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Abundant Health

Hi Friends,

Today I am writing about what the Lord has shown me about health and diet.  He wants us to be healthy in body, soul and spirit. The Lord has spoken to me in the past while in prayer, regarding things he did not want me to eat.  But recently he has given me two visions one concerning spinach and the other concerning cayenne pepper. Amazing! The Lord is good. He wants us to be strong to be useful to him, to be an instrument in his hand.

Just about 22 years ago, I was praying and I heard the Lord speak, “Give up pop.”  Now for those in New Jersey and New York, “pop” means “soda.”  I was startled by his statement, and I thought, “For a time?” Then immediately, I knew the Lord meant forever!  At that time I was drinking about a liter of diet cola everyday. I had begun the habit while in college, drinking “Tab,” a Coca Cola product that is no longer available.   So for the last 22 years I have not had any “pop.”  

So what was so bad about diet cola?  The sweetener was found to be carcinogenic.  The phosphoric acid in the cola dissolves bone and teeth.  And when the phosphoric acid reaches the kidneys, it helps kidney stones to form.   The caffeine in cola drinks is a stimulant that does not allow the body to rest when it feels tired, and it is a diuretic, causing your body to lose water.  

Today we have many sugar substitutes:  Saccharin, aspartame, sucralose, Stevia extract, and all the sugar alcohols:  erythritol, mannitol, sorbitol, xylitol, lactitol, isomalt, maltitol and hydrogenated starch hydrolysates (HSH).  I believe that none of these are truly safe to consume on a regular basis.   

Just a note: I am certified as a nutrition coach and I studied exercise physiology in a Masters program, so,  I am a bit of a health nut.

I believe that if the Lord tells me that I need to give up pop or soda, to remain healthy, then it must also be true for you.  

Now  just one year ago, sometime in February 2019, the Lord  gave me a similar command:  “No Added Sugar!”  

Just as before, I knew the Lord meant “forever”, so I haven’t had any food with added sugar.  I have had sugary fruits like raisins, and bananas, but no desserts or packaged foods with sugar in them.   After all, when God tells us something, or gives us his instructions, he is doing it for our own good. And of course he will also provide the will power and the desire to do his will.  

If you would like to follow my lead, let me show you where sugars like to hide:  They hide under names that you do not recognize. Anything ending in “ose” is a sugar and will elicit an insulin response, for example:

  • Fructose: found in fruits and honey

  • Galactose: found in milk and dairy products

  • Glucose: found in honey, fruits and vegetables

  • Lactose: found in milk, made from glucose and galactose

  • Maltose: found in barley

  • Sucrose: made up of glucose and fructose and found in plants

  • Xylose: found in wood or straw

  • Dextrose: made from corn is chemically identical to glucose

Other Names for Sugar 

Beet sugar - beet juice - brown sugar - cane juice crystals - cane sugar - castor sugar - coconut sugar - confectioner’s sugar - powdered sugar - corn syrup solids - crystalline fructose - date sugar - demerara sugar - dextrin - diastatic malt - ethyl maitol - Florida crystals = golden sugar - glucose syryp solids - grape sugar - icing sugar - maltodextrin - muscovado sugar - panela sugar - raw sugar - sucar - sucanat - turbinado sugar - yellow sugar - agave nectar - agave syrup - barley malt - blackstrap molasses - brown rice syrup - Buttered sugar - buttercream - caramel - carob syrup - corn syrup - evaporated cane juice - fruit juice - fruit juice concentrate - golden syrup - high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) - honey - invert sugar - malt syrup - maple syrup - molasses - rice syrup - refiner’s syrup - sorghum syrup - treacle

If you want to avoid “added sugar,” you will need to start reading labels, and become familiar with the names of sugar.

What is remarkable, is that now one year later, February 2020, and I have received two visions to show me about two other foods. 

The Visions

First I saw an extended arm reaching towards me.  In the hand was a glass spice jar just like mine. In the jar was a red powdered spice, which I recognized to be cayenne pepper.  Someone was offering this spice for me to use.

Then I saw a hand holding a fork, trying to chase spinach around the salad bowl.  But for some reason, the spinach would not go onto the fork. It seemed futile. 

So after receiving these visions, I decided to look up the benefits and health risks of both these foods.  I was looking for any scientific studies that would test the merits and failures of the claims made regarding these foods.

