Judgment, Deliverance and Salvation

Judgment, Deliverance and Salvation

Hi Everyone,

I hope you are all well.  Today I am writing about three visions that the Lord gave to me just about a week ago.  Along with these three visions, I also was given a word: UBIQUITOUS.  I have to admit that I had heard the word many times, yet was not certain as to its meaning so I looked it up: 

Ubiquitous - adjective present, appearing, or found everywhere

"his ubiquitous influence was felt by all the family" (Omnipresent, ever-present, appearing everywhere)

The synonym omnipresent describes one aspect of God.  Ever-present describes an ongoing, or everlasting event or condition.  So let us see how this word helps to interpret the following three visions.


The Visions

First I saw a tiny metal bucket lying on its side.  It was only about the size of a shot glass, about 2.5” in height and 2” in diameter at the brim.  The bucket had a handle made of a straw like material, slightly twisted.  Each strand was of a different color.

Next, I saw two brown horses, nearly identical.  They were running and both suddenly disappeared behind a stand of trees.  Then in the foreground, I saw one of the brown horses emerge from the ground, close to the base of a tree.  The horse’s face had a rather wild-eyed expression, as if it was escaping from a predator, or from some sort of danger.  I only saw the head of the horse coming from the ground.  The body was still beneath, and the other horse was not seen at all.

Then I saw two bananas lying next to each other, with the tighter curved side facing downward and the longer curved side facing upward.  I could not tell if they were attached to each other at the top.  I only saw the yellow peels covering each banana.

What I believe the visions mean:

The Bucket

There is a scripture in the Bible that has inspired the phrase, “a drop in the bucket.”   It is this:

“Surely the nations are like a drop in a bucket.  They are regarded as dust on the scales; He weighs the islands as though they were fine dust…...Before him all the nations are as nothing, they are regarded as worthless.”  Isaiah 40:15 and 17.

In the vision, the bucket laid upon its side, as if it were thrown down, or tipped over.  No one cared to set it upright. It was left there and forgotten.  If the bucket were the universe, the nations would be only a drop, infinitesimally small.  And in comparison to God, this is exactly true. The bucket in the vision is so small that we must see that everything compared to God is as nothing. 

If the bucket represents the world or the universe and a mere drop represents a nation, then what does the handle represent?  Because it is multicolored, I believe that it represents the various races of people around the globe. The colored strands of the handle are gathered together and given a slight twist so that they do not separate as they form an arch when attached to the bucket.  I believe that the handle represents the people of the world uniting and acting together as one.  This union may be a treaty or agreement between nations, or an organization like the United Nations.

This vision reminds me of the tower of Babel when the people of the earth gathered in the Plain of Shinar to construct a city and a tall tower to make a name for themselves.  God saw their intentions and their desire to exalt themselves.  This same intention to be independent of God, and to be as God, was very much like the devil’s own rebellion. “You said in your heart: ‘I will ascend to the heavens; I will raise my throne above the stars of God. I will sit on the mount of assembly, in the far reaches of the north.’”  Isaiah 14:13  

So when people unite to make a treaty, or an alliance, or to make a name for themselves, they make their decisions without a reliance on God.  They demonstrate their independence from him.  They basically say,  “We can do this on our own,  we don’t need to consult with God.”  What is most important to them, is to be seen and revered as a great power, or as a most important nation or leader.  Human exaltation and pride is always seen where there is no fear of God.

“God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble."  James 4:6

The bucket is on its side, it has been dropped, or thrown down.  This represents judgment.  I believe that the message that the Lord is giving us is that he will bring judgment against all the prideful nations that ignore God, and exalt themselves.

Just this past week, the president of China, Xi Jinping hinted that he intended to become China’s leader for life, reminiscent of the past leader who ruled until his death at 82 years old.  The hint was in his plan to rule for the next 15 years which would bring him to the age of 82.

