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An Open Vision - "Its Okay to Fast"

I am writing today about something I believe very strongly in - fasting.  There are so many places in scripture where people fast when they need a spiritual break through, they need to hear the voice of God, or they need a miracle.  Fasting is all that and so much more.  God is so good, he wants us to connect with him.  In prayer we truly connect with him, but when we fast and pray, things happen.  Mountains move, the earth shakes and the will of the Father becomes known. 

I would like to take you back a few years.  We were in intercessory prayer in the morning before the Sunday service.  I heard God speak to me saying that he wanted me to fast for 21 days.  I believed it was not only for me, but for all the intercessors as a group.  I told my friend who was leading prayer at that time, so she told the group, "Let's fast for a week."  So of course I fasted for that week, and the following Sunday, she told everyone, "I think God is asking us to fast for another week."  So again we did.  Now the following Sunday, she did not say anything about fasting, yet I knew that God had told me 21 days, and it had only been 14. 

Now to back up two days before, on Friday, I had taken my four month old to the pediatrician.  I was told by the doctor that my baby was "failing to thrive."  He was not gaining the weight that he was expected to gain.  I nursed by son just as I had done with my other two children, but now I was concerned that my fasting, was affecting my milk quality.   The doctors were suggesting that I give up nursing, or give him baby food.  (I believed that four months was too soon to introduce solid foods.)

Now it was Monday and I had to decide whether to continue my fast for another week to complete the 21 days, or to stop, for fear of harming my baby.  I wanted to seek God for his direction, so I needed to buy myself some time to pray.  I wasn't so sure that my little guy was going to co-operate.  He was wide awake, and happy for the moment.  Then I thought of the television - he was so small, I wasn't sure it he would watch it.  I looked in the drawer for something appropriate.  I found a VHS video tape with a hand written label.  It said "Garfield."  So I thought - "Perfect a cartoon!"  I put the tape on and turned around to attend to my son.  When I turned back around, I saw the T.V. screen.  It went entirely black, and written in white letters were the words, "ITS OKAY TO FAST." 

Unbelievable!  Wow!  I was in shock.  I didn't know whether to cry or sing, or shout.  God had answered my prayer!  And in such a tender and remarkable way.  I love him!  God is so good.  He will make himself known:  FASTING IS IMPORTANT TO GOD!

That is an open vision.  Anytime you see the supernatural, superimposed upon the natural, I call an open vision.  I was so overwhelmed at God's grace, and his love for me.  So we don't need to worry about anything.  If God asks us to do anything, he will provide the means, the strength and the power to do it. 

By the way:

Nearly a year and a half later, I was talking with another doctor, a specialist in internal medicine.  I had been sent to him by another pediatrician.  This specialist told me, "I want all my mothers to nurse for at least two and a half years.  (I had quit at 22 months, because of pressure by other well-meaning people.)  He said, "Most American infants and small children are overweight.  They are by far healthier when they are leaner, and your child is very healthy!"  

So, my Lord knows all things!  And he let's us in on a few secrets!   Hallelujah!

"Call to me and I will answer you, and will tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know."  Jeremiah 33:3