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A Sign - The Butterfly

Hi Friends,

We are still in a lock down/stay at home mode here in New Jersey, along with the rest of the nation and the world.  It is a beautiful day and the first day that our nation will begin using a malaria drug to fight the Corona virus.  What I have read and heard shows promising results: The drug created in Germany nearly 70 years ago to combat malaria, is now to be used in treating the Corona Virus. It attacks the virus in a two ways.  The drug called hydroxy-chloroquine is supposed to stop the virus from penetrating cells in the body. It is also supposed to keep the virus from propagating. Two benefits from the use of this drug in combination with Z-PAC (azithromycin), is that it improves lung function in those with the Corona virus, so that a respirator may not be required, and we are told that it may shorten the duration of the infectious period from 20 days to 6.  The Z-PAC fights bacteria in the lungs which become damaged from the virus and in so doing prevents pneumonia.

I have been in prayer every day, and have received several visions that concern this pandemic and our nation. Today, I am sharing these visions with you.

The Visions

A Man in a T-Shirt

First I saw a man in a white T-shirt.  He was sitting at a table with microphones, addressing a television audience in a news briefing of some type.  He was sitting with his elbows on the table and his hands crossed in front. He leaned forward into the mic. However I could not hear what he had to say.  His white, short-sleeved shirt was banded at the neck and arms in red.  

Colors are important in visions, because they give additional meaning to the vision.  Red generally means sin, blood or blood shed. White denotes godliness, purity and truth.  The red bands bordered the white shirt. This could represent the idea that sin taints or opposes purity or holiness. Because the man is giving a message, it seems that there is sin, tainting the truth.  This represents hypocrisy. I have been listening and nearly constantly praying for our people and those around the world. On television, I have seen many things that show utter hypocrisy in the news.  Senators and Congressmen claim to be Christian, but by their actions and statements they deny their faith.  

When I asked the Lord to show me a passage to confirm this, he led me to page 682 in my Bible. (The Full Life Study Bible, Donald C. Stamps, 1992 Life Publishers and Zondervan Publishers.) It was in the study notes of the book of Nehemiah that I saw these words:


Just because those who claim to be God’s people have assembled for worship is no guarantee that true worship is taking place or that God is accepting their praise and listening to their prayers. (1) If the worship of God is mere form and lip service and the hearts of God’s people are far from him, then God does not accept their worship.  Christ severely castigated the Pharisees for their hypocrisy--legalistically following God’s law while their hearts were far from him ( Mt 15:7-9; 23:23-28; Mk 7:5-7).”

You can see clearly how God was confirming that  this indeed was a message of hypocrisy in some of the leaders in the house and senate.  But God does not want us to play the blame game. We are to pray for those that are deceived.  “Forgive them Father, for they know not what they do.”  Luke 23:34

A Man in Line

Next I saw a man standing in line.  Everyone in line was wearing either black or navy blue.  The man took just one step to his left to stretch his neck and head to see the line in front of him.  He was wearing a Navy blue T-shirt with white letters: NYC.

Our family moved to New Jersey from the Chicago area, twenty four years ago.  After arriving, we decided to check out a local mall. When we entered, we experienced culture shock.  Everyone looked entirely different than those of the Midwest. We noticed immediately that everyone was wearing black or navy blue.  My daughter and I nicknamed New Jersey/New York as “the land of black and navy blue.” Today, I I am happy to call New Jersey my home. I love New Jersey, and all the people—in fact, It would be hard to imagine living anywhere else.  

But I shared all this to tell you that those standing in line were all wearing black and navy blue, and one of them had on a NYC T-shirt, so this vision really concerns the Northeast, and mostly NYC where the Corona virus has made its effect. I believe that the line depicts “waiting.” And what we are waiting for is the end of the lock-down, and the re-opening of businesses. The man in line was in the middle. I believe that this may indicate that we are half-way through this ordeal.  Hallelujah!

A Jar
Next I saw a hand take a jar from among a few others, and bring it up close to me, so that I could see it clearly.  The hand tipped the clear jar so that I saw that there was only a tiny bit of clear liquid in the bottom of the jar.  The jar itself was about 3 ½” in diameter and about 4” in height. It had a pale yellow lid.

Again I believe that the color of the lid is important.  The Biblical meaning of yellow is the presence of God, purification by fire, God’s anointing, and joy.  Outside of the Bible, yellow can represent fading or dying as yellow roses denote a fading or dying love.  Yellow can also represent fear: Someone referring to another as a coward, “You yellow-bellied____!”

Because there is very little left in the jar of what was once there, we can rule out a few of these meanings. I cannot possibly believe that the presence of God or his anointing or his joy is diminishing. So these interpretations cannot be part of the meaning. But the last biblical meaning of yellow is the purification by fire. We are all tested or tried by the trials and tribulations that we face. The Corona Virus is certainly a trial or test for us as a nation, and as individuals.

