Get in the Game!

 Hi Friends,

I am writing today about four visions that the Lord gave me this past Sunday.   He wants us to understand that the time is short and that he will be returning for his Bride. This is not the time to be preoccupied with our own activities, or to bury ourselves in our work, and in our projects. This is not the time to simply hide out or pass the time. The Lord wants us to be engaged in what he is doing. He wants us in the game!

The Visions

  • First, I saw someone take a can of soda (seltzer water) and pour it on his own bare foot.  

  • Next I saw a group of young people running all in the same direction

  • Then I saw another group of kids, preteens, on playground equipment.  One girl ran away.

  • And in the last vision, I saw a hand vigorously stirring a solution in a small tub.   The white plastic tub was about 12”L x 14”W x 4”H.  The watery solution was chalky white.

I have been praying for revelation regarding these visions.  It seems as if the first and last are similar and the second and third also have something in common.  


When I see feet or shoes in a vision, I believe that it usually concerns our walk with God.  In the first vision I saw someone pouring water from a can over a foot.  I believe this represents cleansing.  In the Bible there are many events that involve foot washing.  The most memorable event was Jesus washing the disciples’ feet.  We remember that the Lord used foot washing to demonstrate the necessity of being humble and serving one another. 

“When Jesus had washed their feet and put on His outer garments, He reclined with them again and asked, ‘Do you know what I have done for you?  You call Me Teacher and Lord, and rightly so, because I am.  So if I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another’s feet.  I have set you an example so that you should do as I have done for you.  Truly, truly, I tell you, no servant is greater than his master, nor is a messenger greater than the one who sent him.  If you know these things, you will be blessed if you do them.’”   John 13:12-17

Jesus’ life was a walk of humble obedience and submission to the Father’s will.

“Who, existing in the form of God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, but emptied Himself, taking the form of a servant, being made in human likeness.  And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself and became obedient to death—even death on a cross.”  Philippians 2:6-8

The Lord humbled himself and accepted his death on the cross to pay for our sins.  He was truly a servant-master.  It is God’s will for us to follow his example.

“Then Jesus told His disciples, “If anyone wants to come after Me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow Me.   For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it.   What will it profit a man if he gains the whole world, yet forfeits his soul? Or what can a man give in exchange for his soul?”   Matthew 16:24-26

Another example of washing feet is the story of the alabaster jar:

It was Mary Magdalene, from whom seven demons were cast out, that came to the Lord while he was dining at a Pharisee’s house.  She knelt down at his feet and broke open a bottle of perfumed oil and anointed Jesus’ feet.  She washed his feet with her tears and  wiped his feet with her hair as a sign of her love, devotion and thankfulness, for the Lord’s deliverance and forgiveness of sin.

Both of these examples of feet washing were demonstrating humility and serving others, for it was the servant in a household who would wash the guests feet. John the Baptist showed his humility and his servant heart when he spoke of the Lord.  “He is the One who comes after me, the straps of whose sandals I am not worthy to untie.”  John 1:27 

And when Jesus came to him to be baptized, he said to the Lord, “‘I need to be baptized by You, and do You come to me?’ But Jesus answered him, ‘Let it be so now, for thus it is fitting for us to fulfill all righteousness.’ Then he consented.”  Matthew 3:14-15

In the vision, the person was washing his own feet with a can of water.  I am assuming that it was seltzer water for it can found in aluminum cans. 

When Jesus washed the disciple’s feet, Peter was one who objected: “Never shall You wash my feet!” Peter told Him. Jesus answered, “Unless I wash you, you have no part with Me.”  John 13:8  

Jesus was teaching them to let go of their pride.  They felt embarrassed and ashamed to allow the Lord who was greater than they, to do something that was even beneath themselves.  But like Jesus’s disciples, we must learn to not be independent of God.  We need to see that we cannot allow pride and independence to separate ourselves from him.  

We can wash our own feet with soap, water and a dry towel.  But we cannot cleanse ourselves of sin, for we do not remove sin with soap and water.  Sin and a guilty conscience is only cleansed by coming to the Lord with a humble heart, and confessing our sin.  It is the Lord’s blood that cleanse us.  “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”  1 John 1:9

The Cloudy Water

The last vision is similar to the first. It is the vision of the cloudy water that was vigorously stirred.  The plastic tub in the vision is like two tubs that I currently have.  In one I keep medicines and toiletries, and in the other I keep household cleaners.  In the past If there was a need to use a foot bath for soaking, we would dump out the contents of one of these tubs and fill it with warm water and Epsom salts.  In the vision, the water was cloudy and vigorously stirred.  This is exactly what we do to soak our feet.  The Epsom salts are added to warm water and stirred until fully dissolved.  The solution becomes white and cloudy. 

