A Nation in Decay

Hi Everyone,

There are two visions that I have to share with you today.  The first is a serious message about the times in which we live. Our hope is in Christ regardless of what is happening in the world.  The Word of God has never promised a life of ease and free of trials, for the Lord has warned us: 

“I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.”  John 16:33  

Please read this important message, because it is better to know than to be caught off guard and unprepared.

 “My people perish for lack of knowledge.”  Hosea 4:6

The second message is the Lord’s answer to how we can live in these last days, and do the will of God. 

The Visions

The Rotting Chair

In this vision, in an outdoor setting, I saw a high back chair that was completely rotten.  The very top of the chair’s back was black with rot and parts of the back were missing, having broken off long ago.

While viewing the chair, I became concerned for someone using the chair, particularly a child.  I thought of a child standing on the seat and looking over the back of the chair.  The chair was so decrepit, that it would not support a child’s weight. Should he lean against the back, it would surely break and cause the child to fall.

What the vision means:

I believe that the chair represents our nation’s government. Washington and other cities can be referred to as “the seat of government” or in smaller municipalities as the “the county seat.”  It is a place where government leaders convene and make decisions.  In Biblical times they took their seat at the city gate.

“Now the king was sitting in the Gate of Benjamin…”  Jeremiah 38:7

“Her husband is known in the gates, when he sits among the elders of the land.”  Proverbs 31:23

“So the king arose and sat in the gate. When they told all the people, saying, ‘Behold, the king is sitting in the gate,’ then all the people came before the king.”  2 Samuel 19:8

The chair in the vision is rotten, decrepit, black and falling apart.  This is the condition of our nation’s government.  It is full of corrupt men and women without a moral compass.  It is filled with the sickness and diseases of the world:  the lust for money and power and the need to indulge oneself at the expense of the people who have entrusted them to govern.  No longer is the nation being served by well-meaning patriotic men and women who care for our heritage, the Constitution and our citizens.  They care nothing for the next generation for they will enslave them with the nation’s debt.  They will demoralize them with perverted teachings like CRT and the promotion of the LGBT lifestyle.  The country is heading toward its demise because of people who have sold our nation and its resources to our nation’s enemies.  It is equivalent to Essau selling his birthright for a bowl of soup!

They have undermined our nation’s security by favoring our nation’s enemies over our own citizens.

They are trying to squelch the voices that speak out against this ungodly agenda to cause our nation’s demise.  They are following the devil’s game plan to destroy from within. 

“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.”  John 10:10

What Jesus said to the Pharisees of his day, we could say of our leaders who have demonstrated through their decisions to be in partnership with the devil.

“You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.”  John 8:44 

We see that even in major corporations, banks, pharmaceutical companies and abortion clinics that many have alegences to the corrupt leaders in government.  They are just waiting, planning, and expecting another crisis to present itself by which they can promote their “goods and services.”

Who is the child in the vision?  The child represents the innocent, and the next generation that must deal with the aftermath of the collapse of our economy (“the great reset”) and the nation as we know it.  Our children will not be able to “lean against” the government, because it will not be dependable.  It will only be a flimsy structure of what it is now.  The laws of the land will have no resemblance to the tenets of the United States Constitution. For I believe that  society will degrade to such a degree that the ideas of freedom and self-government are only a thing of the past.

We cannot depend on men for they are corrupt.  We can only lean on God for he is eternal and incorruptible.  We must earnestly pray for our nation, for we need a revival in our land more than ever before. If we do not seek God, and do not pray for the hearts of men to change, then we will get what our complacency deserves:

Jesus said to the church at Laodicea: 

“I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot.  I wish you were either one or the other!  So, because you are lukewarm–neither hot nor cold–I am about to spit you out of my mouth.  You say, ‘I am rich; I have acquired wealth and do not need a thing.’  But you do not realize that you are wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and naked.  I counsel you to buy from me gold refined in the fire, so you can become rich; and white clothes to wear, so you can cover your shameful nakedness; and salve to put on your eyes, so you can see.”  Revelation 3:15-18  

The state of our nation is corrupt and moving fast in that direction.  Many of our churches are no longer influencing the world around us.  Instead the church has been infiltrated with the ideas and culture of our society.  They have become social clubs with people attending only to feel good about themselves, make friends and business relationships.  People are no longer coming to church out of a desire to worship and meet with the Lord.  Instead God is seen as something we add to our lives to enhance our life experience.

Because many church goers do not read the Bible, or spend time in prayer, they do not know God.  They give him attributes that reflect what they would like to see in a god of their own choosing. They do not see him as a holy God. They have no fear of him.

But God does not see sin as we do. We minimize sin or justify sin and expect God to do the same! We indulge ourselves with movies and questionable activities and expect that God will bless our pastimes and wink at sin. We expect God to automatically forgive our sin, with no confession, no effort , no remorse and no desire to change. We expect God to overlook our sins that we justify: improper reporting of taxes, cheating on spouses, or lying to get something or to avoid something.  “God knows my heart..” is the excuse given for sin.  Where is the repentant heart, that wants to be right with God?  Where is godly sorrow over our sins? Don’t we see that our sin separates us from God?  

People are falling away from true faith in God and placing their faith in their jobs, their talents and skills, and some in their government.  Some trust in their beauty, or their strength, and some in their money.  They pursue a god that is worldly, a god that is more like themselves.  Even the things they consider most important become idols in their lives. They worship their possessions and some idolize their children.

But persecution is coming; it’s just around the corner.  If we do not stand firm in our faith and know the Lord God, the one in whom we trust, then when persecution comes we will fall away from the faith.  We will cave in to the demands of the government to conform to its ideologies.  If our money is important, we will do whatever it takes to hold on to it.  If our job is where we place our hope, then we will conform to the government to keep it.  If we place our highest love on our spouse, or on our children we will do as they request, even if it goes against the word of God which is the will of God.

Now is the time to take inventory of our priorities and to test our own faith.  Are we willing to lay down our own lives for the name of the Lord Jesus?  Are we willing to suffer lack or imprisonment for his name sake?  If you do not know him—then seek him and you will find him. 

If you have compromised with the world and its values, and do not align yourself with the Word of God, then you need to read and study for yourself.

“So He said to the Jews who had believed Him, ‘If you continue in My word, you are truly My disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.’”  John 8:31-32

If we want to see our nation turn back to God, and our churches thriving with Spirit filled, Bible believing children of God, then we need a genuine spiritual revival. It starts with repentance. The Lord has provided a way for us to return to him: The cross. When we see that it is our human flesh and our propensity to sin that separates us from God, we realize that Jesus’ shed blood is what gives us new life, and restores us to fellowship with him and with the Father. It is only through his life giving blood that we are saved, and have eternal life.

When we repent, we open the door for God to bless our lives. We in turn become a blessing to others and we will see the healing of our nation.

“If my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.” 2 Chronicles 7:14

Let us get right with God today and pray for a true visitation from the Holy Spirit in every street, in every home and in every business and in every sector of government in America. Come Holy Spirit we need you!

Please share this post and pray for our nation, our churches and our families. God bless you all!

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