Worship God -- Love America

Worship God -- Love America

Hi Everyone,

I hope all is well with you.  Today is a new day.  His mercies are new every morning.  There is nothing like the presence of God to help us know that “all is well.”

With God all things are possible - He is our peace and our great reward -

He will uphold us with his great and mighty arm - He is the lifter of our heads - 

He will raise us up on the last day!

We are so blessed to know him.  What an awesome and wonderful God we serve! He is our peace and our salvation!  Thank you Jesus, you are everything we need.  

Today I want to share three visions that the Lord just gave me last Sunday.  I have cried many tears over these visions, for I saw them as a rebuke to me personally.  But through prayer, he is giving me eyes to see  another interpretation that is for all of us, in this nation.  God has a plan, and he is good.  He will bring to completion what he has begun in us.  Hallelujah!

The Visions

The Heart and the Typewriter

First I saw a very large plastic model of a human heart.  It was almost a foot in height and about 9 inches in diameter.  The heart was a deep clear blue but with red in various places.  The overall appearance was dark.  The veins and arteries of the heart were visible on the surface of the heart.  The heart was mounted vertically as if on a spit.  The metal rod holding the heart was then attached to a black rectangular wooden base with a shaped edge.  

After viewing the heart, the wood base began to turn clockwise, and on the opposite side of a partition was a black old fashioned typewriter.  The typewriter had rounded keys, with white faces and black letters.

I saw this vision as a rebuke to me personally.  I saw the heart as darkened, with the blue color representing coldness. The places of red represented sin.  

The typewriter represented my blog, or the letter I had just written to a friend.  Somehow I felt that the Lord was criticizing me for being too hard in the delivery of my messages and that I was not being led by the Lord but I was writing from my heart. 

“The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?”  Jeremiah 17:9

As I saw the other two visions, I was equally critical of myself.  

The Violin

I saw a woman in a church dressed very conservatively, wearing a jacket and matching mid length straight skirt.  She wore her dark hair in a neat bob.  She was playing a violin white standing in front of a wall that was back lit.

I saw this woman as myself.  “Performing,” rather than engaging in true worship.  I became very upset at the thought that my worship amounted to nothing more than a performance.

The American Flag

Then I saw an American Flag waving, rippling in the air, within a confined rectangular opening.  The flag took up the entire open frame.

Again, I was critical of myself, saying to myself that I am constantly praying for my country, more than anything else, shouldn’t I be praying more for my family and others?

After much personal criticism, tears, and repentance, I asked the Lord if I was interpreting these visions properly. He showed me an article in my study Bible, that showed another side.  At this point I came to realize that I was taking personally something that was meant for the church and our nation.  

It is easy to do this simply because, no one is without sin, and I seem to get convicted of sin every time I write or quote a scripture.  So by receiving these visions and sharing them with you, the Lord is instructing and correcting me too.

Now the Other Interpretation:

The Heart and the Typewriter

The over-size blue plastic heart represents coldness.  “At that time many will turn away from the faith and will betray and hate each other, and many false prophets will appear and deceive many people.  Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold.”  Matthew 24:10-12

The red color swirled into  the blue represents the cause of the coldness - sin and wickedness.

The overall look to the heart was dark.  “For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened.”  Romans 1:21

Darkness is always associated with the demonic realm.  “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.”  Ephesians 6:12

In the vision, after getting a good look at the heart with its surface veins and arteries, the base upon which the heart was mounted, began to turn a full 180 degrees.  The typewriter was on the other side of the partition.  I believe that the typewriter represents the Word of God, expressed by words, letters, and communication.  The typewriter is the answer to combat the lies and darkness that negatively influence people.  The word of God is light and truth.

Jesus used the word of God to strike down the devil’s schemes to tempt the him to sin.  Jesus said over and over: “It is written…”  He quoted scripture as the authority that revealed the truth, and exposed the devil for who he was, “the father of lies.”

We can do the same.  We can use the word of God to declare the truth.  We declare over the situations where darkness has prevailed, that the Word of God stands forever.  “Whatever is hidden in darkness comes into the light!”  

The word of God is called the “sword of the Spirit.”  It is an important weapon to use against the devil’s schemes. 

“Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand.  Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place,  and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace.  In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one.  Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.

And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.”  Ephesians 6:13-18

We see right now that wickedness is all around us.  People are fleeing the cities in droves.  No one wants to live in danger and chaos.  The mayors of these cities and governors of the liberal states are wielding their power like drunken sailors.  They have lost their moral compass and there is no sense among them. We have to see that our nation is in turmoil and that our people are confused and fear-ridden.  

It is now time to pray in the Spirit and declare the word of God over our nation.  Let us fast and pray because the time is short before this election.  God will show himself mightily if we turn to him in repentance, for our sins as well as the sins of our nation.  Please pray earnestly and continually.  Have faith and trust in him, for he is a good father.

Please pray that the minds and hearts of our citizens will be turned back to him.  Pray that the stone-cold hearts will be tender towards God and towards others.  Please pray that the Holy Spirit has his way with us and that he, the revealer of all truth, will speak to the troubled hearts, what they need to hear.  And pray that the blinders over their eyes will be removed.  Hallelujah!

