Corona Virus - Why?

Corona Virus - Why?

Hi Friends,

I am writing about a vision that was given to me April 2, 2020.  Now it is eight days later, and I have still been praying as to its interpretation.  What I believe I have come to understand is that the vision means many things at the same time.  This vision concerns the Corona Virus and the many changes it has brought to life. It is a two part vision.

The Vision

Part 1

First I saw a place setting with a rectangular place mat, plate, bowl, chopsticks, napkin, and glass.  The chopsticks are in lieu of a fork, knife and spoon. The place setting was floating in mid-air, and like a 3-D image, it was rotated in space.  It was then lowered into a basket which was rectangular with radius corners. The basket was a light golden brown about 15” x 22” and about 3 ½” in height.  The basket was entirely open with no handles, it could act as a tray but would be awkward to carry. There was no food or water - only the dishes themselves.

Part 2

Next I saw a man lying flat on his back with his eyes closed.  He appeared to be asleep or possibly dead. Suddenly, he raised his hand towards me, and with a quick, vigorous motion, he showed me three fingers.  He did not move his body, nor speak nor open his eyes. Only the hand moved to signal the number three, very emphatically.

Meaning of the Vision

After praying about this vision for eight days, I thought that I would give you my thoughts. However, I must say that I am still not 100% sure what the Lord is showing me.  I have been very perplexed, not wanting to mislead anyone.

But these are my thoughts and perhaps as you take this to prayer, the Lord may reveal something to you as well.

First of all, I noted that the place setting was not on a table.  It was floating in the air. It rotated in front of me and then was placed into a basket, all with no hands touching it.  There was no food, simply the place setting itself.  

Social Distancing

I could not help but believe that this vision of the place setting had something to do with the Corona Virus (Covid-19).  These are such unusual times for us when much of the nation is shut down and we are asked to stay home and away from people.  As we have been keeping our distance from others, we have become separated for a time from close family members and friends. The vision of putting away the place setting may represent the idea of no longer being able to entertain relatives and guests.  So we put away a place setting for now. There is no lid on the basket, so we hope that soon, we will be able to use it again.


Yet, we are reminded every day of the potential for this virus to kill.  And it does - everyday someone dies. And every day, somewhere in the world, a family loses a member.  The place where a loved one once sat, there is now an empty chair. And now the place setting is no longer needed.  It is a sad, and somber part of the message and interpretation to the vision. We must be prayerful and willing to give comfort to those who have lost loved ones.  But there are other parts to this vision.

Wet Markets

It has been suggested that the virus came from a “wet market,” in the city of Wuhan, China.  And, that the diseases, bacteria and viruses which are normally transferred from one animal to another, have in some way within this market, adapted to infect the human population.  We know that many nations have suffered epidemics and now pandemics with a variety of viruses all stemming from China. 

I believe that one interpretation of this vision of the place setting,complete with chopsticks, to mean that many of the world leaders would demand of China to change its taste for exotic meats.  The Mosaic Law (The Old Testament) would have condemned the eating of such animals, referring to them as being unclean.  

Today, in light of all the various flu and viruses coming out of China and Asia, we can appreciate why the Lord would deem the flesh of these animals to be unclean.  The Lord called himself the Good Shepherd, because he loves the sheep and takes good care of them. He wants people to be healthy, free of sickness and disease. “My people perish for lack of knowledge.”  Hosea 4:6

Currently there are Senators who are in favor of billing China for the cost of lives lost, as well as the financial loss due to their concealment of the Corona virus at its initial outbreak. Even the World Health Organization is responsible for misleading the nations of the world, so that the virus had a chance to get a firm foothold. These Senators intend to demand that China close the wet markets in order to protect the world’s populations.  