In the first vision, the person tried to clean his own feet with water.  He chose water from an aluminum can which shows that the water was pure. It was drinkable and filtered making it pure.

This vision did remind me of another passage in the Bible, that told of stirring water.  It is in the gospel of John, chapter 5:

“Some time later, Jesus went up to Jerusalem for one of the Jewish festivals. Now there is in Jerusalem near the Sheep Gate a pool, which in Aramaic is called Bethesda and which is surrounded by five covered colonnades. Here a great number of disabled people used to lie—the blind, the lame, the paralyzed.  One who was there had been an invalid for thirty-eight years.  When Jesus saw him lying there and learned that he had been in this condition for a long time, he asked him, ‘Do you want to get well?’

‘Sir, the invalid replied, ‘I have no one to help me into the pool when the water is stirred. While I am trying to get in, someone else goes down ahead of me.’

Then Jesus said to him, ‘Get up! Pick up your mat and walk.’  At once the man was cured; he picked up his mat and walked.”   John 5:1-9

The pool of Bethesda, was originally created for Jewish ceremonial cleansing.  But later it became a pagan center of healing.  The Greek “god” Asklepion, the “god” of healing, would come to stir the waters and heal those who would enter the pool.  In this place the desperately sick people would come hoping that this “god,” of the Greeks would heal them.

Jesus came to this place in Jerusalem with the intention of showing everyone there, that the power of God is real and available.  He purposefully healed a man on the Sabbath to stir up the Pharisees and teachers of the law to question his authority, and to be challenged by the truth, that he is Lord of the Sabbath.  Through his miracles, Jesus showed that he had supernatural power over the physical realm, and that the power to heal was a tangible, and visible sign that declared to all that he had come from God.   

In the vision, I believe that the water was a medicinal solution.  People today rely heavily on medicines, therapies, dietary supplements, and all types of potions and lotions to heal themselves, to look younger, or to have the strength and vitality, or beauty of their earlier years.  We know that there is much focus, advertising, and money spent on beauty products, nutritional and diet products, plastic surgery and drugs for all purposes. To indulge in all this is vanity and self worship.  It does not honor God, but glorifies or exalt’s the human body.

We have to be careful not to fall into this trap, for it conforms to the world’s view. The world values the physical and material things. It is all about the pride of life: what one has, what one does, and what physical attributes one possesses. It values human achievement: running the fastest mile, putting a man on Mars, being at the top in business, education, entertainment, sports, and government, amassing wealth and becoming famous. Some feel important simply knowing someone who is famous and at the top in their game.

The world’s view goes against everything that the Lord values. The Lord wants us to develop good and pure character traits. He is not interested is making us wealthy or beautiful. As our creator, He wants us to be free to serve him and to give him the first place in our priorities,  However, when we focus on ourselves, we become selfish, and life becomes all about our needs, our desires, and our plans. God is not even in the picture, or he is relegated to the last place.  We no longer love God or concern ourselves to please him, for we love ourselves so much more.

Running Away

The second vision was of young adults running as a group, all in the same direction.  I wondered why they were running?  And from whom or from what were they running?  Where were they going?

There is much fear and uncertainty in our nation today.  There are many people fleeing  blue states to go to red states because of the overreach of the government and the mandates that these blue states are implementing.  I thank the Lord that more and more Red states are taking a stand and doing what is best for their people.  Just yesterday, the governor of Indiana invited all the policemen that stood to lose their jobs in Illinois because of the vaccine mandate, to come to Indiana.  He said, “Come, we will hire you, no vaccine required!”  Hallelujah!

I believe that older people understand and are familiar with regimes that implement mandates and use manipulation, coercion, and propaganda to serve their purposes. The actions of these corrupt leaders which usurp our God-given rights, and our ability to make a living in peace and in freedom, have already caused people to flee these mandates and the overreach of government.

But I believe that the young people are running away, not from the authoritarian government, but from God.  Many young people have bought into the world’s view and want to pursue their dreams and goals for themselves.  They see themselves as the world does.  They just want to do their own thing.  They do not want to hear what God has to say about living a holy life.  They do not care about eternal life, for it is too far into the future for them to see its importance. They see only the here and now, and many have had everything given to them. Many do not understand the importance of work for they believe that the world “owes them a living.”  They understand entitlement.  They understand the system. And they know how to work it.

