The Church - Unprepared?

The Church - Unprepared?

Hi Friends,

I hope you are well, and ready to start the new year with a greater commitment to pray and seek the Lord.  When all is said and done, the only thing the Lord is really interested in is a relationship with you.  There is nothing that you can say to him, that would convince him that whatever you are doing is more important than spending time with him.  Every emergency, every fire that you try to put out, every relationship you are trying to mend or appease, is nothing for God.  He can do immeasurably more than you can do apart from him.

God is all powerful.  Why don’t we spend time with him and ask him for help?  Why is he the last resort rather than the first response of our hearts?  

The visions I am sharing with you today, came to me Sunday while praying before church.  The vision came in six parts, but I will share the first three with you today. 

The Vision

First I found myself inside a church.  I was standing at the threshold of the opening in the wall that connected the vestibule with the sanctuary.  I looked up, and just above me, on the wall of the sanctuary were two pairs of legs.  It appeared that there were two women sitting on a shelf mounted over the doorway.  All I could see were their legs hanging down.  They were wearing leather shoes with 2 ½” heels.  In the past, they might be described as “sensible” shoes.

Next I saw two potatoes on a white plate.  They were fairly clean, raw, medium size, and still in their skins.

Then I saw a small white dog coming out of a building, which I believe to be a church.  Since I am standing at the threshold of the door, the dog does not walk around me, but instead, walks between my legs as he exits.  The dog looks at the long, wide set of steps leading down to the street below and turns around and goes back into the building in another door to my immediate left.

This is what I believe the parts of the vision mean:

The Women on a Shelf

I believe that the two women on a shelf in the sanctuary represent demons.  They are in the sanctuary, but not part of the congregation.  They are sitting up high over the threshold, showing that they are of a higher realm than we on the earth.  Demons are in what we call the second heaven.  The devil, is sometimes called “the prince of the air.”  What we call heaven or paradise, is where God is, in the third heaven.

Paul writes in defense of his position as apostle to the Gentiles:  “I must go on boasting.  Although there is nothing to be gained, I will go on to visions and revelations from the Lord.  I know a man in Christ who fourteen years ago was caught up to the third heaven.  Whether it was in the body or out of the body I do not know -- God knows.  And I know that this man -- whether in the body or apart from the body I do not know, but God knows -- was caught up to paradise.  He heard inexpressible things, things that man is not permitted to tell.  I will boast about a man like that, but I will not boast about myself, except about my weaknesses.”  2 Corinthians 12:1-5

Jesus describes Satan being cast out of the third heaven towards earth:  “I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven.”  Luke 10:18

It was rebellion against God, that caused Satan to fall.  “You said in your heart, ‘I will ascend to the heavens; I will raise my throne above the stars of God; I will sit enthroned on the mount of assembly, on the utmost heights of Mount Zaphon.  I will ascend above the tops of the clouds.  I will make myself like the Most High.’  But you are brought down to the realm of the dead, to the depths of the pit.”  Isaiah 14:13-15

So Satan and his demons live in the second realm, yet operate here on the earth to cause havoc especially with God’s people.

These two women, I believe are demons, who are sitting on this shelf or perch, where they can view what is going on in the church.  The devil would like to stop the move of God, to stop worship, to distract people from connecting with God in the Spirit.  The devil wants to steal the glory from God, as he has said in the scriptures:  “I will make myself like the Most High.”

The devil wants our worship, and he will do whatever it takes to keep true worship of the Father from the believer’s heart.  It is with lies, and false reasonings that he presents to the mind of the believer, thoughts which cause doubt, fear and unbelief.  These false conclusions that are persuasively presented take away the honor and glory that is due the Father.

These demons have noted our worship and are here to cause disunity, discord, and dysfunction among the congregation.  They are here to cause confusion and rejection of truth, in favor of lies, gossip, and slander.