As I continued to pray about the vision, I asked the Lord, “Why was there no food, only dishes placed into a basket?”  I believe that the Lord would have us fast during this time when we stay at home and do not go to restaurants or engage in self indulgence.  There is no doubt that we are in a time of shaking. Never has the world and our nation shut down its economy, travel, and social interaction so much as in these days.  I believe that putting away the dishes represents a call for the church to pray, and put away our food for a period of fasting.  

“If my people who are called by my name, will humble themselves and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and healing their land.”  2 Chronicles 7:14

I believe that this shaking that is occurring right now is a wake up call for the church.  The American church has been sleeping for too long. We are called to be a light to the lost.  We are called to share the good news. We are to share the gospel with those who do not know the Lord.  We are charged with the command to put God first, and to honor him in all we do. As things get tough, and circumstances difficult, we need to call upon the Lord.  We need to put our hope in him and teach those around us to do the same.

Food Shortages

One other interpretation to the vision has to do with the lack of food.  I thought about the place setting that included chopsticks. I reasoned that the place setting must belong to a Chinese individual, because most people do not eat with chopsticks, only those of the Oriental cultures.  I thought of the place setting being removed, without hands. I believed that this is something that God is bringing about. He is removing the place setting as a judgment against China. I even heard the other day that Chinese people are afraid there will be food shortages because they do not produce enough food to feed themselves.  They depend on Vietnam for rice, and I understand that President Trump just made a trade deal with China to sell them farm products like soybeans. The fact that there was no food on the place setting and that the setting was placed in a basket can also point to the serious effects of food shortages: starvation and possible death.   


What I see in this vision is a recurring theme:  “Judgment, Mercy, Judgment, Mercy…” Please read this earlier post.  I wrote about a vision that the Lord had given me in 2004. God showed me that he brings judgment on a nation because of sin.  But he uses these judgments as discipline with the hope that people will repent. And upon their genuine repentance, he shows them his mercy and his great love.  He wants the wayward to return to him, and judgment is one of his methods.

The Lord is patient and wants none to be lost.  He puts up with our unfaithfulness for a time, but after a while, when our sin reaches a level that is intolerable to the Lord, he puts his foot down.  After all he is a good father.  “The Lord disciplines those he loves, as a father the son he delights in.”  Proverbs 3:12  

So with regards to China, the Lord may bring difficult times to these people, holding back the supply of food.  He wants to get their attention.  

“‘I gave you empty stomachs in every city and lack of bread in every town, yet you have not returned to me,’ declares the Lord.  ‘I also withheld rain from you when the harvest was still three months away. I sent rain on one town, but withheld it from another.  One field had rain; another had none and dried up. People staggered from town to town for water but did not get enough to drink, yet you have not returned to me,’ declares the Lord.  ‘I sent plagues among you as I did to Egypt. I killed your young men with the sword, along with your captured horses. I filled your nostrils with the stench of your camps, yet you have not returned to me,’ declared the Lord.  ‘I overthrew some of you as I overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah. You were like a burning stick snatched from the fire, yet you have not returned to me,’ declares the Lord. ‘Therefore this is what I will do to you, Israel, and because I will do this to you, Israel, prepare to meet your God.’”  Amos 4:6-12  

Please do not dismiss this.  “But you, Lord, are a compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness”  Psalm 86:15

Again I must repeat, the Lord brings judgment in order to show his mercy.   

“For this people’s heart has become calloused; they hardly hear with their ears, and they have closed their eyes.  Otherwise they might see with their eyes, hear with their ears, understand with their hearts and turn, and I would heal them.”   Matthew 13:15

He knows our hearts. He knows our weaknesses.  He warns us through his prophets and apostles:

“Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts as you did in the rebellion.”  Hebrews 3:15

“The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of people, who suppress the truth by their wickedness, since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities--his eternal power and divine nature--have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.  For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for………”  Romans 18-23

So you see that even though the majority of Chinese have no history with the Lord as the Israelites, Jews and Christians have had, he believes them to be “without excuse.”

