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Powers of Darkness - Crashing Down!

Hi Friends,   

I am writing today about a vision that the Lord gave me just a few days ago.  It is about Spiritual bondage and God’s authority and power. At the end I have prayers for salvation and deliverance. I know that these will bless you.

The Vision

An Ancient City

I saw an ancient city in the Middle East, with tall buildings and large archways.  The scene was a golden, sandy color.  Everything was in the bright sunlight.  Suddenly, the buildings started to heave and break apart.  Large stones were falling from above.  It was like a great earthquake.  The stone arches overhead were crumbling.  Just in front of me about 50 yards was a charioteer, driving his chariot as fast as he could towards me.  He was trying to outrun the falling buildings.

The Meaning of the Vision

Just a few days ago, I was praying with a prayer group who meets at the church every Wednesday morning at 4:00 a.m. We usually share testimonies and prayer requests before we begin.  This Wednesday we were speaking of deliverance.  The pastor had much experience in deliverance, and another woman and myself have both experienced deliverance for ourselves.  We have been praying consistantly now for nine months.  I had told the pastor about my family having opened doors to the demonic realm using divination in their “holistic medicine” practice.   

The pastor asked me to authorize him to pray for my family. So I declared aloud that I had give pastor____ full authority to pray for my family and to take authority over any demons, powers and principalities of darkness that are operating in my family. After he prayed, I received the vision of the ancient city that was shaking and falling apart, and the man fleeing its destruction.

Everyone in my sister’s business uses very simple equipment, which includes a computer, a metal tray, a stylus and a rod that is held in the client’s hand.  My brother and nephew were hired by my sister to act as mediums, testing themselves to find out what ailments her clients suffered. My brother was in Seattle, WA and my nephew was in Hawaii, both testing themselves in place of the clients hundreds of miles away.  They knew that they were gaining information from a demonic source, there was nothing scientific about this.  It was supernatural.

To interface with the demonic, and look “legitimate” to their clientele, they used a software program that was based on acupuncture.  The acupuncture chart, thousands of years old, became an agreed upon language to communicate with the demonic world, just as a Ouija board is used to spell out messages.   The acupuncture chart connects points on the hands and feet that corresponded to other parts of the body.  When testing someone directly, they still used divination.  To look at the stomach or the liver, my sister would put a stylus between the fingers of her client and say, “Now, let’s see how your liver is doing.”  As if there is a genuine connection between a finger and a stomach, heart or liver.  Then she would give a diagnosis:  “ Why, there are parasites in your liver!” To anyone who has had even a small amount of science, it seems preposterous.  But for those who want to believe.  They choose to go to her because “It works.”  Or so it seems…

One thing that they do not realize is that the devil is a liar.  Jesus calls him the “father of lies.”  He said to the Pharisees regarding the devil: 

“You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out his desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, refusing to uphold the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, because he is a liar and the father of lies.”  John 8:44 

Those that have no problem with this “eastern medicine,” believe that it is legitimate.  Our government does not care to follow science.  The government condones what they are doing and will actually license these “medical” practitioners, elevating their status to “doctor.”  They have had no formal education in physiology, and the unsuspecting patient/client/victim will just simply accept their diagnosis and treatment.  It is a scam, it is witchcraft and divination. It is demonic.  No one should engage in this activity.   

Divination is gaining information from a source that should not be able to give it.  Can the lines on your palm or tea leaves in your cup tell you about your future?  No, of course not.   But it doesn’t stop people from trying.  

“Divination -  the art or practice that seeks to foresee or foretell future events or discover hidden knowledge usually by the interpretation of omens or by the aid of supernatural powers.”  (Merriam Webster)

My sister also determines treatment by the same means.  She places a small closed glass bottle with a plastic or metal lid on a tray and says:  “Let’s see if this is a good medicine for you…”  She looks at her computer screen to see the result.  “Why, yes, this will work well for you…”  

Now, how is it possible for a flat metal tray hooked up to a computer, to know what is in the glass bottle?  Sugar water?  Salt water? Plain tap water?  There is no way for a person and certainly not for an inanimate object like a tray to know what is in the bottle.  

In chemistry class in college, we were handed a clear glass bottle, and asked to run several tests on its contents to determine what was in the solution.  But somehow the tray could “see” what was in the bottle.  And then communicate to the computer, so that it would display a positive or negative determination, for its usefulness to the client.  What a scam!

But people are duped into believing, because they want to believe that it will work for them.  Some people can’t afford to go to a real medical doctor because they don’t have insurance, or they don’t want to take the advice of a medical doctor, so they look for another solution.

This is dangerous.  I wish people would understand the ramifications of consulting with a medium or spiritist:

  “You must not turn to mediums or spiritists; do not seek them out, or you will be defiled by them. I am the Lord your God.”  Leviticus 19:31

To “be defiled by them,” means to become possessed or oppressed by them.  My brother “knew” that it would be dangerous for him to act as a medium.  He understood the danger of engaging the demonic and communicating with them.  Nonetheless, he went ahead and did what he thought would “protect himself.”  He tried praying to the Lord at the same time he tested himself!   How can one willfully partner with the devil and then expect the Lord to assist him?  That is like the Israelites who went to the pagan temples to eat the food sacrificed to false gods and to engage in sexual activity with shrine prostitutes and the next day go to the Temple of God to offer a sacrifice.  The Lord detests this.