The Sins of China

China is currently receiving strong criticism from many nations, especially from the United States because of their aggressive behavior in the South China Seas, and using technology to  spy on citizens around the world.  It has been acting as a loan shark to many small nations and corporations to gain control, when they default on their loans.  It has placed its own people in various corporations as spies to steal trade secrets and intellectual property.   But by far what is most wicked is their treatment of their own population.  They imprison anyone that speaks out against their regime.  The U.S has placed sanctions on individuals in leadership that are promoting oppression and persecution of various groups within their borders.  God uses governments like our own to bring discipline to another nation.  China is a bad actor in many respects.  They are persecuting Muslims, Christians, and practitioners of Qigong.  They are using political prisoners and those they persecute as slave labor.  And they are harvesting organs from live people.  They have  already taken control of Hong Kong implementing the National Security Law to arrest dissenters and anyone who stands for democracy and free enterprise in Hong Kong.  

God’s Judgment

I believe that China is undergoing God’s judgement right now.  Everyday for months China has been hit with one natural disaster after another.  China has suffered historical record breaking floods in the south, with over 300 rivers at flood stage for weeks.  They have had over 45 days of continuous rain.  The largest dam in the world was forced to open all its floodgates and keep them open, as the huge amount of water threatened the dam.  With the force of the water, a 1000 year old bridge from the Ming Dynasty was washed away.  And now the most important site for government and history, Beijing’s Tienanmen Square is flooded.  Hail has also fallen from the sky during these rains in the shape of the corona virus.  They are balls of ice with spikes all over their surfaces.

And more unusual happenings: snowflakes were falling in Beijing on a hot summer day.  And in another region, there was a surprise 40 degree drop in temperature followed by knee deep snow.  

Intense lightning strikes, fireballs and mudslides came with the heavy rains. While the rains and flooding were severe, a typhoon was added to the equation.  Tornadoes, and 9 earthquakes within 6 days hit China.  The northern portion of China by contrast has been experiencing a drought.  

The corona virus is still having a great effect on the people of China.  And one community was locked down not because of the corona virus, but because of a death from the bubonic plague.  There is also a new strain of the swine flu called G4, which is infecting pigs. 

The spring and summer harvests have been devastated by flooding and swarms of locusts in the south, and drought in the north.  Much of the grain that was in storage has been reported to have been ruined by mold and blight, so that food shortage is now becoming a real problem.  The people have been told not to waste food.

I believe that these numerous and intense natural disasters are judgments against China.  But remember the word “ubiquitous”?

I believe that the Lord would have us see that what is going on in China is judgment.  And that every prideful nation who does not acknowledge God and who does evil will also be held accountable.  

The judgment of God will be omnipresent, everywhere.  The United States is no exception.  Every nation that exalts itself above the knowledge of God will come under the wrath of God.  

I have many visions about the Lord’s patience as well as his frustration and anger over the rebellious ways of the world.  Jesus warned us of events like these coming upon the earth, but he referred to them as “birth pains.”  He said, “You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come.  Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places.  All these are the beginning of birth pains.

 “Then you will be handed over to be persecuted and put to death, and you will be hated by all nations because of me.  At that time many will turn away from the faith and will betray and hate each other,  and many false prophets will appear and deceive many people.  Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold,  but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved.  And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.”  Matthew 24:6-14

If you would like to learn more about what is going on in the rest of the world, I would like to introduce you to a few excellent news shows that are available on Youtube:

Crossroads with Joshua Philipp  and China in Focus with Tiffany Meier  

These shows will give the news without all the political hype and emotion seen on many news channels.   I think these news sources will help you to gain a greater understanding of the events that affect our nation and those around the world.  We need to be abreast of the events in the world so that we can pray effectively.

The Two Horses 

In this vision the two brown horses were running free.  They ran behind a stand of trees, or into a forested area and disappeared from sight.  Then a second or two later, one of the horses emerged from the ground, not from a hole, but by pushing up through the earth.  The horse’s body was still in the ground, only its head came through.  The expression on the horse’s face was wild, as in a panic.