“We are not unaware of the devil’s schemes.” 2 Corinthians 2:11  

We must not succumb to the plans of the enemy.   Instead, we must walk in love and understanding, compassion and forgiveness.  “Be devoted to one another in love.  Honor one another above yourselves.”  Romans 12:10

Two Potatoes on a White Plate

The two potatoes are presented on a white plate as a serving.  But these potatoes are far from being ready to eat.  They are not peeled, not cooked: not baked, not broiled, not fried.  They are raw still in their skins.  In a word, these potatoes are unprepared.  

The white plate represents service.  We call a complete table setting, silverware, plate, salad bowl, glass, stemware, cup w/saucer, bread plate, and dessert plate as a complete service.  Often we will buy plates in sets of four referring to it as a “service” for four.

When we see the potatoes, unpeeled, uncooked, and unprepared on a white plate, what I believe God is saying is that the Church is unprepared for his service.  The plate is white, and refers to his holy and good service.  This is primarily a “state of the union” address to the Church.  The Church is unprepared for his work.

Isn’t the job of the leaders, the pastor, and teachers in the church to prepare the people for works of service unto the Lord?  Isn’t it the job of every follower of Jesus to be separate from the world and its values?  Are we not to dedicate ourselves to the reading and studying of the Word of God, to be submitted to God and to those he places in authority?  Are we not to spend our time in the presence of God and in worship to him?  Aren’t we called to pray without ceasing?

If the Church is unprepared for works of service, what can we do?  

The potato is a staple.  It is a basic food in an ordinary meal, similar to rice or bread.  God wants us to get back to the basics of his teachings.  The sermon on the mount, is like a summary or syllabus to a college course.  It covers much of what the Lord teaches.  Parts of this teaching can be extremely blunt.  The Lord does not mince words, or candy coat his messages to us.  He wants us to be aware there is a heaven and a hell.  There are ramifications for our choices, decisions, and even our inmost thoughts.  Joshua said it all: “Choose this day whom you will serve…..But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.”  Joshua 24:15

I believe that we are living in the end times.  Persecution may very well be in our future.  We must be discipled, and ready to serve where the Lord will place us.  We need to be prepared for what is ahead.  We need to be prepared for his return.

“Be dressed ready for service and keep your lamps burning, like men waiting for their master to return from a wedding banquet, so that when he comes and knocks they can immediately open the door for him.  It will be good for those servants whose master finds them watching when he comes.  I tell you the truth, he will dress himself to serve, will have them recline at the table and will come and wait on them……..You also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him.”  Luke 12:35-37, 40

The Dog

I believe that there are multiple interpretations of this vision.  I would like for you to consider who the dog represents in your life.

Generally a dog has always been a symbol of faithfulness.  A dog may faithfully wait at the door for its owner to return home.  (Very much like the parable that I just mentioned above.  The servant who is faithfully waiting for his master to return.)  A dog is always glad to see its owner, greeting him or her with excitement as if it is the highlight of his day.  If the owner asks the dog to come, generally the dog will respond in obedience.  Dogs are watchful and protect their owners and property from thieves, predators, and physical harm.  The dog then, represents a faithful servant.

The building seems to be a traditional church, set up high on the property, with a wide set of stairs and multiple front doors leading into a common vestibule, just before the sanctuary.

The small white dog comes from the inside of the church through one of the front exterior doors.  He takes a few steps forward, looks at the steps leading downward toward the street.  He turns around and decides to re-enter the church, but through a different door.

I believe that the dog represents believers who become disenchanted with the church they are attending and decide to leave.  Some believers would leave the faith altogether.  We call this apostasy.  They choose to ignore the teachings of God, and choose to follow their own deceitful hearts.  The Bible speaks of a great “falling away,”  when there will be people leaving the faith in great numbers, choosing to follow a false doctrine, a false religion or a false teacher or prophet.  “At that time, many will turn away from the faith, and will betray and hate each other.” Matthew 24:10

The set of stairs represents the wide road of which Jesus speaks.  “Enter through the narrow gate.  For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it.  But narrow is the gate and difficult the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.” Matthew 7:12-14

The stairs that go downward to the street, represent the direction downward, away from the church, and towards hell.