“Bring your worthless offerings no more; your incense is detestable to Me—your New Moons, Sabbaths, and convocations. I cannot endure iniquity in a solemn assembly.  I hate your New Moons and your appointed feasts. They have become a burden to Me; I am weary of bearing them.  When you spread out your hands in prayer, I will hide My eyes from you; even though you multiply your prayers, I will not listen. Your hands are covered with blood.”  Isaiah 1:13-15

If there is no fear of God, people will do whatever they please.  Unfortunately, they do not see the pit that is before them.  There is real harm that comes from seeking wicked sources for answers, rather than seeking God.

“Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness?  What harmony is there between Christ and Belial? Or what does a believer have in common with an unbeliever?  What agreement is there between the temple of God and idols? For we are the temple of the living God.   2 Corinthians 6:14-16

If we are true believers in Christ, then we are temples of the Holy Spirit.  How can we grieve the Holy Spirit by joining ourselves to wicked people and the powers of darkness?  If we join ourselves to wicked people and open up the influence of the demonic, we will find ourselves becoming like them and doing what they do.  

“A Companion of fools suffers harm.” Proverbs 13:20  

Bad company corrupts good character.”  1 Corinthians 15:33

My brother kept bad company.  The demon who flirted with him suddenly turned on him and drove him to attempt suicide.  We took him to god-fearing men to have him delivered on two separate occasions, but after both times he immediately went back to the same activity that opened the door in the first place.  He is now in a far worse condition of bondage and not in his right mind.  

The Lord tells us to repent and turn from our wicked ways, to seek him and live.  My nephew has a similar story.  They both practiced the same thing and the results are very much the same.  They are terribly deceived and in a lot of trouble spiritually.

But – God is good.  He has a plan.  The vision the Lord gave me is powerful, because He is powerful.  The destruction of the buildings, and the shaking of the earth to topple these structures represent what the Lord is doing in the heavenlies.  I believe that the Lord is going to topple the principality that is operating in my sister’s business.  Hallelujah!  My whole family will be delivered and set free!  I believe that the Lord’s plan is already set in motion.  I am praying for what I am to do, whether I am to simply stay in the wings and watch and pray, or to help my brother to be set free.  I am waiting upon the Lord for his direction. 

Years ago, I set about writing a letter to my sister about her business.  I gathered all the information and finished the letter.  But before I sent it, I prayed for God’s direction.  He gave me another vision:

The Black Wall

I was driving northbound on LaSalle Street in Chicago.  It was a beautiful day and I was enjoying the sunshine.  Suddenly a black wall went up in front of me in all three directions, far above me, and far to the left and far the right.  I thought, “I don’t need anything over there.  Everything I need is behind me.”  So I decided to make a U-turn at the end of the median.  In order to turn, I had to enter the darkness just a bit.  As I was making the turn, I saw three demons warming themselves at a fire burning in a chemical drum.  When the vision was over, I heard the Lord speak to me saying, “Do not go where I have not sent you!  Give her the same chance I gave you.”  

So, I never mailed the letter.  But I had trouble being with her, knowing that what she was doing was an affront to God.  I could not speak of it to her for I did not want to get in the way of what God was doing.  So, I would leave the room if she brought up the topic.  

After dancing around the situation for a while, I decided to give up getting together with her altogether, for the Bible clearly instructs us  not to eat with those who claim to be brothers in Christ, but are not.  She claimed to be a Christian.  She homeschooled her children and went to church, but she was partnering with the devil.

Paul explained in his letter to the Corinthian church:

“I was not including the sexually immoral of this world, or the greedy and swindlers, or idolaters. In that case you would have to leave this world.  But now I am writing to you that you must not associate with anyone who claims to be a brother or sister but is sexually immoral or greedy, an idolater or slanderer, a drunkard or swindler. Do not even eat with such people.  What business of mine is it to judge those outside the church? Are you not to judge those inside?”  1 Corinthians 5:10-12

So, I am not associating with her.  But there are other matters to consider as well.  Many of our family members have worked with her in the past or are doing so even today.  My daughter and son-in-law worked for my sister at one time.  My daughter wrote her training manuals for her wholesale business, and my son-in-law mixed her concoctions and sent them out.  My daughter’s mother-in-law and sister-in-law are both practicing divination with their own clients.    My niece is trying to recruit her generation of cousins to get involved in the business or to become her personal clients.  My other niece’s husband works for my sister handling the preparation and shipping of the “herbal concoctions.”  And my nephew, mentioned earlier, is still acting as a “holistic practitioner.”  It is quite the family business.  It is not easy being with people who think that what they are doing is admirable and respectable, when it is far from the truth.  So, I just pray, pray and pray, knowing that God is faithful.  He will have his way in their lives. 

