Present Day Judgment or End Time Events?

Hi Friends,

I want to share a few visions concerning the end times that the Lord has given me in the past as well as those that I have received just recently regarding the state of our nation.  We are in very challenging times right now, and we must hold onto our faith and the words and promises of God.  He will see us through, but we must stay connected to him in prayer, in worship and in his word.

This first vision I received many years ago, and shared it with several intercessors at the time.  I am convinced that it went in one ear and out the other.  And I have purposely not shared this vision as a post, because our nation has been so polarized that many readers may believe it to  mean something altogether different than what I would have them believe.  But now I feel that we are closer than ever to the end of days, so we need to talk about this.

The Vision  

I saw this vision in the year 2000.  My son was just an infant, born in March of the same year.

I saw someone holding a square shoe box with three holes on its front face.  The person holding the box, opened the lid, and out sprang three snakes.  The snakes flew through the air with their bodies outstretched.  Then they landed and re-coiled on the branches of a large tree.  There was a man sitting at the base of the tree wearing a plain off-white tunic.  His hair was brown, cut in a page-boy style.  He was looking up into the branches of the tree as I heard a voice say:  “These are the three temptations.”  While still in the vision, I thought of the temptations as money, power and sensual indulgence.

Then a second later, I saw the scene change.  It was as if I were looking down a long tube, or telescope.  I saw that the tree was now a stump, and that the moon was taking up most of the background.  I could see the silhouette of a man standing on the top of the stump with the moon as a backdrop.  He took a step off the stump, and suddenly, I found myself walking in the grass, following the man.  In the moonlight I could see only his lower legs and boots.  I  continued to follow about a stride’s length behind him 

I prayed to understand this vision for ten days.  On the tenth day as I was praying, I heard these words:  “Fifteen were killed on the lawn today.”

Somehow I believe that the lawn is the White House lawn, and that the fifteen are good, people who will be killed.  I believed at that time, that the White House will no longer represented good, but evil.

However, seeing the political events, these last four years, the extreme wickedness of the left, (lies, cover ups, false accusations) that I realize now, that evil may come to the White House sooner than I have expected. 

I decided to find out the meaning of the number 15. It is simply the word REST. The fifteen who die will enter the Lord’s eternal rest. “There remains, then, a Sabbath-rest for the people of God; for anyone who enters God’s rest also rests from their works, just as God did from his.” Hebrews 4:9-10

“Come to me all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.” Matthew 11:28-29

So I believe that the fifteen that die on the White House lawn will be righteous people of God who will protest against the wickedness of the government right on the White House lawn. They will be shot and killed.

I hope and pray that this will not happen, however, the White House may someday represent the radical, socialist, Marxist left.  They tolerate no opinion but their own.  They represent all that is wicked and all that is hateful.  They love no one but themselves, and they care nothing for the people of our nation.

Before I go further, with other visions and explanations, about where I believe we are headed, I believe that it is important to view one video:  “The Beresheet Passover Prophecy.” 

This video has given me a new appreciation of time.  We know that the Lord has stated that “But concerning that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but the Father only.”   Matthew 24:36  

I want to share this note from my Study Bible, because there is much confusion regarding the two different times that the Lord will return.  The first of these returns is for his church, at the time of the rapture, which we will not know the day or the hour.  The second coming of the Lord is expected at the end of the seven year Tribulation.  It is important to distinguish between these two events in order to appreciate the Beresheet Passover Prophecy and the dates that are mentioned.  

The Full Life Study Bible, General Editor Donald C. Stamps, Published by Zondervan Publishing House, 1992, page 1458, Notes: 24:36 “Only the Father,” and 24:37 “The Coming of the Son of Man”.

Matthew 24:36  Only the Father

This verse speaks of only the Father knowing the time of Christ’s return.  We must understand this as referring to the time when Christ was on earth.  Certainly now Jesus, who has returned to his former glory (Jn 17:5), has future knowledge of his return.  Tribulation saints can also know the time of his final return by observing the signs of the tribulation that Christ described. 

Matthew 24:37  The Coming of the Son of Man

Jesus’ statements concerning  “the coming of the Son of Man” have a double reference: to the first stage of his return at an unknown and unexpected time (the rapture of the church saints….), and to the second stage of his coming after the tribulation, when he will destroy the wicked and gather all the righteous into his kingdom (Rev 19-11-20:4).  We encounter this double reference when Christ describes three different categories of people in his illustration of the “days of Noah” (vv. 37-44).  These three categories and their relation to Christ’s coming are as follows:

1. The tribulation unbelievers, represented by the flood victims of Noah’s day.  They do not know the time of Christ’s return, are unprepared and are thus destroyed at the end time (vv. 38-39, 43; cf. Lk 17:26-28).  This is the second stage of his return, the one occurring after the tribulation.

