There was a voice I heard saying, "Judgment, mercy, judgment, mercy, judgment, mercy....." as it rolled.  The toy reminded me of the expression, "Heads will roll!"

What I believe this vision means is this:  The four large women are like the "cows of Bashan," spoken of in the Bible who were self-indulgent women who exploited the poor in order to live in luxury.

"Hear this word you cows of Bashan on Mount Samaria, you women who oppress the poor and crush the needy and say to your husbands, 'Bring us some drinks!'"

"The Sovereign Lord has sworn by his holiness: 'the time will surely; come when you will be taken away with hooks, the last of you with fishhooks.   You will each go straight out through breaks in the wall, and you will be cast out toward Harmon,' declares the Lord." Amos 4:1-3

I believe God intends to bring judgment upon our nation for our immoral and hedonistic ways. our gross consumption of material goods and our lack of real concern for the poor.  We are a pleasure seeking, self-indulgent society that thinks nothing of sacrificing its unborn children to the 'gods' of Convenience and Self-love.  

The four women I believe represent the four quadrants of the U.S.  The Northeast receive  judgment on 9/11. ("God disciplines those whom He loves." Hebrews 12:6)  The nation turned to God in prayer, for only a moment.  Perhaps for two weeks, people came to pray and seek God's comfort.  But repenting of the nation's sin, or the changing of the hearts of people, never came to pass.  

The Southeast received judgments after hurricane upon hurricane hit Florida and the Gulf.  The Southwest has hit with fires and mudslides. But the Northwest or the Heartland was not yet touched.  (2004)  

The part of the vision, "Judgment, mercy..." I believe shows Gods intention.  In his great and desperate love for us, ("Wishing that none would perish," 2 Peter 3:9), he strikes the land with famine, pestilence, disease and natural disasters like the earthquakes.  God first brings a warning, then comes judgment and finally his mercy and salvation towards those that turn to him.

There are many examples of God send calamity and hardship on his people to get their attention and the motivate them to repent and return to God.   "I gave you empty stomach in every city and lack of bread in every town, yet you have not returned to me," declares the Lord.

Also:  "I sent plaques among you as I did to Egypt.  I killed your young men with the sword, along with your captured horses.  I filled your nostrils with the stench of your camps, yet you have not returned to me."  Amos 4:6 & 10

Israel did not repent, but went into captivity.  Nineveh, on the other hand, a pagan nation repented when God gave a warning through the prophet Jonah. 

About two months later, around the 20th of February, 2005, I received another warning vision.  

The vision:  While I was praying, I saw a young girl with blonde hair in a pony tail, wearing a school uniform.  She was standing in a lunchroom holding a lunch tray.  As she looked at her tray, I heard these words, "Among the well fed will come disease."

As I contemplated the vision, I wondered why God chose a child for the vision.  Often, we feel a greater sorrow, and emotional undoing over the loss of an innocent child than one who had lived a full life.  God wants us to feel the pain that he feels for his children.  Just as he had Hosea marry a prostitute who then became an unfaithful wife.  He wanted Hosea, as a prophet, to understand the anguish and pain that he felt towards his unfaithful Israel.  We are the church, his bride.  Are we seeking pleasure, comfort, and material possessions, rather than the presence of God?  No wonder he is warning us -  We need to pray and fast on behalf of our nation.

"I looked for a man among them who would build up the wall and stand before me in the gap on behalf of the land so I would not have to destroy it, but I found none.  So I will pour out my wrath on them and consume them with my; fiery anger, bringing down on their own heads all they have done, declares the Sovereign Lord."  Exekiel 22:30-31


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