Cayenne pepper

Cayenne pepper received many praises for its health benefits. The following article cited 25 scientific papers and evaluated 8 common health claims.  What follows are highlights from the article.

By Dr Merry FRCPI PhD  Infectious diseases physician. MB BCh BAO BA FRCPI MSc PhD.

“What are the Health Benefits of Cayenne Pepper? 25 Studies Reviewed”   (Last Updated: 6 August 2019)  

Does Cayenne Pepper Prevent Blood Clots?

There are no human clinical studies showing that cayenne pepper can prevent blood clots.

There are two positive non-human studies:

One study showed that capsicum can prevent platelet aggregation (platelets sticking together which can cause clots.) This study was done on blood samples.  And a second study showed that capsicum inhibited platelet aggregation in 6 beagle dogs.  But no human clinical studies show that cayenne pepper can prevent blood clots.

Does cayenne pepper help migraines?

Italian investigators found that a 0.1% capsaicin gel was statistically significantly better than vaseline at relieving arterial tenderness between and during migraine attacks.  The study was done in 23 migraineurs – a small number of patients.

The investigators randomized 8 migraineurs to either placebo or 100 µl of an emulsion containing capsaicin 300 µg.  This was applied in both nostrils once a day for 7 days.

The capsaicin group reported a 50-80% improvement in their symptoms while the placebo arm noted a 20% improvement.

This difference was statistically significantly different in favor of the capsaicin arm of the study. 

There is very limited data which is based on 29 study subjects which does suggest that capsicum may help migraines.

Does Cayenne Pepper Help Treat Psoriasis?

A double-blind study randomized 98 patients with psoriasis to capsaicin 0.025% cream and 99 patients to a placebo vehicle four times a day for 6 weeks. There was a statistically significant difference in itch and psoriasis severity score in favor of the capsaicin arm of the study.

A study done over 30 years ago looked at the effect of topical capsicum in 44 patients with psoriasis.   All patients had psoriasis on both sides of their body and just applied the capsicum to just one side of their body.  They then compared the appearance of the skin on the treated side of their body to the untreated side of the body.

The final study’s conclusion was that capsicum helped with psoriasis. However, the fact that this study was over 30 years old and has not been followed up by larger and more in-depth studies suggests that the academic world was not impressed by the results of this study. 

There is very limited short-term data suggesting that capsicum may help with psoriasis

Does Cayenne Pepper Help Fight Cold and Flu?

There are no preclinical or clinical studies evaluating cayenne pepper to flu and colds.

Does Cayenne Pepper Prevent Allergies?

There are no studies showing that cayenne pepper can prevent allergies.

Does Cayenne Pepper Support Weight Loss?

University of Maryland researchers randomized 40 men and 40 women to either 6 mg/day of capsaicinoids or placebo for 12 weeks. There was no significant difference in weight or overall adiposity between the groups. A statistically significant reduction in abdominal adiposity was noted in the capsaicinoid arm of the study.

A 2009 study looked at the effect of capsaicin on energy expenditure and satiety at lunch in the postprandial state (just after eating). A total of 30 subjects took part in this study in a cross-over design.

This meant that the 30 subjects had a lunch with capsaicin and then one week later had lunch without capsaicin. The results of the study showed that the capsaicin had no effect on satiety or energy expenditure.

There are no large clinical trials proving that cayenne can help with weight loss. Only those of related studies suggest that cayenne pepper may help with weight loss.

Does Cayenne Pepper Help Digestion?

There is no convincing clinical data to show that cayenne pepper can aid digestion.

Does Cayenne Pepper Help Relieve Joint and Nerve Pain?

Chilli pepper has been used as an analgesic since antiquity.  We used to think that capsaicin worked by depleting the reserves of substance P in nerve cells which is the neurotransmitter that usually sends pain signals to the brain. That theory has now been debunked.

The current theory behind the analgesic effects of chili is as follows. Topical capsicum from chili peppers binds to receptors including the transient receptor potential vanilloid subtype 1 (TRPV1 receptor) which causes a burning sensation and blocks other sensations for some time. This is known as the counter-irritation theory.

The capsicum acts as a placeholder and prevents other causes of pain from registering. 

