The Forest of Deception

The Forest of Deception

The following two visions I received after a 21-day fast to understand spiritual blindness.  These visions were about 1/2 hour apart.

In the first vision, I see a young, pretty woman, wearing a full length white dress.  She had long dark hair and a look of innocence upon her face.   She was standing outside an iron gate and fence, which enclosed a very dark, dense forest.  Her hand was extended with the palm facing up.  Her eyes were open, looking directly at the wolf, standing in front of her.  The wolf stood upright, like a man.  He held a key in his hand, which he then offered to her, to open the gate, and go in.

In the vision that occurred 1/2 hour later, I saw a very dark scene.  I could only make out the dimly lit face of a person.  Then, I saw a small plastic toy on a pedestal.  The man took a wand that he held, and touched the plastic toy.  Out came colorful sparkles, and suddenly the small toy turned into a live bird, and flew away.

I believe that God is faithful.  After spending the last 21 days in prayer and fasting to understand spiritual blindness, he chose to show me two important factors.  First, He wanted me to know how spiritual blindness begins in the lives of people.  And secondly, He wanted me to know what I needed to do, in order to have power over darkness. 

What I have learned is this:  the devil and seducing spirits can lead both Christians and non-Christians to people like teachers, lecturers, and "medical practitioners" that will expose them to harmful ideologies, false doctrine, and false religions.   Through various books, articles, seminars etc., people become engaged with beliefs, practices, and medical divination, that open doors to occult activity.  

One friend, who I spent a great deal of time trying to disciple, could never come to an understanding of the love of God, or embrace the truth of the cross.  I saw that the enemy was using apocryphal material, such as the Gospel of Philip and the Gospel of Mary, to lead her astray and doubt the word of God.  He cleverly led her to an internationally known "minister" who was a false teacher, who was promoting the idea that God should be referred to as "It," and that all references to the Father and Son should be removed.  The enemy also tormented her with so much physical pain, that in spite of my warnings, she went to an acupuncturist.  God showed me that she had willfully accepted the key to open the gate.  In so doing, she became spiritually blind, and was "always learning but never able to acknowledge the truth."  2Timothy 3:7

The second thing God showed me, was that in order to have power, in prayer, over spiritual blindness, I had to personally remove idolatry from my life.  In the vision of the plastic toy, there was magic at work, to take a life-less toy and make it come to life.  "Woe to him who says to wood, 'Come to life!' or to lifeless stone, 'Wake up!' "  Hababkkuk 2:19

When I saw this vision, I knew that I had to remove videos and television shows that use magic and the supernatural to entertain children.  "Barney" is a good example, because he is a small stuffed toy that children love, and who on the TV show, instantly, and magically, turns into a bigger than life playmate, dancing and singing and teaching children the ABC's. He seems so sweet and harmless, but if you want to have power in prayer over spiritual blindness, then you have to draw the line.  We had recently acquired a stuffed "Barney" and a set of  Barney videos from a garage sale.  They left the day of the vision.

After these two visions, God confirmed his message to me once more.  I was reading a book called The Secret Place, a Christian book, by Dale Fyfe.  A friend picked up the book, and accidently lost my place.  When I opened the book, to read it, I found a passage in Chapter 10, that described the "Forest of Deception."  Dale describes the forest as a place from which is difficult to escape.  He warns us in the book, that the Church can be deceived.  The woman in my vision represented the church, the bride of Christ.  She was tempted to take the key and go through the gate into the forest.  Both the forest in the book, and the forest in the vision represented deception.

"This place is called the Forest of Deception.  Many of My children have come here.  Some of them have forsaken Me in this darkness, and have become lost.  They were deceived, despite the fact that they are My elect and chosen ones.  They thought that the source of light came from within themselves, and they believed that they could find their own way through the forest.  (See Matthew 6:23) They struck off on their own.  Drawn away into their intellect, and the realm of knowledge of good and evil, they have pursued the paths of man's ideas and philosophies and have wandered away from intimacy and the closeness to Me.  (See Colossians 2:1-8)  They no longer walk in My light.  Like Adam and Eve, they have tasted of this deception and have separated themselves from the light of My presence." (p.141)

I am praying that you will take this message to heart.  We must protect ourselves from opening doors to the enemy and to deception.  We must pray that whatever agreements we have made, and lies that we have believed, are exposed.  Those thoughts and ideas that we have embraced which do not line up with the word of God, must be taken captive and up rooted.  As God's word declares, "We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God,and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ."   2 Corinthians 10:5  

We need to examine our hearts as David did, "Search me God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts.  See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting"  Psalm 139:23-24   

We open doors when we compromise our Biblical moral values.  Anything that we give our time, money and attention to, as being more important than God, is an idol.  God must be first, or we will by default, give place to the devil. 

Pray that our friends, loved ones, and all nations will see, and embrace the truth, because the truth will set them free!   




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