2. The tribulation believers, represented by Noah.  Because of the signs of the end time, tribulation saints know almost the precise time of the Lord’s return and are prepared and saved.  Christ returns for them at the expected time (v. 27; cf. Ge 7:4….) This too refers to the second stage of Christ’s return.

3. Present-day believers or church saints living before the tribulation, represented by Jesus’ disciples.  They will not know the time of Christ’s return to take them to heaven (vv. 42,44; see Jn 14:3, note; cf. 1 Th 4:14).  There will be no definite signs preceding the Lord’s return for them, for Christ states that it will occur unexpectedly (vv. 42,44).  Notice that Jesus likens the disciples (i.e., church saints) not to Noah (i.e., tribulation believers) but to the flood victims (compare “They knew nothing,” v. 39, with “you do not know,” v. 42).  That is, the church saints will be like the flood victims in one sense: they will not know the time of Christ’s return for them and will be surprised when he comes, just as the flood victims did not know the time of the flood and were surprised when it came.  Therefore, church saints must be ready at any time. (v. 44).  

Now I mention all this, because with the vision that I am sharing, I see time playing out in different ways with this vision and the others that I will share below.

Let me first explain the meaning of the first vision above.

The box with the holes in it was kept with its lid on until the appropriate time, when the three snakes would be released.  The three snakes represent the three temptations: money, power and sensual indulgence.  Who holds the box is probably Satan, who is called “the tempter. ” For it says in the Bible: “When tempted, no one should say, ‘God is tempting me.’ For God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does he tempt anyone; but each person is tempted when he is dragged away by his own evil desire and enticed.” James 1:13-14

However, our faith will be tested through hardship and suffering.  As it was with Job, Satan wanted to prove to the Lord that if he were to destroy Job’s life, his possessions, his family and inflict painful sores on his body, that he would curse God.  The Lord allowed Satan to test Job’s loyalty, as God will also allow us to be tested.

Jesus tells us that there will be an increase in wickedness in the last days.  We are in a terribly wicked time right now in our nation.  Governors are enjoying their executive privilege, and power over their constituents.  One governor had a man arrested for taking a walk entirely alone on a beach.  Another on the west coast had a man on a paddle board arrested even though there was no one with him or around him.  These bureaucrats create outrageous rules for others to follow but as the hypocrites they are, they do not follow the laws themselves.

One governor claims to shut down the state because of the virus, in the name of love and concern for his constituents, yet everything he does shows the exact opposite.  For example, he sent Covid patients to nursing homes putting elderly residents at risk, even though there were facilities available for his use.  The president had provided a Naval Hospital Ship for NYC and another for the west coast.  He also created a hospital in the Javits Center in NYC.  All these hospitals were staffed and Covid prepared, yet hardly utilized. The result of his mismanagement and cruel decision were 6000 Covid deaths in these nursing homes. That is not love. Everyone of the nursing homes pleaded with the governor to not make such a terrible mistake, but he did it anyway, and now he seems to be getting away with murder.

Another example of this type of “love,”  is letting hardened criminals out of prison “because of the virus,”  but arresting someone for not wearing a mask.

Another example of this kind of “love,” is allowing well known terrorist groups  like the BLM and Antifa to destroy businesses, kill policemen, all the while, insisting that the police stand down. 

Some governors acting as dictators, close churches but allow casinos, to remain open, reminding me of Nero and the burning of Rome.  Let’s close down the churches, for they are the antithesis of our agenda and values.  

In the following video, An older rabbi in NYC, calls upon the president for help for his community.  Both Christians and Jews alike are aware of the plans of these governors and mayors to infringe upon the practice of their faiths.  New York Rabbi Begs For President Trump To Help Jewish ... 

Returning to the vision:  

The large tree, in whose branches the snakes landed, represents the world, where everyone experiences temptations.

The man at the base of the tree represents all mankind, for all people are tempted by the world and its earthly treasures and pleasures.