In 2009, the FDA approved a capsicum patch for pain relief in patients with post-herpetic neuralgia which is a specific type of nerve pain that can be a consequence of herpes infections.

A 2017 study reviewed data from 6 post-herpetic neuralgia trials involving 1347 study participants and found that all studies showed favorable results and the literature review found that topical capsicum was effective as a sole agent in the management of pain. However, there were two big problems with the papers:

Firstly, the significance of these results could not be calculated due to inter-study methodological differences. 

Secondly, two of the studies included in the review were funded/sponsored which raises the issue of conflict of interest. 

The reviewers could not conclude anything.

An ongoing study is comparing the efficacy of non-steroidal anti-inflammatories to capsicum in people with arthritis. The study protocol was published in 2016 by the osteoarthritis trial bank consortium but the analysis is still ongoing.

Capsicum is recognized as beneficial for certain types of nerve pain eg post-herpetic neuralgia.

Is Cayenne Pepper Safe?

Cayenne pepper is generally recognized as safe by the FDA.  This is referring to small amounts of cayenne being sprinkled on food. 

Capsaicin is also the main ingredient in pepper spray.  A 2007 review paper reported on studies in mice rats and rabbits and found that capsaicin is safe but can be irritant to the eyes and skin.   

The paper also commented on the fact that the irritant properties of capsaicin mean that it can also increase the absorption of agents though human skin, therefore care should be exercised if using capsaicin in cosmetics or as part of any topical treatments.

Capsicum can result in increases in blood pressure and special care is recommended when suggesting this as an analgesic in people with hypertension.

A 2014 review noted that capsicum has been reported as a possible causative factor in gastric cancer. The study found that low to moderate intake of capsaicin offered protection against stomach cancer while high intake was possibly associated with a higher than average risk of stomach cancer.

In 2012 Turkish emergency room physicians reported an unusual case of a heart attack in a 25-year-old man. This man had no risk factors for heart disease. He had been taking cayenne pepper supplements for weight loss. Usually, heart attacks happen in people with diseased heart vessels.   This young man had perfectly normal heart vessels on coronary angiography. So It seems that the cayenne pepper caused his blood vessels to go into spasm.

Another theoretical concern with capsicum is that it may permanently block pain perception and actually lead to neuropathy.

The Purpose of the Vision

I believe that God gave me this vision for two basic reasons. First so that you might be aware that not every claim that is made about a food or supplement is true. Tests and studies need to be made to verify the claims. And, secondly as a warning as I will discuss below. There are spiritual consequences to seeking out healing practitioners that engage in “alternative medicine.”

But in regards to cayenne pepper, I must say that the reports and the studies do not convince me that I should recommend it to anyone.  I imagine that non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID) do as well or better than cayenne to alleviate pain. The other health claims are not supported by research. 

There is no harm in using it as a spice or condiment. But there are definitely some real concerns with its use as a supplement or treatment on a regular basis. As the previous paper points out, cayenne has the potential for raising blood pressure, causing neuropathy, stomach cancer, and blood vessel spasms that could lead to a heart attack.

But what concerns me even more is the spiritual aspect to the use of herbs, and folk medicines.  Unfortunately, few things are pure and innocent. So I must mention a word and a scripture:

“Pharmakeia” is a Greek word used by the Apostle Paul in Galatians 5:20:  “The acts of the flesh are obvious:  sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; idolatry and SORCERY (pharmakeia), hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like.  I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God.”

  • According to Strong’s Concordance,  Pharmakeia means “the use of medicine, drugs or spells.”  Also: magic, sorcery, enchantment.

  • HELPS word studies: It also means to “administer drugs”—properly, drug related sorcery, like the practice of magical-arts.

  • Thayer’s Greek Lexicon: “Administering drugs’, “poisoning”, sorcery, magical arts, often found in connection idolatry and fostered by it.

Pharmakeia is the word from which we get pharmaceuticals, pharmacy and pharmacist. Of course there are legitimate drugs like penicillin and aspirin which save lives and alleviate pain.  But some of the drugs that are coming out of the pharmaceutical industry are worse than the symptoms they are trying to treat. A friend of mine committed suicide about eight years ago. Later, we discovered that she had been taking a prescription drug whose side effect was “suicidal thoughts.”  This should never have been prescribed. The drug should never have received approval by the FDA or the medical community as being safe.