I believe that the horse represents everyday people.  He was running with a friend, seemingly without a care. The stand of trees or the forest, I believe represents,  deception.  I have an earlier vision that explains this relationship or symbolism.   You can read this to understand more:  The Forest of Deception. 

Both horses entered the forest and became deceived.  One remained in deception, the horse that I did not see, and the other broke through the ground, close to the base of a tree.  The horse that pushed up through the ground, was not entirely free because its body was still beneath the ground.  

Anything found below  the surface of the ground we think of as hell, death or the nether world.  I would say that in the vision the ground represents the realm of the demonic forces.  The person represented by the horse had a revelation of the truth, because he came up, into the light.  He knows that he was deceived, and he understands that he must break away from whatever has been  holding him.  By his expression, we know that he is being pursued by a demonic power, and his greatest desire right now is to be set free. 

So many people are in bondage because of sinful desires, and by engaging in sinful acts.  Jesus said, “But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart.”  Matthew 5:28

Sin, in all its forms, will lead to demonic influence and to bondage.   A black cloud follows some people who seem to constantly make bad decisions and have poor relationships with others. It seems that things are continually going wrong for them. They may blame others, and never take responsibility for their sinful actions, their choices or decisions.

People can be enticed by their own fleshly desires.  Or the tempter can make suggestions that cause them to sin.   Either way, both result in bondage.  The only way to freedom is to renounce sin, to repent or turn away from sin,  and to experience godly sorrow over that sin.  

Simply being sorry that you got caught in sin, or that you “learned your lesson,” will not restore you to a right relationship with the Lord.  What is needed is to see that when we sin, we break God’s law, (The Ten Commandments), and we deserve to be punished.  The punishment for sin is eternal death or hell.   If we do not receive this revelation, then we will not appreciate the Lord’s forgiveness, and we will not be truly born again.  

We need a savior because we do not want to spend our eternity in hell, and there is no amount of money or pleading that will change God’s mind.  The only payment for sin is the Lord’s own precious blood.  His perfect, sinless life became a ransom for us.   We cannot be forgiven without accepting his blood as atonement for our sins, and without accepting his unconditional Lordship over us.  This is really an exchange or a transaction.   He redeems us by his blood and in exchange, we surrender our right to ourselves. We are purchased by God and  belong to him.   “You are not your own; you were bought at a price.” 1 Corinthians 6:20

We are forever indebted to him.   And our response to his personal sacrifice for us should come from a grateful heart and expressed as love.  He loved us and he died for us. 

“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whosoever believes in him, shall not perish but have everlasting life.”  John 3:16       

When we give ourselves to the Lord, he gives us his Holy Spirit to dwell within each of us.  The Holy spirit is known as the Comforter, and the Spirit of truth.  He leads us and guides us into all truth.  

Jesus becomes our Lord, our king, our Savior, our healer, our deliverer, our all-in-all and the lover of our soul.  The commitment we make with him is forever, just like wedding vows.  We are his bride and he is our groom.  It is a relationship based on love, a supernatural, spiritual love.  He becomes our delight, our song, our joy and our treasured possession.  

We are not only the Lord’s bride, but we are also his devoted servant:

“Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God?  You are not your own; you were bought at a price.  Therefore honor God with your bodies.”  1 Corinthians 6:19-20

If you want to be free of the bondages of sin, and have not given your life to the Lord Jesus, then I would ask that you pray with me, this prayer for salvation:  

A Prayer for Salvation

Dear Jesus, I know that you are God.  You are a part of a trinity:  God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy  Spirit—three in one.  I know that you died on a cross to pay the debt for my sins, and the sins of others.  I have sinned in my thoughts, in the words I have spoken and the things that I have done and failed to do,  I am truly sorry, and I ask for your forgiveness.  I know that you rose from the dead and that you are in heaven.  I ask that you send  the Counselor, the Holy Spirit to come and live in me, and lead me into all truth.  I ask that you write my name in the book of life.  I ask that you help me to live my life for you, and give me the assurance that I am born again, never to return to my old ways.   I am yours, I have been purchased by your precious blood, and I now belong to you.  You are my Lord, my Savior and my God.  I know that you will never leave me nor forsake me, so help me to be faithful to you.  And I ask that you will keep me close to you all the days of my life.   And I look forward to spending all eternity with you in heaven.  Thank you Jesus!  Amen!    