Judgement has already and will again come to America in the same way.  Again, I ask you to read my former post, “Judgment, Mercy, Judgment Mercy…”  because it shows what God’s plan is for America. From that vision, there is a portion that I would like to share with you. 

The vision came in 2004.  I saw a young girl in a pony tail wearing a plaid school uniform.  She was holding a lunch tray in front of her. As she looked at her tray I heard these words:  “Among the well fed will come disease.”  

The Covid-19 virus has killed primarily older adults, and those with compromised immune systems.  But it has also taken the lives of people who were “well fed.” Some of the well-fed were the diabetic, the obese, those with high blood pressure and those with heart disease.  These conditions are collectively referred to as the metabolic syndrome sharing the same underlying cause: a diet high in carbohydrates and a lack of exercise.  These conditions are considered “lifestyle diseases” because they come as a result of the choices one makes in diet and lifestyle, rather than with an external cause such as a virus or germ.

Summary of Part 1

The vision of the place setting being removed speaks clearly of each of these aspects:

Social distancing causing people to no longer gather for meals with the extended family and friends. 

The place setting being removed, demonstrates the loss of a loved one formerly taking his place at the dinner table. 

With the seriousness of the times comes the call to put away food, to seek God, to fast and to pray.

The place setting with chopsticks being removed and stored away, shows that there will be pressure placed on China to close its wet markets on behalf of the health of its people and the world’s population. 

Food shortages may come to China as a form of discipline, from the Lord. He wants everyone from every nation to repent. This includes us as Americans.

The Second Part - The Three Fingers

I have been praying regarding the second part of the vision. In this scene, the man that was laying on his back, appeared to either be dead or asleep. He suddenly made a hand gesture holding up three fingers.   After praying for several days, I finally received another vision that helped me understand this one.

I saw a cat, like a cougar or mountain lion walking very carefully down a steep rocky slope.  My view of the cougar was from his left shoulder and flank. I could see that every step he took was a calculated move, due to the steep and treacherous slope.

I understood this vision right away.  The cat represents the manner in which the President and his advisers attempt to re-open the nation’s economy, getting people back to work.  The slope of the mountain represents the sharp decline in the cases of the Corona virus. The return to work will happen carefully while the virus is on its downward path.  Every step of the way must be highly calculated, so that there is no mishap, for “the eyes of the world are watching.” It is a rocky slope, and a dangerous one, so that every decision and circumstance must be carefully weighed. 

The man in the bed appeared to be sleeping or dead.  I believe that the man represents the economy and workforce which seems asleep.  Many workers at home and small business owners are struggling. They hope that when they are allowed to return to work that the business will still be there. So we continue to pray that our businesses will not die. The nation looks on hoping that all will be well and that it will be safe to return soon.  

The three fingers held out emphatically, as if to give an order, or clear instructions, I believe mean that the return to work will be done in three stages.  I cannot say what those stages will be, but I assume that those that can safely return to work will be encouraged to do so. The next stage will have companies and workers released to re-open and return to work when certain criteria are achieved.  And the last stage to be re-opened may be in those areas where there were a great many cases, but are nearing the end of the virus’s run. I imagine that there will be certain restrictions in place, and a workable means to continue monitoring the virus.   

So God is aware. He is in control. We need to seek him. “Seek the Lord and live!” Amos 5:6

God is so good to me - and you.  When we don’t understand, he brings revelation.  “For the Lord gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding. Proverbs 2:6

“If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God who gives graciously without finding fault.” James 1:5

Thanks for reading. Please share this with those you know, and especially with those who will pray. Fasting and prayer are essential for the well-being of our nation. Please pray for our leaders, the health care providers, the military, the business leaders, teachers and all the wonderful workers in the labor force who are working hard to supply the nation with goods and services that our country depends upon. And I thank the Lord for all of you who are standing in prayer with me, to see our nation turn to the Lord, and in so doing our land will be healed! Hallelujah!

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