I don’t believe that medical doctors in general are practicing sorcery. I believe that they are practicing medicine that is legitimate, and backed by scientific studies.  However, there are many “holistic healers” and holistic health practitioners that market health aids and alternative medical treatments that have no basis in science whatsoever.  Very often their diagnostic methods are based on divination. This is big business. Much money is made by making claims about herbs, foods, and “miracle products.” These people mislead their clients and customers by making outrageous, unproven claims. They use fear and deceit to market their so called “health” products and treatments. They create fictitious explanations and diagnose problems that do not exist in order to sell more.  These “healers” are scam artists. They can impress the unsuspecting with their “immense and thorough knowledge.” It is unfortunate that many people fall into the trap of consulting with them.  

“Let no one be found among you who sacrifices their son or daughter in the fire, who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft or casts spells, or who is a medium or spiritist or who consults the dead.  Anyone who does these things is detestable to the Lord.” Deuteronomy 18:10-12

In the vision, the arm extended towards me was offering the spice.  I didn’t know until I read the articles about cayenne, and the scientific studies conducted to test these claims, that it was all hype.  What you need to know is that this vision is a warning to all those who are seeking healing through alternative medicine practitioners.  Beware. These remedies can be an open door to the occult and to bondage. Let me share another article with you: › archives › volume15        James Sanders, Greencastle, Indiana   Pharmakeia: The Abuse of Drugs - Truth Magazine     

Pharmakeia (sorcery) is a form of the Greek root from which we get our English words pharmacy, pharmacist, and pharmaceutical. Pharmakeia (sorcery) fundamentally has to do with drugs or medicine. Originally the word was used only in the sense of medicine. 

In the New Testament, pharmakeia carried with it the idea of sorcery, occultism, and black magic. It is in this sense that Paul used the term in Galatians 5.20. The Apostle was speaking of sorcery -- the evil abuse of drugs.

The Greek scholar, W.E. Vine summarized the different uses of pharmakeia in his Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words. Said Vine of pharmakeia: "primarily signified the use of medicine, drugs, spells; then, poisoning; then sorcery." It is at this point the dark and grim fact of pharmakeia emerges. Pharmakeia literally is the abuse of drugs coupled with the occult. Pharmakeia is a chain connecting drug addiction with sorcery!

Pharmakeia (the misuse of drugs) has boiled to the surface and with it have come the bitter fruits of addiction, insanity, suicide, crime, and immorality of all sorts. It is little wonder that Paul said those who practice the works of the flesh will not inherit the kingdom of God. (Gal. 5:19-21). Pharmakeia (drug abuse) is a sin and like all sin, pharmakeia will enslave and ultimately ruin.

Coupled along with the rise in drug abuse is the secondary meaning of pharmakeia that of sorcery. The interest in the mysterious, the black arts, "witchcraft," and the occult is perhaps at an all time high.  The results are all too obvious. Pharmakeia is the misuse of drugs. Pharmakeia is sorcery. 

Even traditional or conventional medicine can go wrong:

Let us say for example, that a person has a health issue, so he goes to the doctor, who then prescribes a medicine that happens to have one or more side effects: headache, rash, constipation etc. Then the doctor will prescribe two more medicines to control these issues. After a while, another health problem arises, and the doctor then prescribes another medicine that gives the patient other side effects: nervousness and anxiety.  Now the doctor decides to prescribes two more medicines to deal with the nervousness and anxiety. Now the person is taking 6 medicines once, twice or even three times a day.  Is this the proper way to treat a client? It is healthy? Is it beneficial? Is his quality of life better?

I have a older friend  who has a 12” diameter 3-tiered carousel of pills that he takes everyday. He has had so many health problems (probably due to all the medicines he is taking). He spends three days a week going to a variety of doctors. Could it be that he is a victim of sorcery - the administration of drugs? His doctors do not see anything wrong, with medicating him like this. They merely continue to treat symptoms as they arise.  How is it possible to justify taking that many pills?

My grandfather in his later years had so many pills that his medicine cabinet overflowed onto the vanity counter and over the top of the toilet! I believe that his sickness and disease came to him by following Maharishi Yogi. Through the worship of false gods, he opened a door that should never have been opened.

