Call to Me and I Will Answer You

Hi Friends,

I have been on a journey, seeking God for wisdom and understanding concerning the book of Revelation, Daniel’s 70-weeks prophecy and the words of Jesus in the gospels regarding the end times. After much study, i realize that many things that I have been taught in church do not line up with the words that I see on the pages. I have now written on the topic twice, and the Lord told me both times not to post. So I am back to square one, and seeking him to understand what I am failing to see.

The Apostle Paul said:

“For we know in part and we prophesy in part, but when the perfect comes, the partial will pass away.” 1 Corinthians 13:9

When Jesus was asked about the timing of the end times, He said:

“But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, but My Father only.” Matthew 24:36

I feel disappointed that what I have written is not to be posted, for I really wanted to share, but obedience is best. So I am choosing to trust the Lord and give him my all. I hope he will reveal his will and his heart on the topic. So I will continue to wait.

I know that this earth is passing away, and we cannot love our lives or anything or anyone more than the Lord. He is our peace, our provision, our healing, our deliverance.  He is everything. And he understands us more than we do ourselves. We give him our hearts and our troubles and he gives us peace. What a great trade! 

So even if we see an uncertain future with possible trials, hardship, and difficulties, we can take comfort in that the Lord will never leave us nor forsake us. We should expect joy even in the midst of trials as prayers are answered and loved ones are saved. 

I would like to encourage you to read and study Revelation for yourself along with the end-times prophecies. I believe that every believer needs to be prepared. And that is all that I will say on the matter. And of course study the entire Bible, for there are blessings in every book in both the Old and New Testaments.  

So on that note, I would like to share a vision that the Lord gave me as a solution to a confounding problem.

The Window and the Bathtub

My husband and I are renovating a small fiberglass trailer called a Casita. We took out the windows that were a source of leaks. We decided to reseal the windows, and replace the dried out rubber gaskets. After we took them out we removed the old gaskets and took apart the windows that needed new screens. After spray painting the frames and reassembling the windows, I had a lot of trouble getting the new gasket into the exterior frame. The gasket provides a seal to keep the rain out and hold the glass in place. In fact I had so much trouble that I worked on one small window for over an hour. After a lot of exertion and determination, I managed to get the gasket in using a prying tool, and petroleum jelly. The process was exasperating. My fingers became sore trying to force the gasket into place. After getting no where with applying heat with a hair dryer and soaking the gasket in hot soapy water, still nothing worked. Then I decided to used my full body weight on it by standing on the gasket and the window frame. I put all the pressure of my right hell on top of the gasket to get as many pound pers square in as I could. With this method, I was finally able to get the gasket in with about 1” in the corner about 95% in. It was so tight that I knew water would never be able to penetrate. So I had to settle for a nearly perfect job.

The next day, I started on the larger of the two windows. I was able to get a portion of the straight part of the window in but no matter how hard I tried, using every means to my disposal, I could not get the gasket around the corner. After working on the rounded corner for over an hour my fingers were shot. I told my husband, I can’t do it. My fingers were so sore that to even pushing a flat “button” on the microwave was painful. Thank goodness we already had the car packed up for our trip to Ohio to visit family. I thought I will just have to start again when we get back.

After our visit, I returned to the window project. I began again. I tried very hard to give it another shot, but I had to give up after another hour. I just couldn’t get the gasket in. I wasn’t able to force it into place by standing on it because the screen was installed on this “escape window” so it was my prying tools, petroleum jelly and my fingers that had to do the job. After struggling, I simply gave up. I told my husband that we would have to take it to a window company to have them do it. Yet, my heart was to still take care of it myself. So I went on line and watched many videos to see how someone else might install a gasket. But there were videos on everything but this. There was a locking gasket that was popular, but quite different in its design so that the installation and technique was not applicable.

That night before bed I was praying and suddenly the Lord gave me revelation. I saw myself submerging the window in the bathtub! I was thrilled that this might very well be the answer. In the morning I told my husband that I was going to try one more time before taking it to the “window guy.” So I took it to the bathroom ran the bath water as hot as I could get it and put some shampoo in the water. After moving the bubbles away so I could see what I was doing, I was so surprised that it actually popped right in!