Some believers continue to feel that they need additional healing or deliverance after being born again.  They may not feel that they are living in victory over sin, or that they are not entirely free. If you feel that you still have “issues,” and that you are still in bondage, then there may be some things in your life from which you need to be set free. 

I have a post that addresses generational curses:  A Curse to be Broken  I hope you will read this for greater understanding and freedom.

There is also a great book that I would recommend to you called: Generational Prayers (2018 edition) by Paul L. Cox.  

Consider this passage of scripture: 

“Is anyone among you sick? Let them call the elders of the church to pray over them and anoint them with oil in the name of the Lord.  And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise them up. If they have sinned, they will be forgiven.  Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.”  James 5:14-16

Sometimes sickness and sin go together.  Sin can cause mental, physical and emotional illnesses. To be free, we need to confess that sin.  As long as sin remains hidden because of fear of exposure, or shame, the enemy of our souls has opportunity to torment us.  But once the sin is brought into the light, there can be no more shame, or fear, for it is exposed.  The darkness has to flee when things are brought into the light.  So no matter the cost to us personally, it is by far better to be free, and to live without fear.  

“I have come as light into the world, so that everyone who believes in Me will not remain in darkness.“ John 12:46

“This is the message we have heard from him and declare to you: God is light; in him there is no darkness at all. If we claim to have fellowship with him and yet walk in the darkness, we lie and do not live out the truth. But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin.

If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.  If we claim we have not sinned, we make him out to be a liar and his word is not in us.”  1 John 1:5-10

The Two Bananas

The two bananas were facing downward with their larger curved side facing up.  What I was reminded of immediately when I saw the two bananas, were two people praying as Middle Eastern people do with their faces to the ground, their legs tucked under them, and their backs rounded.  

In exercise this is called “child’s pose.”  

This is also a position of surrender, demonstrating subordination of a servant before his master.  It is also a position to give honor or reverence to a ruler or king.  

I believe that this vision is important, for another reason.  If these two bananas are joined at the stems, as most bananas are when growing in clusters, another meaning is presented.  As I was praying, I asked God to give me insight into its meaning.  I came upon this passage of scripture:  

“Yes, and I beg you also, my faithful yoke-fellow, to help these women who have shared my toil in connection with the Good News, together with Clement and the rest of my fellow laborers, whose names are recorded in the Book of Life.”  Philippians 4:3

The word that stood out was the word “yoke-fellow.”  Which means two people who are yoked together.  A yoke-fellow might be a partner in marriage, or a partner in business or a very close friend.  The two bananas are yoke-fellows for they are approximately the same color, have the same size, and same ripeness.  They share the same place of attachment.

The importance of this vision is to describe godly relationships approved by the Lord.  And there are also relationships of which the Lord does not approve.  His command to us as believers is to not allow ourselves to be unequally yoked with non-believers.  

“Do not be yoked together with unbelievers.  For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common?  Or what fellowship can light have with darkness?  What harmony is there between Christ and Belial?  Or what does a believer have in common with an unbeliever?  What agreement is there between the temple of God and idols?  For we are the temple of the living God.  As God has said, ‘I will live with them and walk among them, and I will be their God, and they will be by people.”  2 Corinthians 6:14-16

What this means is to not have close relationships with people who do not believe that Jesus is God.  The Lord does not want us to compromise our faith. It is okay to be around people who believe differently, but when we have close friendships with non-believers, we can make compromises that are detrimental to our faith.  We are to build ourselves up in our most holy faith, not compromise and become complacent, or doubtful of our own beliefs.