The man looks at the snakes in the tree and has an expression of contemplation.  We can be tempted, but we do not have to take the bait, or succumb to sin.  “No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind.  And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear.  But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.”  1 Corinthians 10:13 

Then in the second part of the vision, I saw the tree cut down to only a stump.  The tree representing the world, was now cut down by the man on the stump.  He stood on top of the stump as a victor.  This man I believe is Jesus, for by his death, he has overcome the world.  “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace.  In this world you will have trouble.  But take heart! I have overcome the world.”  John 16:33

And just as the Lord overcame the world, he asks us to be over comers too.  “To the one who overcomes, I will grant the right to sit with Me on My throne, just as I overcame and sat down with My Father on his throne.”  Revelation 3:21

In the vision, the man takes a step off the stump and begins to walk in the moonlight.  I am following close behind.  I believe that this passage refers to the time in which we are living:

“As long as it is day, we must do the works of him who sent me.  Night is coming, when no one can work.”  John 9:4

We are in the very last days before the tribulation.  It is still day, so we must work now.  The night coming I believe represents the Day of the Lord.  “The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and the terrible day of the Lord comes.”  Joel 2:31 and quoted again in Acts 2:20.   

But I still had questions about the vision,so I continued to pray about it for ten days.  That is when I heard a voice saying:  “Fifteen were killed on the lawn today.”

I have been expecting conflict and an uprising for sometime.  Since I received this vision twenty years ago, and with other visions, I have expected that all these events will happen in my lifetime.  I have had visions of the rapture, visions of the tribulation, and visions of terrible physical disasters which could only be end-time events.

Again I want to encourage you to watch the video of the  “The Beresheet Passover Prophecy.”  This has really caused me to see time and circumstances as being more imminent.  Using the first words of the Bible, and their literal, numeric, and symbolic meanings and with already known historical events and facts, the writer is able to layout a time frame for the beginning of the Tribulation and the Millennial Reign of Christ.  I believe it could very well be true, so I ask you to view it for yourself and take it to prayer.  God is the revealer of all truth.  Remember again that it is the rapture, the taking up of the Church, that is the event that we as believers will not know the day or the hour.  The other events like the Tribulation the Lord says that we should  know and expect.

The More Recent Visions

The Glass Containers

I saw four containers, or jars pushed into position, by a flat, vertical plate.  They stood side by side forming a row.  Then three jars were moved by the same flat plate to form a row just behind the first row.  This left a gap on the far left side.  Next, four more jars were moved to form a row just behind the row of three.  There are now eleven jars, where there should have been 12.  

I believed that the missing jar represented a vacancy.  However, as I prayed about this vision, I realized that the Lord wanted me to make a comparison of the two numbers:  11 and 12.

12 is considered a perfect number in the Bible.  It means “Perfection” and “Authority.”

11 means something quite different.  It means “Disorder, Chaos and Judgment.”

We see that right now our nation is experiencing disorder and chaos because our leaders fail to use good judgement.  They abuse authority and then totally abdicate the use of reason.  They are like “unreasoning animals.”  “But these people blaspheme in matters they do not understand.  They are like unreasoning animals, creatures of instinct, born only to be caught and destroyed, and like animals they too will perish.”  2 Peter 2:12

Of Whom does this passage speak?  Let us see the previous words:  “This is especially true of those who follow the corrupt desire of the flesh and despise authority.  Bold and arrogant, they are not afraid to heap abuse on celestial beings...”  2 Peter 2:10

 (Or in the case of our leaders, they heap abuse upon the president, undermining his authority, and slandering his good name and the name of those associated with him.) 

This passage says they despise authority.  This is the left’s agenda, to cause a distrust of authority and to despise authority.  Yet they demand total adherence to their values and to their rules.  They promote chaos and disorder as means of achieving their ultimate goal:  Total control of the citizens, the economy and the political system.

They use fear, lies, shame, unfounded slander, chaos and anarchy to destroy our nation.  

We can see that part of what the number eleven means is judgment.  I believe that God is bringing judgment against all the wickedness in our nation. God will hold them accountable for their deeds of darkness:  corruption in the government, lying, covering up, accusing innocent people falsely, selling out our nation to China, and other foreign governments, and undermining the presidency of 2016-2020 and rigging the 2020 election. God will have his way.  Our job is to pray for mercy for these people:  “Forgive them Father for they know not what they do.”  Luke 23:34

The Lion’s Head

 In this vision, I saw the head of a lion with its mouth open wide, sitting on the palm of a hand.  I could not see the person, but the hand with the lion’s head moved forward away from me then at a distance turned to the left and continued on.

When I saw this vision, I was reminded of the story of John the Baptist in the Bible, (Mark 6:21-29) whose head was brought to Herodias’ daughter on a silver platter, at the request of her mother.  Herodias hated John because he declared that she was not lawfully married to her husband’s brother, King Herod II. 