God is good! I was so elated that I must have thanked God the whole day! He is so faithful even to the smallest details in life! I feel so loved! Thank you Jesus! Thank you Jesus! I was so excited that I had to tell my friends. I couldn’t believe how easy it went in after struggling for so long! Wow! The scripture that came to mind in all my thankfulness was this:

“Call to me and I will answer you, and tell you wonderful things that you do not know.” Jeremiah 33:3

Hallelujah! Just typing this just makes me realize how much the Lord cares about me! “Jesus loves me this I know….”

Along this same theme, are words of knowledge. Here is another wonderful example of God’s faithfulness:

The Lost Keys

We were visiting my daughter when one day her keys went missing. We looked everywhere, but they didn’t show up. After quite a while, I told her, God knows where those keys are, let’s just ask him. So she was willing to have me pray with her. And suddenly, she got a word of knowledge from the Lord. He told her that they were in the disposal drain in the kitchen sink! Amazing! So she immediately went to the kitchen and reached through the rubber trap, down into the drain and there they were! She pulled up the keys!

That is truly amazing, there is no way that she would have known to look in the sink for a set of keys! But God is good! So we should all call to the Lord when we need his help! He is faithful.


I just remembered another time I received a vision in answer to a prayer. I had received a new debit card in the mail from my bank. And on a separate letter from the bank, they gave me a four digit PIN that I was to use the first time at the ATM. So a day or two later, I had to stop at the ATM for cash. It was a Sunday morning and the bank was closed. I went up to use the card, and I didn’t bring the letter with me. I tried to remember the number and I thought I knew the first two digits, but I couldn’t remember the other two. Suddenly the Lord gave me a vision of the other to numbers, so I tried it and it worked! God it faithful! I feel so blessed. We must realize that God is not a God that is far away. He is so close at times!

This is another testimony I have about God providing a word of knowledge:

Sin Disclosed

This was years ago, on a Sunday morning prayer before the service. A man who I had never seen before came in at the end of our prayer time and wanted prayer for himself. Another intercessor and myself were the only ones left in the room. So we told him that we would pray. He told us, that he wanted prayer for a new job. Suddenly, the Lord gave me a word of knowledge that this man was living with a woman who was not his wife. So I told him, “The Lord has just shown me that you are living with a woman that is not your wife. You cannot expect the Lord to help you like this, when you are muddying the waters between yourself and God.”

He told me that it was so, that he had been living with her. I told him that he needed to make things right with God, either by breaking up immediately or marrying her. He said that he understood, and that he would think about it. Then we went downstairs to the service.

Sometime, around 4-5 years later, I was at the altar of another church ministering to those who would come up for prayer. A woman came to me, so I ask her what was her prayer request. She told me that she was living with a man, but she felt bad that he hadn’t asked her to marry him. She wanted to be right with God, and was asking me to pray that God would move upon his heart to propose. So I told her, certainly, let’s pray.

About two months later, I saw her at the altar again. She said, “I have to tell you, God answered my prayer! He just proposed. We are getting married!” We were holding each others hands, and both of us started jumping up and down in excitement! I asked her to point him out to me. And when she pointed at him, I recognized the he was the same man that had come to the prayer room looking for a job! I had only seen him that one day, but I recognized him. I was so amazed that God allowed me to see the positive outcome of that word of knowledge that I received several years earlier, and our quick answer to the woman’s prayer to get right with God! Hallelujah!

“And we know that God works all things together for the good of those who love Him, who are called according to His purpose.” Romans 8:28

He is so faithful! To God be the glory for the things he has done! Hallelujah! Praise the Lord!

And all things are possible to him who believes! Mark 9:23

I want to share one more vision that the Lord gave me on Thanksgiving morning.

The Teepees

I was praying early in the morning, when I received this vision. I saw three teepees in an indoor home setting. These three teepees looked very much like the one I made for my small grandchildren for indoor play. I also made them indian outfits with the fringed pants, tops and loin cloths. The younger one I made a bolero instead of a long sleeved fringed tunic, knowing that little kids can’t handle anything they consider too fussy. But they loved the teepee! I was just so much fun!

Well, when I thought of the three teepees, I wondered why there were three. Then I realized, maybe my daughter is going to have a third child. Yesterday we spoke, and I told her my vision, and she said, that just a day or two ago, the Lord gave her a dream that she had a third child! Wow! So there may be some good news in our family’s future! “One little, two little, three little Indians…” (a children’s song!)

Thanks for reading. Let’s keep the Church around the world in prayer. There is so much happening, and all believers need our prayers to encourage and strengthen them in their faith! God bless you all!

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