The small dog, represents believers, because the dog is white.  

The dog chooses to not go down the stairs, leading to hell, but instead turns around.  Turning around represents the act of repentance.  It is a deliberate act of our will, to turn away from sin, and commit our ways to God.

The dog also did not go through the same door, but chose a different door to return.  I believe this represents the idea of becoming born-again. “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is an new creation.  The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.”  2 Corinthians 5:17

It can also mean that the dog, representing a believer who was a backslider and has now re-dedicated himself to the Lord, chooses to go to a different church.  He may choose a church that is filled with the Spirit of God, rather than a church that simply follows the traditions of man.

The dog may represent people in the church who hunger for more of God, and purposefully leave a complacent church in order to find a church that is passionate for the Lord and his presence.

For me personally, I see yet another possibility and an answer to my prayer.  Because the dog departed from the church through the door where I was standing, and through my legs, rather than going around them, the dog may represent my own children, to whom I gave birth.   The dog came from between my legs to the outside, where he choose for himself, to not go down the stairs leading to hell, but to repent and enter the church, which represents the kingdom of God.   

Hallelujah!  It is always a blessing and a celebration when a friend or loved one comes to know the Lord and chooses to follow him. “In the same way, I tell you that there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than ninety nine people who do not need to repent.” Luke 15:7

All heaven rejoices!  Salvation is a miracle.  It is the Lord’s work. “No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws him, and I will raise him up at the last day.”  John 6:44

God draws our sons and our daughters to himself and to the Lord Jesus.  It also says in the Word of God, “I am the way the truth and the life.  No one comes to the Father except through me.”   John 4:16 

So we must come to the Lord Jesus to have life — and we cannot come unless the Father has drawn us.  Our prayers to the Lord on behalf of our loved ones must be:  “Lord, God and Father, draw our loved ones to your Son.  Save them.  Turn them towards you.  Let them know your voice!!”

There is still one more interpretation to the vision, when you take all the pieces together.  Unfortunately, I am not happy to write this, but I feel the Lord is compelling me to write: 

The two women are demons who would like to cause division in the church.  They will attempt to pit one group against another.  The potatoes, are the unprepared church that is caught off guard, who do not choose to walk in the way of love but choose to take sides.  The dog represents the faithful who are leaving the church because of someone. In the vision I represent someone with whom they take issue. They are leaving because of someone like myself who has offended them. However, they do not want to leave the church entirely, because they choose a different door. By this, they choose to attend another church.

I am sorry to have to share this interpretation with you.  But you can see that this is a common and sad story of the American church.  Believers go from church to church looking for perfect people and for people who do things like they do.  Only God is perfect.  As believers, we cannot afford to get offended.  Offense is a favorite weapon in the enemy’s arsenal. When it comes to creating church splits and causing people to stop attending church, offense is the weapon of choice.

We must choose to not take offense, but walk in love and forgiveness. “If possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.”   Romans 12:18 

In Summary

We must be aware of the enemy’s schemes to distract us, and take us off course.  Apostasy is a real possibility.

We as the church need to be discipled, trained in righteousness, and prepared for the Lord’s service. Those responsible to equip the saints for works must be diligent in doing so.  We also need to be prepared for potential persecution and the Lord’s imminent return.  

We need to pray for the backsliders, and those who claim to be believers yet are living in sin.  Only God can change a heart.  We must pray without ceasing, expecting that the Lord will turn their hearts to himself.

“is my arm too short to save?”    Isaiah 59:1 

“The Lord answered Moses, ‘'Is the Lord’s arm too short?  Now you will see whether or not My word shall come to pass.’” Numbers 11:23 

We say to the Lord:  “No, Lord, your arm is not too short to save!  Your will, will be done on earth as it is in heaven!”

Please share this with a friend.  I would love for these messages to reach everyone.  God loves us all and wants everyone to be saved!  Be blessed! 


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