You may ask, “How did this ever start?  Well, it began with my grandfather following Maharaja Yogi.  And my mother, who brought home the Ouija board, fuchu sticks, astrology, the B’hai faith, Edgar Caycee, “the sleeping prophet,” Buddhism and reincarnation.  She tried to teach me that Jesus was not God.  But hallelujah!  I already had a strong relationship with the Lord as a child, so I wasn’t swayed.  Thank the Lord!

I do believe that the Lord will deliver my entire family.  He will set them free.  Without the Lord, there would be no hope, but because he has given me other visions over the course of years, I know he is faithful.  He will deliver!  He is the one in whom I trust!

So, the vision of the ancient city being destroyed, shows me that the principality that is over my family and operating in my sister’s business, will soon come crashing down.  Hallelujah!

God is faithful. The powers of darkness cannot prevail over the light of Christ! 

If after reading this, you may feel that you have an open door to the enemy, you may want to pray with me for salvation, healing, forgiveness, and deliverance. So let’s pray.


Dear Jesus,

I acknowledge that I have sinned against you and I no longer want to sin. I want to know you and to be right with you. I know that you and the Father are One, and that the Holy Spirit is the third person of the Trinity, the Godhead: God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. I know that you died on the cross because of my sin, and the world’s sin. I want to ask you to forgive me for my sins, and help me to forgive others when they sin against me. I ask that you give me the precious Holy Spirit to indwell me, to lead me and to guide me into all truth. I pray that you will write my name in the Book of Life, and make me a new creation in you. I renounce the devil and his demons and the sin that has opened any doors in my life. And, I pray for you to baptize me in the Holy Spirit and with fire, with the evidence of speaking in other tongues. I pray that when I leave this earth that I will spend my eternity with you in heaven. Thank you that you have made me alive, and born of the Spirit of God, born again. Thank you Jesus for your free by very costly gift of salvation. Thank you for your blood that was shead on the cross to purchase and redeem me. I am yours and you are mine. Thank you Jesus! Amen!

Prayer for Deliverance

(The breaking of generational curses, soul ties, and bondage to sin)

Dear Jesus,

I am asking that you deliver me from the hands of the enemy, the devil and his demons.

Declare out loud:

I declare that I am yours, Jesus, and that you are mine. I declare that I am born again, by the power and the blood of the Lord Jesus.

I bind up every demonic power or entity that has tried to rob me of my peace or tries in inflict pain or punishment in my body and in my mine.

Lord, I confess and ask that you forgive me for my sins, for____.

(Lying, stealing, cheating, greed, envy, slander, sexual immorality, impurity, debauchery, idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, discord, jealousy, anger/rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions, drunkenness, orgies, over indulgence, and covetousness. Also murder, abortion, and cursing.)

I ask that you forgive me for sinning in my thoughts, wishing or plotting harm to another, or having lustful thoughts. I ask that you help me to forgive others when they sin or do anything against me or against someone that I love or have as a friend. (“But if you do not forgive, your Father in heaven will not forgive your sins." Mark 11:26)

I forgive_____ who has _____ to me.

I forgive ——- who has ——— to my _____.

I ask that you heal me of any emotional or physical harm that another has caused me.

I release and forgive _____ for ______ which harmed me.

I release and forgive_____(governments, institutions, teachers, doctors, bosses) which have harmed me.

I ask that you break every generational curse that has come through my family lines.

I pray that you forgive my fathers, mothers, grandparents, and great grandparents and great-great grand parents of the sins that they commited that have brought about open doors to the powers of darkness. (Refer to the list of sins above.)

I come out of agreement with every lie spoken and word curse spoken over me.

I declare and nullify any curse that have I spoken over ____. (people, and entities) In the Name of Jesus.

I break the power of every lie and curse spoken over myself in the Name of Jesus.

I break every soul-tie formed by co-dependency between another individual____ and myself, in the Name of Jesus.

I break every soul-tie formed by sexual union between ____ and myself, in the Name of Jesus.

I break every soul-tie formed by commiting a crime, fraud, or something done that I have held in secret and in confidence with someone____, (a group of people, or a single individual, shameful to reveal) in the Name of Jesus.

I break the bondage created by fear, (Fear of being exposed, fear of death, fear of failure, fear of the dark, fear of sickness, fear of ____), in the Name of Jesus.

I declare that I belong to the Lord Jesus and there is no demonic power that can have dominion over me, in the Name of Jesus.

I declare that no weapon formed against me will prosper, In the Name of Jesus.

I declare that every demonic power operating in around or through me must be bound now, in the Name of Jesus.

I declare that every demonic power operating in around or through me, must loose me now, in the Name of Jesus.

I declare that every demonic power operating in around or through me, must go now, in the Name of Jesus.

Lord I ask that you send your angels to take away these demons and powers of darkness in everlasting chains, and that you forbid them to return, in the Name of Jesus!

God bless you with healing, strength and the Holy Spirit, in the Name of Jesus!

Please share this with someone you know needs the healing and deliverance of God Almighty. Thanks!