Who or what does the lion’s head represent?  A lion, known as “The King of the Jungle,” is used often to symbolize rulers:  Jesus who is King of Kings and Lord of Lords, was also called “The Lion of the Tribe of Judah.” The English monarch Richard I (1157 - 1199), was called “Richard the Lionheart.”   

Jesus uses a lion to describe our enemy the devil.  “Be sober-minded and alert.  Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.”  1 Peter 5:8

The lion’s head, having been decapitated from its body, and carried in the palm, represents the demise of our nation and its sovereignty.  When Goliath fell because of the stone hitting his forehead, he was perhaps stunned. But it wasn’t until the head was removed and held up for all to see that the Philistines fled.

I believe that the palm is God’s. For the lion’s head was small in comparison to the size of the hand. This is God’s judgment against the wickedness of our nation. In the former vision, the eleven represented disorder, chaos, and judgment. This is that judgment.

I believe that at some time in the near future, there will be a coup, and the leader will fall. As a result our nation will fall into the hands of wicked men. Even now, we see the possibility of losing our freedoms and our democratic government to the far left, eventually becoming a socialist/Marxist state. The Constitution will be nothing more than a piece of paper and a memory.  Our rights of free speech, freedom to assemble, freedom to practice our faith, and our right to protect ourselves and to bear arms, will all be lost.  There will be no middle class.  Small businesses will cease to exist, only large box stores and whatever the government wants to allow will continue.  Vaccinations will be mandatory. Lock-downs will become commonplace.  We will have crime and violence in our streets and open borders to allow for the free movement of drugs, and human trafficking.  Chaos will reign, “At that time many will turn away from the faith and will betray and hate each other, and many false prophets will appear and deceive many people. Because of the increase in wickedness, the love of most will grow cold.” Matthew 24:10-12  

I am praying that these events will not yet take place. I hope and pray that God’s mercy will prevail, and that we will have a revival in our land. However, God has given me two additional visions that speak of difficult times ahead.

The People within a Frame   

In this vision, I saw a group of people crowded into an open frame.  The frame appeared as a window, with people’s faces crammed together trying to look out.  The people were highly animated, as if yelling.  One older man in the front was white haired and partially bald, he was particularly agitated.  They all felt confined, and deprived of their freedoms.

I believe that these are the true Americans in our nation, freedom loving people who have spoken out against the wicked government, and have suffered because of it.  They have been censored, and have lost jobs, businesses and professional licenses.  Some have lost their incomes, their savings, and their homes.  Some have paid heavy fines and others have been incarcerated.  They have one thing in common, they have disagreed with the government’s policies and the narrative that is promoted by the government controlled media.

People Wearing Black and White  

I saw another group of people with black and white stripes running across their faces and across their clothing.  They have been “cancelled.”  These people like the people above are those who are outspoken.  They are dissenters, people who have a platform, or are people of influence, like pastors, conservative politicians, journalists, and community leaders who will not bow to the demands of a wicked government.  They may also be people of faith who will not align themselves with wickedness, nor pledge allegiance to a government that engages in human rights abuses.  These people are considered enemies of the state. By the black and white stripes on their clothing we see that they are incarcerated, and by the stripes across their faces, they are marked for slaughter.

I know that these visions are frightening to think about, but we cannot succumb to fear, we have to look beyond this life to the next, for we are just passing through.  “Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.” Matthew 24:35 

Our hope is in the Lord. He will never leave us nor forsake us.

But I do want to share one more important thing concerning the first vision of the containers. I saw that there were two rows of four and only one row of three. In that row was a gap. I saw it as a vacancy, or that something was missing. This thought lead me to the idea of the rapture. Could it be that only 1/12 of all people on the earth will be raptured?

Before the rapture takes place, all 12 containers would be there.  12 again, represents perfection and authority.  After the rapture, there will most definitely be chaos, disorder and judgment, all represented by the number 11.

So it may be possible that this all takes place after the rapture. Nevertheless, we will not know the day or the hour, so we are instructed to be prepared. We want the Lord to find us faithful at the time of his coming. Therefore we must be faithful in what he has given us to do.

“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the  Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.  And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”  Matthew 28:19-20

Just a few days ago, the Lord spoke to me.  He said, “Finish strong!

So Let’s keep the faith, and encourage one another.

God bless you!  Please share this important message with your loved ones, friends and family members.  Please share with your church and with those who will take this message seriously.  And again--God bless you and your family!

A Navy Uniform

A Navy Uniform

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