Many young people are coming to our nation and crossing our borders illegally, so as to have the American life.  They believe that they will have free healthcare, free education, free everything.  They see America as the “good life.”  These young people have been deceived by the Left, that all will be well if they can just cross the border.  However if these young people pursue prosperity, and personal happiness without God,  they will have nothing of real value.  “What does it profit a man to gain the world, and forfeit his soul.”   Mark 8:36

We need to pray for these young people because they think they will live forever.  They are young and don’t seem to care for God or anything having to do with God.  They are rejecting him.

But the vision is more about those who are running away from God.  These are young adults who have been raised in the church by loving Christian parents who want them to love and serve the Lord, but instead they choose to go their own way.  They are running from the Lord’s presence and his Holy Spirit.  They refuse to go to church for they know that to do so will bring upon them the conviction of the Holy Spirit, which they want to avoid that at all costs.  They do not want to come to the Lord until they are “good and ready.”  one young man I know has said, “I plan to sow my wild oats first, and then I’ll get right with God later, when I am older.”

The youth of today are in pursuit of pleasure. They have the rebellious notion that they can do life better without God—that is a lie.  We must pray for them to return to their senses like the prodigal son in the Lord’s parable. 

In the parable, after the son loses all his money to gambling, prostitutes and wild living, he finds himself having to feed pigs.  He is cold and hungry, and realizes that even his father’s workmen have it better than he does, so he decides to return to his father and humbly submit to his authority.

Of course his father is so thankful to have him back that he throws a party for him. He puts a fine garment on him and gives him a ring symbolizing authority, and his position as a son.

This parable shows us that the Lord’s intention is to receive everyone who will come to him with a humble and contrite heart, asking for forgiveness and restoration.  Jesus is faithful he will do just that:  “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”  1 John 1:9   

Young Girl on a Playground 

The third vision of a girl on the playground is similar to the vision of the young people running away. in both visions someone is running.  In this vision, I saw a group of preteen children playing on a playground.  Now ordinarily a playground with swings, sliding boards and jungle gyms are wonderful places for small children to explore and have fun.  The preteens aren’t usually attracted to a playground, unless it is just for a meeting or conversation.  Sometimes young girls will sit on swings while they converse about the important events and happenings in their lives.  But in this vision, I saw all these kids having fun on the playground with only a single girl running away from the scene.

I believe that the kids on the playground represent all people who are just passing time. They have a lot of fear over the events of the day, the virus, uncertainty of their jobs, the mandates etc. that they are hiding out in their pastimes, their work, or their activities. They feel that they have no control over the current events so rather that thinking about what should be done, they keep their minds occupied with rather insignificant things.

The young girl in the vision knew that the playground was not for her.  She recognized that this type of “play,” was not age appropriate for her.  She was ready to take on more, and was not going to waste her time with a needless pastime.

The Lord spoke to me a few months ago saying, “Finish strong!”  This is not the time to busy ourselves in our pastimes trying to ignore reality.  It is time to pray and seek God, for through prayer we can change the world.  By sharing our testimony and the good news of the gospel, we can change the course of a single life. Even one soul that escapes hell is worth our time to witness and pray.   We can make a difference in someone’s life by showing them, that we care enough to share Jesus with them. It is time to leave the playground behind and run this race as if to win.

“Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider him who endured such opposition from sinners, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.”  Hebrews 12 1-3

The young girl in the vision chose to leave the others and move on with her life.  The playground represents the world and all that it has to offer.  It is the idyllic life of a child that we need to leave behind, and truly begin the life that God intends for us to live. 

“When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me. For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.”  1 Corinthians 13:11-12

So we need to stop wasting our time. Instead we need to devote ourselves to serving him. After all, “Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.” 1 Corinthians 6:19-20

So we give to God what is rightfully his - that is us! We are his; He purchased us with his own precious blood! We give him our lives and he gives us all that we need, including an eternal home with him! Hallelujah!

Please share this post with your friends, family, church and neighbors. Please copy its link and share with those who need to get ready. The Lord is coming soon. We cannot afford to stay in our comfort zone, or on the playground. We need to get in the Lord’s game. We need to run the race marked out for us.

God bless you all!

The World is Hostile Toward God

The World is Hostile Toward God

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