Protect Our Children and Heal Our Land

Hi Friends,

Today is Sunday.  I came home from church and sat on the floor of my bedroom and prayed.    The Lord gave me a vision.  I would like to share it with you.

The Vision

Baby Dolls

I saw several Baby dolls made with soft plastic molded heads and colored to look as if they had hair.  The dolls were about 16” long and fully clothed in a variety of outfits with soft fabrics in pastel colors.  Pink was the predominant color.  The dolls were somehow randomly spaced and floating in the air.  Their faces and bodies were in the supine position, (facing upward while lying down).

I thought about the vision and what the Lord was showing me with the dolls.  Dolls are very important to future mommies.  Little girls watch carefully how their own mothers care for them and they try to do the same for their baby dolls.  

My daughter had a baby doll that she loved.  I created a bed for the doll with a laundry basket, a bed pillow and a receiving blanket.  She practiced her mommy skills, for seemingly hours.  On one occasion, she handed me the baby doll and the blanket to ask me to wrap the baby up for her.  I took the baby doll and wrapped it in a certain way, very neatly so that the doll was bundled.  Then I would hand it back to her.  She would hold the baby doll next to her chest and cradle it in her arms.  She would rock the baby doll side to side as she stood in front of the basket.  Then she would lovingly place the baby on the pillow in the laundry basket and remove the blanket.  She would take the blanket and cover the baby and the basket completely so that the blanket was like a tent over the “bed.”  Then she would stand there and admire her work.  When she was satisfied that it was complete, she would pick up the blanket and the doll and bring it to me again.  We did this over and over again.  I am sure it had to be at least 20 times that she had me wrap the baby and hand it to her that afternoon.

Then when my husband came home, she brought the doll and the blanket to him.  He tried to wrap the baby up, but he didn’t do it the “right way,” so she got mad and started crying.  My poor husband didn’t know that we had practiced this all afternoon, and he just didn’t get it right.  I wrapped the baby in a certain way, and he had no clue as to what she expected. 

It shows how much we are being watched by our children.  They are learning from us.  How we care for them is how they will care for their own children.  My daughter made a switch as she got a bit older to “My Little Ponies,” horses, dogs, rabbits and eventually sheep.  She actually wanted to have a sheep dairy, which is altogether another story.

I believe that the vision concerns a tragedy in our culture regarding our children.  There are some people who have bought into the idea that the world would be a perfect place if they could control everyone and reduce the population to 500,000,000.  (Five hundred million, represents a 93% reduction in the current world population.)  These wealthy globalists are also interested in advancing a society that is void of morality, is entirely secular, and is without nations and cultures.  In order to achieve their goals, they need to destroy the family unit, and train individuals to conform to their values. They want to cause division among people groups so they will not unite against their agenda. Therefore much is done to pit one group against another to achieve mistrust, disunity, and division. Their plan involves destabilizing every nation economically, politically and culturally, to divide and conquer.   This next generation, should the Lord tarry, will have to fight to maintain their rights and freedom.

These globalists’ plan to undermine faith in God, traditions and culture because these are things that unite us, and promote group identity.  Through their propaganda in the classrooms, they are attempting to rewrite history, so that this next generation will not have the same values or think as their parents.  They want to repudiate the founding fathers and destroy all national pride.  They do not want prayer or the pledge of allegiance in the schools.  For the presence of prayer would call these leaders into account, and to acknowledge the legitimacy of the higher authority, which is God Almighty.  This opposes their desired outcome, to be the unquestioned authority.  The pledge of allegiance acknowledges God and pledges allegiance to a nation who is under the authority of God.  

They want to separate nations, by destroying national pride, and replacing countries with geographic regions and all to be under one rule, one authority and one monetary system.  They want to control it all.  Their ideal world is a global society that is uniform, and its people conformed to their standards, their ideologies and beliefs.  Their ideal society is faceless, spineless, totally conforming.  They want mice rather than men.  They want people to fear authority rather than God.  They do not want creative thinkers, or those who can support or defend themselves.  They do not want people that will initiate action, who are leaders that can organize and empower people.  They want people to view their worth from the globalists’ perspective so that they support, conform and serve a global society, rather than God.

Every day, we are moving closer to achieving their ideal of a one world government, a one world culture, and a one world ideology (secular religion).  When the government controls every aspect of life, there will be no freedom.

I can already see the progression in my lifetime.  We moved from a society that was mostly Christian, that supported freedom of speech, freedom of thought and the ideals that created America as a world power, to a rebellious society where everything is upside down and backwards. 

“Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!” Isaiah 5:20

Our society valued free enterprise, a classic education, the love of God and country, and supported marriage and the family.  We had an educational system that respected parents as the ultimate authority in the upbringing  and education of their children.  We valued ingenuity, integrity, independence and self determination.  We valued excellence in the classroom and in the workplace.  Our nation’s people had a well established work ethic — often called the Protestant work ethic:

“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, because you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as your reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.”  Colossians  3:23-24

 But things are quite different now.  Our educators and administrators who have bought into these ideologies are attempting to fill our children with a disdain for their nation’s founding fathers, and a shame for their own race, (CRT).  We have people who are trying to make this generation pay for the “sins” of earlier generations.  But their purpose is twofold:  they want to build hatred and racism to further divide the nation.  And secondly, they do not want people to work for themselves, to be independent or self sufficient.  They want everyone to depend on the government for sustenance, in order to achieve total control.

Even in Canada, we saw the prime minister froze the bank accounts of the truckers who tried to voice their grievances against the government.  They could not buy gas, food or necessities.  They had no heat for their cars and trucks, and they had no gas to get home.  They were stranded without food.

The governments around the world are taking more power for themselves and diminishing the rights of the people.  Here at home on the local level, the school boards and educators are challenging parental rights.  They believe that they have a right to teach their ideologies to the children, without parental approval.  Who is working for whom?  The school boards and educators are to be accountable to the people.  They do not have the right to usurp parental authority and teach children their ideals of morality that include perverted behaviors. These ideologies are a secular faith, that oppose the laws of nature, traditional values, Biblical faith and our Constitutional rights.

I don’t think I need to go further in describing the sinful and corrupt agenda of our nation’s leaders.  I think most people are aware of their dark agenda, for it has its source in the sinful nature of man.  

The enemy of our souls, is willing to exploit the sinful nature of man for his own wicked purposes. Speaking of the devil, Jesus summarized his motives, when he spoke to the Pharisees.  

“You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out his desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, refusing to uphold the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, because he is a liar and the father of lies.”  John 8:44   

“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I have come that they may have life, and have it in all its fullness.”  John 10:10 

This plan to reduce the world’s population is in direct opposition to God’s mandate for mankind.

“Be fruitful and multiply; fill and subdue the earth…”  Genesis 1:28

These leaders have worked together to do the devil’s bidding. Whether knowingly or unknowingly, their plans have aligned with his — to kill, to steal and to destroy.

I also believe that the baby dolls represent the innocence of children.  Today, not all, but some, little girls are being discouraged to play with dolls, and are encouraged to play with toys and games that are generally more interesting to boys. They are trying to blur the lines between the sexes. For this causes gender confusion and undermines a child’s confidence in who he is and what is expected of him. In a world where the rules change and the goal posts are moving, a child becomes overly stressed and depressed or rebellious. The Feminist Movement is all about shaming young girls and women into feeling that they are not fulfilling their purpose in life, if they do not have a career. They also want young girls to feel that they do not need to marry. They can go it alone. A relative by marriage, years ago told her daughters that they did not need to marry to have children. “Just stay single and get pregnant. The government will provide financial aid.” She was a product of this world view. These ideologies destabilize the very foundation of society: the nuclear family as God has designed: a man, a woman and their offspring.

This all encompassing agenda has been operating for quite some time. But we see it in full bloom in the state of California. Everything that God has instituted: marriage, family, and respect for life, God-given liberties, rights and everything that is true and noble is being throw down. In an attempt to usurp parental authority, the state of California, is in the process of passing a law that allows a child to end its life, without the consent of his parents. The practice of euthanasia, (mercy killing, or choosing to die) is already law. And infanticide is legal, allowing a child to be killed up to 28 days after birth. If you have doubted this agenda, doubt it no more.

In many developing countries, the wealthy globalists have been investing in women’s education, not because of altruistic motives, but because of the desire to reduce the population. The plan is to educate young women and indoctrinate them the idea of “self actualization.” They hope that young women will value their personal career development over raising a family.  And with advanced education and career taking up much of the child-bearing years, they hope to reduce the birth rate. With gainful employment, they hope to separate women from their traditional roles and value material success. In this way they are more apt to feel self sufficient and the desire to marry and raise a family will be less attractive. Fewer marriages mean fewer children. Both sexes in the workforce means greater productivity and more money to be made by the businesses who employ them.

You can see the effects of this plan throughout our nation. We have fewer births, fewer marriages, and a lot more disfunction, disunity, drug abuse, moral decline and suicide.

The baby dolls are also a reminder of all the innocent babies that were denied their first breath, for they were killed in the womb.  These are children that are not in the schools, not on the playgrounds, not in the colleges.  These children will never experience the satisfaction of working with their hands, or having a business of their own.  These children will never have an  opportunity to make a scientific breakthrough, to invent, to create, to dance, to minister to another, or to marry and have children and grandchildren of their own.  

They were deprived of life on this earth.  But my hope and trust is in the Lord.  So I hope and pray that those who have died in the womb are with the Lord, where every tear is dried.  The child who has been rejected, we hope and pray will meet the love and mercy of the Father. 

“I will have mercy upon whom I have mercy, and I will have compassion upon whom I have compassion.”  Romans 9:15    

The Lord is merciful and through the blood of Jesus, and his death on the cross, we can repent of our sins and return to him.