As a nation, God sees the actions and words of our leaders and us, who stand to criticize them. Can we as a nation pull together, and overcome bitterness and resentment towards those with whom we differ? Can we pass legislation to help our people and our businesses from failing? Can we work towards the higher goals of serving one another out of love rather than of selfish ambition?

As individuals, can we love as the Lord loved? Can we be faithful to pray for reconciliation among our countrymen, and a joining together for the common good? Can we seek God for healing and restoration for those that are sick and away from him? Can we be faithful to acknowledge him before others, and to give him the glory for the peace he gives us? Can we be forgiving of those who have wronged us or wronged someone that we love? Can we get right with him and live as though we are not our own?

In the vision, the yellow lid on the jar can also represent the fear of loss, the fear of uncertainty, and fear of dying. By the fact that the jar is nearly empty, we can see that this trial is almost over.

A Black Disc

Next, I saw someone, a woman, take a small black object and place it on the ground.  She took several steps back from the object and waited to see what would happen. I believed she was waiting for it to explode.  The object was flat and circular with short prongs all around its edge. It stood on a short base conical in shape. The object with its base was only about 4” in height.  

I believe that the black disc with its prongs represent the virus.  My prayer partners and myself have been praying for the virus’ demise.  I believe that this is God’s response. That it will be destroyed.

A Spider

In the vision, I saw a small spider crawl across a surface in front of me.

I knew from studying general science with my children (I home schooled all three of them), that spiders were actually very beneficial.  So I looked up beneficial qualities of spiders on the internet. One fact that stood out, was the fact that spiders consume other insects that carry disease.  I was also interested in the drug mentioned before, hydroxy-chloroquine which fights malaria. And I also remembered that there was a disease that was similar to malaria called yellow fever.  Both of these diseases were carried by mosquitoes. Malaria is an infectious disease caused by protozoa that are transmitted by anopheline mosquitoes. Yellow fever is a viral infection caused by the flavivirus.

I believe that the spider in the vision represents the drug hydroxy-chloroquine that they are releasing today to combat the virus.  This is good news! God answers our prayers!

A Hand Truck

Next I saw a vision of hand truck advertised on an Amazon page on the internet.  I know that Amazon, Apple, and Micro Soft, Honeywell, and other big corporations are making contributions to help our nation by supplying medical supplies and equipment.  One clothing manufacturer is making masks for those who need to be protected as they work with the sick. We know that this is the grace of God working in and through people to make a difference in the outcome of this pandemic.  They are worthy of our praise. And for the glory of God. “In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.”  Matthew 5:16

A hand truck is designed to carry boxes, many at the same time.  So I believe that the hand truck in the vision also shows how Amazon, and the many companies are shipping out boxes of supplies.

And the hand truck is also given to represent the ability for the American people to soon get back to work.  Hallelujah. We also pray for those hard hit by the virus in Italy and in Iran. These countries have suffered more losses than China had reported.  We need to pray that the virus is destroyed and that these precious people that the Lord loves, will find him in their distress!  “You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.”  Jeremiah 29:13

God wants none to be lost.  “The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness.  Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.”  2 Peter 3:9

The Butterfly

God saves the best for last!  I saw a large butterfly. The wings were together and standing upright, which is the position of rest for a butterfly.  The wings were about 4” in height, so the wing span would have been 8 plus inches! The butterfly carries a beautiful message.  As a caterpillar, it is first born. Then as it undergoes a transformation while in its chrysalis, it receives its second birth as a butterfly.  So you can clearly see that this butterfly represents God’s greatest desire-- that everyone would become born-again and filled with the Holy Spirit.

If you read my last post, “Selah and the Divine Curfew,” you will see that it has been God’s intention to cause people to look up—to look to him for their salvation, and deliverance. God wants people to seek him for healing and comfort.  God is merciful. He did not cause this virus to occur, but he uses every means possible so that people will turn to him. Hallelujah! This is an answer to prayer. We have been praying that God will reach people with the message of the Gospel, the good news!  And here we have an answer. The butterfly is a sign that God will bring a revival to our land! “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away. Behold, the new has come.” 2 Corinthians 5:17

Again we shout Hallelujah! Praise the Lord for he is good!

To Be Right with God

If you have not yet given your heart to the Lord Jesus, or have not yet asked him to forgive you of your sins and to be filled with the Holy Spirit.  And you would like to become born-again and have the promise of eternal life, then please go to the post, “Selah and the Divine Curfew,” and you will find a prayer for salvation at the end of the post. Once you give your life to him you will find that everything changes.  Your eyes will be opened, and you will see things quite differently. God and his word will take on new meaning for your life. Be bless in your adventure with him!

Thanks for reading, and I pray that the Lord will protect you or your loved ones from any harm.  “Though a thousand may fall at your side and ten thousand at your right hand, no harm will come near you.”  Psalm 91:7

This is Psalm 91 in its entirety: