Cut Off the Hair

Hi Friends,

I am trying to keep my promise to those of you who read, that I will post more frequently and try to keep my visions shorter.  This past Saturday, I had a three part vision as I was in intercession with our prayer group.  Today’s message came in response to our prayers.

The vision:

A Motorcycle

First I saw that I was up high, standing on a rocky surface, in a mountainous area.   Looking down from above, I could see between the boulders, that there was a paved path.  From the right, I saw a man on a motorcycle wearing a helmet with a tinted viser, riding on the narrow path below.

I believe that he was the Lord’s angel, dispatched in answer to our prayers, for this was not the first vision I have received with angels riding on their motor cycles!

This morning our prayers were about loved ones caught up in addictive pastimes.  One friend’s two sons spent two days straight playing video games, even denying themselves a night’s rest.  They were obviously obsessed with their games, finding it difficult to stop.  Many young boys and men  are addicted to  gaming on their phones, and computers.  For some, it may be the only outside activity they have.   They can get so engrossed in their pastimes, that the things which need to get done, are neglected or dismissed altogether.   Women and men both can get caught up in social media, and television and waste numerous hours which could have been spent more productively or with the family.

The enemy wants to get us hooked on things that consume our time and energy.  The enemy wants to keep us so distracted that we do nothing for the Lord.  He would love to shipwreck our lives, our health and our relationships.  Obsessions like gaming, gambling, drinking, drugs, sexual lusts, and even “innocent”  pastimes, can absolutely ruin an individual, a marriage, or other family relationships.  Obsessions like these can greatly hinder one’s ability to keep a job, or pay the rent or mortgage. 

I know of a young woman who after working all day, preferred to spend time with her horse at the stable, rather than spending time with her own child.  

I know of a young father who would rather play video games, at home after work, than to play with his children.

But with God……..

When our hearts are focused, and our prayers are purposeful and declarative, we can break the spiritual ties that bind our friends and loved ones to their addictions.   Instead, we bind up, in the name of Jesus, the demonic forces that deceive and entice people to sin.   We bind up rebellious attitudes that cause dissension, disrespect for authority, and chaos in the home.  Prayers that carry authority are prayers of agreement and prayers that are sourced in a heart that is devoted to God.

If you have a loved one or friend that is so bound, start fasting and praying for their deliverance.  God will hear and respond.  We must break the hold the enemy has on them.

A Curtain

Next I saw a two panel curtain.  In the center, where the two panels came together, I could clearly see that the panel on the left was 2” shorter than the panel on the right.  As I looked at the hems of these panels, the left panel began to grow to the same length as the panel on the right.

The panel on the left represents the situation as it is in the natural. The panel on the right represents God’s standard of perfection - what he deems is right.  Everything is to be judged by God’s standards.  In this case, the left panel in the natural, falls short of his standard.   However, Through our prayers, the left panel grew in length to match the one on the right.

Day in and day out we present our petitions concerning people and circumstances to God.  We ask for God’s intervention for those things that are seen in the natural, to conform to God’s perfect design and holy standard, which is supernatural or heavenly.

Hallelujah!  Thank you Jesus for showing us by the curtain panel, that grew to match the one on the right, that our prayers were effective.  That is why the Lord instructs us to pray for God’s will to be done.  “Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.”    Matthew 6:10  Praise the Lord!

When we pray in agreement with his Holy Spirit, as revealed in the word of God, or by praying in the Spirit, (in tongues) we are praying the perfect will of the Father.   So be it!  Amen!

The Doll and the Scissors

Many a little girl has expressed the desire to cut their doll’s hair.  In the vision, the little girl was sitting with her knees bent under her.  She held the doll’s hair with her left hand and cut off the locks with the scissors in her right hand.  There was no indecision about her actions and her determination to do what was in her heart.

The little girl represents the women in the Saturday morning intercessory group who were praying with that same determination.  The doll whose hair she held in her left hand, represents the enemy, the forces of darkness that hold our loved ones captive.  The scissors represent the Spirit led prayers that were intent on destroying the enemy’s power.  Through prayer we were able to cut off the source of the enemy’s hold on our loved ones, for whom we were praying.

If you remember the story of Samson and Delilah, Delilah was Samson’s Philistine lover who enticed him to tell her the source of his great strength.  After several days of Delilah’s incessant pleading, he finally gave in.  Samson told her that the great power that manifested in him, came from the Nazarite vows his mother had made to God for him, and by his choice he kept.  

As the story goes, when Samson fell asleep, Delilah cut off his hair.   When he awoke, he was surprised to find that his supernatural strength and the Spirit of God had departed.  He was easily captured by the Philistines and his eyes were put out. 

His strength did not return to him until his hair had grown out and he asked permission from God to destroy his enemies.  “‘Sovereign Lord, remember me.  Please, God, strengthen me just once more, and let me with one blow get revenge on the Philistines for my two eyes.’  Then Samson reached toward the two central pillars on which the temple stood.  Bracing himself against them, his right hand on the one and his left hand on the other.  Samson said,  ‘Let me die with the Philistines!’  Then he pushed with all his might, and down came the temple on the rulers and all the people in it.  Thus he killed many more when he died than while he lived.” Judges 16:28-30

The little girl, not only represents the women of our prayer group, but she represents all of God’s faithful people.  The Lord gives us power over the wicked one, to demolish strongholds, and to bind the devil and his demons with the mighty name of Jesus.  He gives us power through his anointing to cut off the locks of the enemy, and set those in bondage free.  Jesus said, quoting the prophecy of Isaiah which spoke of himself:  “The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to preach good news to the poor.  He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to release the oppressed, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.”  Luke 4:18 and Isaiah 61:1,2

James tells us that, “The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.”  James 5:16

In Summary:

God dispatches his angels to engage the enemy when we pray.

When we pray “Thy will be done on this earth as it is in heaven,”  God responds to perform his word.  The circumstances in the natural change to conform to the will of God.

When we pray with focused intent to align ourselves with the Lord, and to destroy the works of darkness, God anoints our prayers to bind the enemy and set the captives free.

Hallelujah!   I hope you are encouraged, “For nothing will be impossible with God,”  Luke 1:37  and “I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.”  Philippians 4:13   

God bless you all!  Please pass this along to others who may benefit.  And have a happy and blessed new year with the Lord!

Picture Source:

The Church - Unprepared?

The Church - Unprepared?

The Wall Switch

The Wall Switch