Jesus is the healer 

We need to seek Jesus for healing and deliverance from sickness and disease. There is nothing wrong about seeking medical advice, from a legitimate doctor practicing science based medicine.  But please do not seek people who heal with “New Age or “wholistic” practices, Chinese medicine, Indian medicine, or folk medicine. These are not innocent. You will regret it. --And the Lord considers it an abomination to consult with these spiritists/healers.  They are practicing what I call “hocus pocus medicine.” It is divination, sorcery and witchcraft. There are ramifications for our choices, some of which are eternal!

“Is anyone among you sick?  Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord.  And the prayer of faith will save the one who is sick, and the Lord will raise him up. And if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven.”  James 5:14-15 

It is time that we believers in the church rise up and do what the Lord is asking us to do:  “As you go, proclaim this message: ‘The kingdom of heaven has come near.’  Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse those who have leprosy, drive out demons.  Freely you have received; freely give.” Matthew 10:8-9  

Vision - Spinach

The vision about the salad bowl and the spinach that would not go onto the fork reminded me about one of the chemical compounds found in spinach, oxalate.  This chemical found in spinach and other foods can cause kidney stones and other health problems. So, you ask, “What are oxalates?”  

Oxalates are a natural substance in many foods. They bind to calcium during digestion in the stomach and intestines and leave the body in the stool. Oxalates that are not bound to calcium travel in the bloodstream to the kidneys. They usually leave the body in the urine.

Oxalates can be problematic when people consume too many foods containing oxalates and do not drink enough water.  The oxalates cluster together with calcium and form crystals. When there is not enough water to flush them from the body, they grow in size to become kidney stones.  

Oxalates are found in foods like spinach, Swiss chard, dark green leafy vegetables, beets, chocolate, nuts and beans.  An overabundance of these foods in the diet can lead to kidney stones. 

Oxalates not only bind to calcium, but they also bind to other minerals like iron. This means that rather than the body absorbing essential minerals, they bind to the oxalates which carry them out of the body through the stool and some through the urine. In this way it is possible to become deficient in various minerals.  This is not a problem for most people who eat a varied diet and drink plenty of water. Those that do not, could develop kidney stones or other health issues like arthritis or calcium deposits in various soft tissues.

This is another scientific study regarding oxalates:

Published in final edited form as: Curr Rheumatol Rep. 2013 Jul; 15(7): 340.

doi: 10.1007/s11926-013-0340-4

PMCID: PMC3710657 NIHMSID: NIHMS478850 PMID: 23666469

Update on Oxalate Crystal Disease Elizabeth C. Lorenz, M.D.,1 Claude J. Michet, M.D.,2 Dawn S. Milliner, M.D.,1 and John C. Lieske, M.D.1,3


Oxalate arthropathy is a rare cause of arthritis characterized by deposition of calcium oxalate crystals within synovial fluid. This condition typically occurs in patients with underlying primary or secondary hyperoxaluria. Primary hyperoxaluria constitutes a group of genetic disorders resulting in endogenous overproduction of oxalate, whereas secondary hyperoxaluria results from gastrointestinal disorders associated with fat malabsorption and increased absorption of dietary oxalate. In both conditions oxalate crystals can deposit in the kidney leading to renal failure. Since oxalate is primarily renally eliminated, it accumulates throughout the body in renal failure, a state termed oxalosis. Affected organs can include bones, joints, heart, eyes and skin. Since patients can present with renal failure and oxalosis before the underlying diagnosis of hyperoxaluria has been made, it is important to consider hyperoxaluria in patients who present with unexplained soft tissue crystal deposition. The best treatment for oxalosis is prevention. If patients present with advanced disease, treatment of oxalate arthritis consists of symptom management and control of the underlying disease process.


Oxalate arthritis is an uncommon cause of arthropathy, typically seen in patients with hyperoxaluria. Oxalate (C2O42−) is an organic compound that can be generated endogenously via metabolism, or incorporated exogenously via the diet. Endogenous overproduction occurs in genetic disorders referred to as the primary hyperoxalurias (PH). A variety of gastrointestinal diseases associated with fat malabsorption result in secondary hyperabsorption of oxalate from the gut. Occasionally, oral intake of foods very high in oxalate or intake of precursors of oxalate may result in a substantial oxalate load. Regardless of its source, oxalate cannot be metabolized and must be excreted in the urine. Over time, excessive urinary oxalate can damage the kidneys leading to reduced renal excretion. Once the glomerular filtration rate declines to less than 30–40 ml/min/1.73m2, renal excretion cannot fully eliminate the oxalate load and plasma levels increase rapidly 1. When the plasma calcium oxalate supersaturation level exceeds the point of spontaneous crystallization, calcium oxalate begins to deposit throughout the body, a condition called oxalosis 1.

