Faith for Miracles

Faith for Miracles

Today I am writing about two visions only 24 hours apart.  They are tandem because they are given to show a sequence.  The first vision describes faith.  The second vision describes the promise of a miracle.  These two manifestations of the Lord's power and provision come in that order:  faith then provision - or faith and then a miracle. 

Yesterday morning while praying, I had a vision of a young, highly energetic red haired Irish Setter.  This quick, light dog came from my right and ran right past me.  He did a tight U-turn to my left and ran again, in front of me and off to the right.  I was left speechless - it was so fast.  But I knew right away what the vision meant.  

The young dog in this vision represents faith.  Dogs have been used as a symbol for faith in literature and even in artwork because of their unwavering devotion to their masters.  Dogs have a great capacity to show unconditional love.  They will persevere in spite of great difficulty to find their way home or rescue a person in trouble.  No wonder a dog is given the title of "man's best friend."  

The dog in the vision is running hard.  There is no show of ambivalence.  Faith that moves mountains is not laid back, complacent or nonchalant.  Faith that changes time, place, and natural forces is supernatural and comes when we allow ourselves to simply trust God and believe that he will accomplish all that is in his heart.  

Faith to believe for the impossible, is finally returning to the older Christians and a new found faith is coming to the ones who have not yet experienced the Lord's supernatural work, his healings and his miracles.  God is telling us that supernatural faith is on its way!  It's coming quickly, and won't delay!  Faith to believe for greater things is coming to individuals, and to the church.  God wants to display his power through us, for his glory and to build his church.  He wants to bring revival first to the church and then to the nation as a whole.  

I have been praying for an increase in faith, within the body of believers.  When I heard a while ago of an individual in our church that was in a desperate health situation, I knew that this healing could potentially bring about the revival that God had promised.  The odds were against the healing, but those are the very odds that would shout out the praises of God.  So I presented this to our prayer group, that we needed to fast and pray to see this miracle.  So a few us did.  And God gave this vision for us to see that the supernatural faith needed would be supplied.  

Now this morning, God gave me the second vision, the vision of promise.  God showed me a tall man standing erect, with each of his hands forming the "okay" sign.  The circles made with the fingers were joined to make a figure eight, which also is the sign for infinity.  The number eight represents "new beginnings."  The sign for infinity represents God himself.  He is the beginning and the end, the Alpha and Omega, the Great I am.  God is eternal.  The symbol for infinity describes his kingdom, a kingdom without end!  

God was giving us a message that everything that we had been praying for was going to be provided for.  He was saying it's going to be all right.  Everything was going to be okay.  Today will be a new day, a fresh start.  God is doing a new thing!  He is doing something that he is placing his signature on, It is something we can count on - like money in the bank!

By this vision, God was telling us that the two ladies who were to be operated on later this morning would be entirely healed.  That everything would be "A-OK."   God would provide healing to the one woman for a knee replacement, as well as healing to the other woman, at high risk.

Earlier today, sometime this afternoon, we got two great reports from the doctors.  The doctor with the knee replacement, said the operation went "perfectly."  And the other doctor, claimed that they think "they got the whole mass, and the infected area as well."  So with those great reports, I believe with all my heart that God has done wonderful things today!  I now hope and pray that the faith of our church will begin to grow, and before you know it, we will see the revival that we have been praying for, for so many years!  God is faithful.  Let's follow his lead! 


My Grace is Sufficient

My Grace is Sufficient

Ensnared Again!

Ensnared Again!