The Woman and the Violin

In this vision, the woman represents the church.  The violin represents worship. There is nothing so wonderful as the presence of God and his glory.  The Lord inhabits the praises of his people.  “Yet you are holy, enthroned on the praises of Israel.”  Psalm 22:3

When we praise God, the powers of darkness are shaken.  They cannot stand in his presence.  When we sing, and shout Hallelujah!  Praise the  Lord! We are declaring to the world that our Lord reigns!  He is King of kings and Lord of lords!  When we see the Lord high and lifted up, when we raise a shout to praise his mighty name, the enemy flees.  

There is a song, “Shout to the Lord,” whose lyrics are:  “The mountains bow down and the seas will roar at the sound of your Name!”  I remember singing this song at the front of the church (the altar), singing with all my heart. Suddenly the Lord’s presence came upon me and threw me back about 6 ft or so.  I landed on my knees and shoulders, with my back arched, my legs tucked underneath me and my head tilted far back on the floor.  I was literally thrown.  There is no way to just fall this way.  I had come so close to God, in my praise of him that physical power was released and I went flying.  I must say that I did not suffer any pain whatsoever.  I must have stayed in that position for a while, for I was deeply touched by his presence.  I could feel the love of God.   

God’s presence is so wonderful.  Of course His Spirit is always with us, but when you feel his presence envelope you, it is like a bit of heaven on earth.  It is in worship and in praying in the Spirit that genuine communion takes place. We come to experience his love, and hear his voice when we are in the Spirit.  He shares his thoughts and reveals himself to us. 

I believe that this vision was given so that we stop, and give the Lord our attention. Whatever we do that takes us away from him needs to end. He is calling us to gather for worship. When we worship together the Lord is in our midst.  God has given us a “time-out” with the corona-virus, but now, we need to come together and worship him!  We need to leave our chambers, and come to meet our Bridegroom.  He is coming soon to take his bride away.  Are you ready?  Is there oil in your lamp?

The American Flag

In this vision I see an open rectangle with the American Flag taking up the entire space. The flag is bright and lively with a rippling movement.  However, the flag is surrounded by this opening, approximately the same size as the flag. This shows restriction or confinement. There is a movement in our nation, that intends to change America, to redefine America. The organized plan is to make America no longer a sovereign, independent, self-reliant, self-determined nation, but a nation that is only one of many. The plan is to make America part of a network of global regions, under one authority.

Making America Great is not part of their plan. These leaders will sabotage America’s future with high taxes, jobs shipped overseas, trade deals that favor other nations, and excessive government regulation, all for personal gain and to guarantee their ability to maintain power. Anyone who would question their motives, they label as racist. Anyone holding to traditional values and moral standards like the church and political conservatives are seen as a hindrance to implementing their vision for America.

Socialists, and Communists alike oppose the freedoms we have guaranteed by our Constitution. Those that embrace these philosophies stand in opposition to God. They will not recognize his sovereignty. They have chosen to side with the enemies of God. They are rebellious.

Just a day ago, at the Democratic National Convention, the words “under God,” were removed twice from the pledge of allegiance. These people will not acknowledge his name, or his existence, because their agenda violates God’s laws. They have every intention of removing him from American life, so that they can promote their own form of morality - whatever profits them the most.

These governmental leaders have placed our churches on lock-down, and at the same time, they have given their support to the protesters who have destroyed our cities, and harmed our citizens. They have with the help of the news media, promoted fear and chaos in an attempt to undermine our American values of God, family, truth, justice, and free enterprise. They have shown their real intentions by their actions and mandates: “You do not have the right to assemble” “We will take away your right to defend yourself.” “We will censor and remove any conversations or opinions from the social platforms that contradict our narrative.”

The Church and God’s laws which form the basis of morality, are an affront to those who want to promote anarchy, sexual perversity, and the murder of unborn children. However, as long as the church, the Bride of Christ, remains on this earth, the Holy Spirit living within her will continue to restrain evil.

America needs an awakening—a revival. Our nation needs to return to God. For us to regain our identity as a nation and to live in peace and harmony, we must become a nation that fears God and obeys his moral code, the Ten Commandments. 

And so we repent on behalf of our nation, and its leaders. We pray for a revival, and for healing and trust to be reestablished in our government. We pray that the laws of our nation will reflect God’s laws, and his will for us.  

I have not yet shared a vision with you concerning this nation — but the Lord has shown me that someday in the future, perhaps even with this coming election, the White House and the legislative body, and the government agencies will all be entirely corrupt.  Persecution of Christians will come and it will not be safe for us to carry a Bible or meet together openly.

But until that day arrives, we continue to pray for God’s wisdom, grace and mercy to be poured out upon the leaders of our nation, our states and our municipalities. We pray also that their hearts will not be led astray by power, greed and lust.

“I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people—for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.” 1 Timothy 2:1-2

We are at a critical time, for wickedness is everywhere.  So let us pray in the Spirit and vote in the flesh! We need to elect more God-fearing men and women to the Congress and to the Senate. We need to re-elect our president and pray for more conservative judges to be appointed to the courts.   

“The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.”  Psalm 18:2

God bless you all, and know that no matter what the outcome of the election, God is still on the throne. Let’s lift up our voices to him and give a shout of victory, for with God all things are possible. We must always keep the Lord in focus, remembering his words: “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33

Please share this message with your friends and fellow believers. And share the gospel with everyone. Let’s praise his holy name! Jesus is Lord! God bless you!

Falling Away

Falling Away

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Judgment, Deliverance and Salvation