Ensnared Again!

Ensnared Again!

I am writing to you today, in hopes that this message will deter you, from making another mistake like I have over, and over again.  It is always better to learn from someone else’s mistakes.  

Where do we begin?  Let’s first start with a premise that is true.  “You are not your own; you were bought at a price.”   1 Corinthians 6:19-20

If we start with that premise, we can see more clearly, that every decision, and every choice we make should not reflect our personal desires, but should instead be based on whose we are.  If we belong to the Lord, if we are his treasured possession, then our lives should reflect his will.  The results or fruit of our lives, should be something that God has created in us and through us.  In essence, our lives should glorify him.

Now beginning at this point, it is easier to judge what is to be part of our lives and what should be discarded, or omitted.  There are of course things, circumstances and people that God will place in our lives, as instruments to train, or develop our character.  But the things and people we choose to have around us, should be brought before the Lord first.  Should this person have place in my life?  Does this activity or career choice bring you glory?    Even a cat presents his gift (a mouse, or bird) before it’s master for approval.  Shouldn’t we do the same?

Now if we add free will and desires of the flesh, things get a little muddy.  If the boundaries and rules that God places in our lives are not respected, then confusion, heartache, disappointment, failure and even disaster ensue.  It all comes down to obedience and the fear of God.  Without the fear of God, we give into our flesh and go our own way.  If we understand who God is, and we know him because we spend time with him, then obedience becomes possible and peace, joy and contentment are the fruits of our lives.

So, we all are human, and we can all be lead astray, by temptations, our flesh: pride, money, desire, fear…  and lack of knowledge of God’s word, or lack of the knowledge of God himself.  Like everyone else, I have succumbed to the fear of man, and found myself in a place of confusion.  Fortunately, God came to the rescue with an appropriate vision that brought clarity to an otherwise muddy mess!

This is the situation:

I was interested in helping out the family financially by pursuing a career or part-time job. I had been an interior designer in Chicago, for 19 years before moving to New Jersey.  But God had taken this away from me as well as my masters degree in physiology, because he had a different plan for my life.  He told me over and over again: “I don’t want you to do, I want you to be.”

I was given two visions that I understand now were designed to test my obedience.  I must confess that I have always been a workaholic.  (“Amelia” means industrious)

So, because of these two visions, I had come to believe that I NEEDED to work and that I should go back to the things that I had been successful at before.  I justified my decision by saying that I was in a “new season” in my life.  I entertained the idea by making a  modification. I would pursue not the same, but a similar career path to the one that God had taken from me before.

I spent time, money and energy pursuing several different certifications and learning two different CAD programs. All because of having the fear of man:  “I can’t be unproductive, I have to pull my own weight, I don’t want to be a worthless bum.  Aren’t I to work with my hands like Paul did, so that I can win the respect of others and not be reliant on others for support?”  

This is the same argument that I almost fell for years ago, when God asked me, “Are you trying to break my covenant?”  His covenant with me was:  “I don’t want you to do, I want you to be.”  (the link above will take you to the story.)

So here I was again. At the time of this vision, I was working on SketchUp, the second of two CAD programs.  I was spending days, weeks and now months on becoming proficient.  I worked for so many hours in sequence, that my hand hurt from using the mouse.  

This is the vision that brought clarity:

I saw a large line drawing of a rectangular box, with all the dimension lines shown.  Then looking closer, I saw myself lying on my back, inside the box. My leg was held up in the air by another line, drawn from my foot, to the top edge of the box.  I was ensnared!  Just like a rabbit in a snare, or an animal in a trap, I was caught and ensnared by SketchUp.  My focus, energy and time were going to drawings and plans.

I had become like a mouse on an exercise wheel, that just couldn’t stop.  I have a passion for design.  But this passion was driving me to the extent that it was replacing time that I could have been spending with God. I had placed design before God.  I believe this is referred to as “idolatry”!

It doesn’t look like a stone statue, that you might see in a shrine, but it was an idol nonetheless. I gave up all CAD programs that day. I followed up in obedience by cancelling a second interview scheduled for a kitchen design job.

Well, now that those doors were shut and sealed tightly, I moved onto the realm of exercise and the pursuit of many certifications.  God had closed this door before by asking me to quit my masters degree in exercise physiology.  Now I was opening the door again!  Why oh why?

God is faithful and he gave me this vision only two weeks ago.  Just remember “The truth will set you free!”  John 8:32

This is the vision:

First I see a piece of dental floss on the floor to my right.  I pick it up and place it back on the floor to my left.

Next, I see my grey-colored bag sitting on the floor, next to the loveseat where I regularly pray.  Alongside the grey bag is a textbook, one that is required for certification.

Lastly, I see my Bible in its zippered cover standing on its edge on the floor between the middle and rear seats of our minivan.  

This is what I believe the vision means:

The dental floss is something that I believe to be very important.  I would not even consider going to bed without first flossing.  Because I see it on the floor, I pick it up and then lay it aside.  God is telling me that what is important, I am laying aside.

The grey bag I take everywhere with me.  It is also important and I rarely leave it behind.  The textbook on the floor, is ready to go along with the grey bag.  God is  showing me that I am giving top priority to the study for the certification, because the book will always be with me and it will have the first shot at my available time.

The Bible standing upright on the floor in between the back seats of my car, shows that my pursuit of this certification will cause the Bible to take a back seat to the textbook.  The Bible is standing upright on the floor, because it is upright.  It is filled with the very words of God. The word of God should be our sustenance. It transforms our minds.  It gives direction and guidance,  The word of God tells us, “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.  Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is -- his good, pleasing and perfect will.”  Romans 12:2

And I was relegating the Bible to the back seat!

How could I allow anything to take precedence over my devotion to the Lord.  That is why David said, “Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me”  Psalm 51:10

“Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts.  See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.”  Psalm 139: 23-24  

Now I ask you, “Why would anyone want to trade the Lord for something else? Why do we put our many pursuits and pleasures ahead of God?  Why do we allow ourselves to become ensnared by the enticements of our flesh?  Do we have no fear of God?" 

I believe that is the truth.  We have succumbed to the fear of man.  We are more concerned for our own image, and how others see us.  I believe that we try to fulfill the expectations of other people, rather than please God. 

Jesus spoke plainly, “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” Matthew 6:21

We need to acknowledge the truth, as our pastor has asked us:  “Who’s the Boss?”    This is a link to his sermon series - part 1.

What is the answer to all this?  

King Solomon knew the answer, “Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man.” Ecclesiastes 12:13

Jesus summarized his direction to all of us by saying, “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’  This is the first and greatest commandment.  And the second is like it;  ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’  all the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”  Matthew 22:37-40

For me, I believe God is answering my prayer of long ago.  “Lord, make me like Anna.  I don’t want to be Amelia any longer.”  Anna was a prophetess in the Bible who never left the Temple, but prayed day and night.  If God places me on your hearts, will you pray for me, that this prayer of mine will be fulfilled in my life!  Thanks!  (My given middle name is Ann.  God must have known all along!)

I hope you will be able to untangle the webs and snares in your life.  Just get alone with God, and be determined to not leave him until he speaks to you!  May God bless you with a quiet life!

(Hint:  It may take a few days before you hear - just don’t give up!)

Faith for Miracles

Faith for Miracles

Intimacy with God

Intimacy with God