“If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.”  2 Chronicles 7:14 

Our nation as a whole has turned away from God. But that was never God’s desire — nor ours who love the Lord. Many people around our nation have been praying and repenting on behalf of our country and its people. 

“For the Lord will carry out His sentence on the earth thoroughly and decisively. It is just as Isaiah foretold: ‘Unless the Lord of Hosts had left us descendants, we would have become like Sodom, we would have resembled Gomorrah.’” Romans 9:28-29

Even in Isaiah’s day 700 years before Jesus came in the flesh, Sodom and Gomorrah were long time examples of wickedness. God destroyed these two cities with sulfur raining down from heaven.  As a nation, We are every bit as morally bankrupt as they. It seems as if half of the country is in moral free-fall. Even though wickedness and corruption are everywhere we turn, we will trust the Lord. Someday he will bring about the changes that will turn our people to him. 

We are praying for God-fearing men and women to take positions of leadership and influence in all sectors of life.  We are praying for a revival in Washington DC and in all the state and local governments, a divine visitation in the White House and in the various government agencies: The FBI, the DOJ, the IRS and the DHS! With God all things are possible! We pray that we will have leaders that will uphold the law, and protect our rights as citizens. We pray that our leaders will support and represent the will of the people who have empowered them to govern. We pray for fair elections and results that we can trust.

We pray Lord, that you will bring forth these changes to our nation’s governmental bodies on every level, local, state and federal.  We pray that our nation’s people would re-dedicate themselves to you, and your perfect will.

Lord, forgive our nation and its leaders for all the laws that oppose your laws, and your will.  We pray that the laws of our land would reflect your holy and perfect nature, that they would align with the word of God.  Lord, we pray that the love of money that is the root of all evil, would be uprooted from the hearts of our government leaders, and that we would elect servant leaders, men and women of integrity, who truly care for the well-being of the governed. 

“Jesus called them together and said, ‘You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their high officials exercise authority over them.  Not so with you. Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be your slave— just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.’”  Matthew 20:25-28

And now we see a glimmer of hope as a revival is just beginning to shine.  The Lord’s presence and the power of the Holy Spirit is beginning to move in the hearts of our young people.

Asbury University and a few other colleges are experiencing a revival!  What a wonderful thing it is for this young generation to experience the love, healing, mercy and grace of our Lord.  This is truly an answer to prayer.  God’s Holy Spirit coming to touch people’s lives and change hearts.  By this we have new hope for our nation.  We place our trust in God, who is our hope, our strength and our redeemer!  Things have looked rather bleak these last several years, so we thank you Lord, for what you are doing to reawaken a desire to serve the Lord. Have your way with us Lord Jesus!

“Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God.”  Psalm 20:7

Many of us around the nation, have been praying for a long time for revival.  The Lord gave me a vision several years ago concerning revival. 

A Meteorologist and a Weather Map

Years ago, I had a vision.  I saw a woman meteorologist standing next to a large map of the eastern half of the United States.  I saw flames coming up through the map in the north central portion.  I looked at the scene, and thought, “Could this be Toronto?”  I saw the flame travel across the map.  

When the vision ended, I excitedly asked the Lord, “Do you want me to go to Toronto?” (The Toronto Blessing was a revival that happened there years earlier.) But he replied, “No, I want you to pray that revival comes here.”

I have been praying and expecting a revival for a very long time now.  This blog, I named “Forsythia,” because the Lord gave me a vision promising a revival. I knew the Lord was telling at he was telling me to anticipate his visitation, a visitation of the Holy Spirit coming with fire!  Hallelujah!  We are blessed by our Lord who makes a way for us to call to him and hear his voice:

“Call to me and I will answer you.”  Jeremiah 33:3

“If you seek me you will find me when you seek me with all your heart.” Jeremiah 29:13

“Draw near to God and he will draw near to you.”  James 4:8

“Again, truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven.  For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.”  Matthew 18:19-20

So we are here at this moment in time.  The Lord is coming to bring a cleansing in the hearts of his people.  The Lord wants to empower us and commission us to go into the harvest fields for we are in the last days and there is an end time harvest to gather.

Then He said to His disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few.  Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into His harvest.”  Matthew  9:37-38

So let us pray with great expectation.  Let us be those that are sent!  Let us be the answer to another person’s prayer.  Let us share the gospel, the good news of the Kingdom of God!  And let us lift up in prayer, our leaders, our educators and the role models for our children. They need the Lord’s Holy Spirit and salvation so that they can be an asset to our children rather than a weapon in the hands of the wicked one.

Please share this message with others that need to hear and understand what God is doing in our nation, and in the lives of our people.  Come Lord Jesus!  Come!  Maranatha! Save our children and our nation! We are looking to you!

Do Not Go Where I Have Not Sent You!

Do Not Go Where I Have Not Sent You!

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What Hinders Our Prayers