If you remember, the Israelites were firmly instructed many times not to marry foreign women, because they would be swayed towards their wives’ beliefs and their children would follow foreign gods.  That is what happened to King Solomon as he chose to take many foreign women as wives.  

At first, Solomon, as a very young king, gained the Lord’s favor because he was humble.  He knew that to rule over Israel, he would need the Lord’s help.  But as he was given great power, wisdom and favor with the nations around him, his heart was led astray, and he was no longer fully devoted to God.

“So Solomon did evil in the eyes of the Lord.  He did not follow the Lord completely, as David his father had done.  On a hill east of Jerusalem, Solomon built a high place for Chemosh the detestable god of Moab, and for Molek the detestable god of the Ammonites.  He did the same for all his foreign wives, who burned incense and offered sacrifices to their gods.  The Lord became angry with Solomon because his heart had turned away from the Lord, the God of Israel, who had appeared to him twice.”  1 Kings 11:6-9

The Lord wants our faith to remain secure.  The danger in developing close relationships with people who are not believers, is that we become like the company we keep.  “Walk with the wise and become wise, for a companion of fools suffers harm.”  Proverbs 13:20

I have another post on this same topic called:  “Two Donkeys.”  God used this vision to direct me to give up a friendship that my husband and I had with a Muslim man and his wife.  She and I had developed a relationship because we were neighbors and our sons were friends.  But after receiving this vision, I knew that it was important to God, and important for my faith and my relationship with him, that I end our friendship.

The vision of the bananas was given to me after I went to see another Muslim friend who I had not seen in six years.  She and her husband rejected the gospel when I had presented it to them years before, hence the six year hiatus.  Now things had changed, so I asked the Lord if I should try again. She had been trying to reach me, and she had told me that she was no longer with her husband.  This vision of two bananas was the Lord’s answer.   

The bananas in the vision are identical.  They represent being equally yoked.  They are side by side in a position giving honor and reverence to the same authority.  Just as the scripture above has pointed out, this vision confirms again that to be equally yoked means to share the same faith.  By contrast, she and I have very different beliefs.   It is possible that through my prayers and my blog, she may receive the Lord and salvation.  But I know that to restart our friendship without her interest in knowing the Lord, would not be his will.

If the situation were like that of Naomi and Ruth, things would be quite different.  Naomi was an Israelite from Bethlehem.  Ruth was her daughter-in-law, a Moabitess. Naomi had moved to Moab with her husband and two sons, when Israel had a severe drought bringing hardship and famine.  After many years, her husband and two sons died in Moab.  Naomi felt that the two young women that her sons married, should return to their families and she should return to  Israel.  So Naomi decided to move back to Bethlehem to be with her relatives and her people.  She tried to encourage her two daughter-in-laws to return to their own families and remain in Moab with their own people.  The one daughter-in-law decided to go back with her family, but Ruth chose to stay with Naomi.  She told Naomi, “Don’t urge me to leave you or turn back from you.  Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay.  Your people will be my people and your God will be my God.”  Ruth 1:16  

So I will continue to pray for my friend and her family, and encourage her to seek the Lord.  If she shows no interest or is adamantly opposed to the idea, then I will have to leave her once again. Perhaps the Lord will send someone else to share the gospel with her when she is more ready and willing to receive the “Good News.”   Only God knows the heart and the best timing.

It is important for us to share the gospel with everyone who will listen.  But Jesus also warns us: “Do not give dogs what is sacred; do not throw your pearls to pigs.  If you do, they may trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces.”  Matthew 7:6  

The last time I had shared the gospel with her and her husband, six years ago, it did not go well.  I knew that it was time to leave.  Now I will simply wait upon the Lord and follow his directions.

God is faithful.  He loves all people and wants none to be lost.  I know that whatever he says to me, or instructs me to do is best.  I will always remember what he said to me before, “Do not go where I have not sent you.”  

So I say, “Not my will but yours be done.”

Thanks for reading.  And please share this message, and of course share the gospel!  God is good and we have to let everyone know!  Be blessed!

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Worship God -- Love America

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Following Jesus