In patients with oxalosis, calcium oxalate crystals may deposit within the synovial space causing arthritis. Oxalate arthritis is often difficult to distinguish from other causes of crystalline arthritis, and identification of calcium oxalate crystals within the synovial fluid is required for diagnosis. Importantly, patients can present with renal failure and oxalosis before a diagnosis of hyperoxaluria has been made. Therefore, it is important to consider hyperoxaluria in patients who present with unexplained soft tissue crystal deposition, including crystalline arthritis. The purpose of this article is to review the pathophysiology, manifestations and treatment of oxalate disorders, with a focus on oxalate arthritis.

A Testimony

I know that the Lord is speaking to me for I am a vegetarian, and I have had calcium deposits in my breast tissue.  Hallelujah the Lord healed me of this, this past April! I had pain when I sneezed or coughed, so I thought it was pleurisy.  The doctor checked out my lungs and said they heard nothing. I was given an EKG to test my heart, and then a chest x-ray. Then while out of town visiting family, I continued to have pain, but now it was located near my sternum (breast bone).  I continued to pray. The doctor directed me to have a mammogram. The results came back that I had calcium in my breast tissue and they believe that it was located in the nodes. They wanted to do the test again along with an ultrasound.

So I continued to pray and bind up sickness and disease and commanding my body to be healthy in the name of Jesus. “No weapon formed against me will prosper!  In the name of Jesus!” When the day of the test arrived, I prayed with my sister over the phone, and went inside.

They did a mammogram of my left breast where there was pain. Then they followed that with an ultrasound of both breasts and armpits.  Then they left me in a room to wait. The technician came to me and said, “They want to do it again.” So they took another mammogram on the left side.  Then I waited a second time. I continued to pray. The tech came back and said, “Now they want to do the other side.” So I went to have the right side done.  This time I waited in the room with the mammogram equipment while the tech went to see the doctor who read the results.

As I was sitting there, the Lord spoke to me saying, “You are all right, but they will ask you to come back in six months.” 

Just then the tech came in waving her papers saying, “Well you're all right, but we want to see you back in six months!.”

I told her that the Lord had just spoken those same words to me! She was convinced that something very special happened to me! It was an absolute healing—and it was the Lord Jesus!  Thank you Jesus!  

I have be blessed to experience many miracles!  The Lord is good! “Truly I tell you that if anyone say to this mountain, ‘Be lifted up and thrown into the sea,’ and has no doubt in his heart but believes that it will happen, it will be done for him.”  Mark 11:23

So I believe that the Lord wants me to be careful to not cause other soft tissue deposits to form, so he is showing me what to do with my diet. The vision of the spinach that did not want to get on the fork, was showing me that spinach is not a good food to eat. When I compared foods for their oxalate content, spinach was the very highest food: 755 mg per serving! The following list of foods are high in oxalates.  So we should consider limiting these foods if we have had kidney stones, arthritis, or calcium in soft tissues. ( This does not necessarily apply to everyone.)    

Foods high in oxalate (100–900 mg per serving) include:

  • Beet greens

  • Rhubarb   541 mg per serving!

  • Spinach   755 mg per serving!

  • Beets

  • Swiss chard

  • Endive

  • Cocoa powder (chocolate)  

  • Kale

  • Sweet potatoes

  • Peanuts

  • Turnip greens

  • Star fruit

There is a much more complete list of foods high in oxalates you can access with this link: The 177 High Oxalate Foods & Products: By Content of Oxalate

Please note that not everyone needs to limit their oxalate foods.  This is for those who have had kidney stones or have been diagnosed with arthritis due to oxalates.  Not every arthritis is caused by oxalates.

I know this has been a very long post, but I hope you gain some important information, as well as realizing that God loves you and me! His desire is for us to have an abundant life, to be healthy in body, soul and spirit!

Be blessed! And share this with those you know will benefit!