Stay the Course

Hi Friends,

I am sharing three visions with you today.  I received them a week ago, but was not able to discern their meaning until now.  God is faithful. He said, “Call to me, and I will answer you and tell you great and wonderful things that you do not know.”  Jeremiah 33:3  

Also, “If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God who gives graciously without finding fault.”  James 1:5

If we do not understand, after prayer and waiting upon the Lord for his guidance, keep waiting.  He will bring revelation. “Though it linger, wait for it.”  Habakkuk

These are the three visions:

First I saw a small white dog. It was standing on my right.  Then it turned, and stepped onto a wooden platform with wheels, very much like a state board, except that the platform was perfectly rectangular not shaped, or contoured as a skateboard.  The dog wore a red blanket or coat piped in blue, on his back. He stood firmly fixed to the board, as it began moving away from me. As it rolled away, it reminded me of the Trojan horse.

Next I saw a woman sitting on the ground.  There was an inflatable air mattress in army green lying on the ground.  Then the air mattress began to inflate. The force of the mattress fully inflated pushed the woman out of view.  I heard the surprise in her voice as she let out a scream, “Whoa!” 

One day later, I had this vision:  I saw water covering the streets at a familiar intersection where a commuter train would cross the road.  The intersection was somewhat elevated. There was an automobile sitting at the top of the elevation heading in the same direction as the tracks.  The water was up to rims of the car’s tires. I could see that the water was moving under the car and flowing downhill on the other side of the tracks.

It has taken a while to understand these visions.  But let me share with you what I believe they mean.

The Dog and the Skateboard.

A dog is very often a symbol of faithfulness, because it seems to be a dominate character trait among dogs and their owners.  Because the dog was white, I believe he represents the faithful, the true believers, the people who have chosen to live for the Lord.  The dog wore a coat, blanket, or mantle indicating that he had a position of authority. The coat was red with blue piping. Red represents warfare, blood, and courage.  The blue represents God or godly living.

So this identifies the dog with the Lord.  That as the faithful, they are covered by the blood of Jesus.  They are living for God, as denoted by the color blue.     

The skateboard was rectangular, meaning, square, right, orderly, regular.  It was a platform. It is a solid board upon which the dog stood. When we speak of platforms, we can be speaking of the things upon which we stand firm:  our values, beliefs, traditions, regimens, culture, and customs.  

So far it is good.  But, I see that the platform is on wheels--it is moving.  Movement means change. Our values can change, our culture can change, our beliefs can change.  

I could see the vision meaning two different things:

First, it appears that the dog was moving towards the right.  Which generally represents the proper direction, or a godly direction.  The dog has authority, and is planted firmly upon the platform. He is not causing the platform to move.  It appears to be self-locomotive. Sometimes we describe the Spirit’s leading, as being carried along by the Spirit.  The dog was going somewhere and taking his values, his beliefs, his faith in the right direction to fulfill the calling upon his life to follow the Lord.  As I saw the vision, it reminded me of the Trojan horse. 

The horse was built by the Greeks to gain entrance into the city of Troy.  The horse was hollow so that several Greek soldiers could hide inside. The Greeks pretended to desert the horse, so they left by boat for a nearby island.  They used a man with influence to persuade the Trojans that it would make a fine offering to their goddess Athena, (goddess of war) so that they would win her favor, and the city would become impenetrable.  So the Trojans brought the horse inside the city gates. Then in the night, while the city rested, the soldiers came out from hiding to open the gates to a waiting Greek army. They took the city.    

This is a scripture that came to mind:  “And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.”  Matthew 16:18

Before we address the gates of hell, let’s first speak of Peter and the rock.  Yes, Peter means “rock,” but the rock that Jesus is referring to is not Peter as some might have thought.  The rock is the statement of revelation that Peter had made to answer the Lord’s question, “‘But what about you?’ he asked.  ‘Who do you say I am?’

“Simon Peter answered, ‘You are the Christ, the Son of the Living God.’”  Matthew 16:15-16 Jesus is the Messiah or Christ, and this is the rock upon which the Lord would build his church.

Now the gates of hell or Hades is the place of death.  Hell is where the devil and his angels are destined to go.  Hades is the pagan idea of death where everyone who dies goes, regardless of their moral character, loyalties or beliefs.  But Jesus said that he would build his church on the basis of the belief that he is the Christ, the Messiah, and that death could not prevail against the church.  Jesus overcame death by his resurrection. He is seated at the right hand of the Father. The Lord promises us, that because he died, and rose again, we too will die and be raised up with him.  We will overcome death by his sacrifice for our sins.    

If we see the dog like the Trojan horse, we must see him as being on a mission, sent by God to do his bidding. Because the dog’s coat was red, and red can mean warfare, it may indicate that the dog was given instructions as a warrior to prevail, and overcome the gates of hell, or death.

How often are we told in the book of Revelation to overcome?  Many times. The Lord wants us to remember that we are to contend with the enemy, to resist him and he will flee. We are not to fight with flesh and blood, but through binding and loosening, in the name of Jesus we wage war.  “For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does.  The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds.  We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.”  2 Corinthians 10:3-5

So with this first interpretation of the vision, we see it as a positive thing:

The dog or faithful believers, carrying kingdom authority, are standing in faith, standing on the promises of God, standing on the values and principles, and teachings of the Word of God, are moving with the Spirit, and under the power of the Spirit to do the Lord’s bidding to fulfill the great commission.  “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.  And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”  Matthew 28:19-20

We see that the Lord will build his church with the faithful believers on the rock -- that Jesus is the Messiah, the Christ.  And the gates of Hades will not overcome it!

The vision is meant to be an encouragement to believers that God is equipping them.

The Dog and the Skateboard - A Second Interpretation

Now I must share with you an alternate interpretation to the vision of the dog and the skateboard.  

The dog represents a faithful believer.  He wears a coat of red with blue piping which shows that  God has given him gifts, anointing, and authority because of his dedication to God and his relationship with God.  But he turns and stands on the platform representing his values, his beliefs, his faith in God, and the Word of God.  He is on a mission, starting in the right direction. But what I see as the second interpretation, is that his platform is moving.  It is changing, which means that his values, his beliefs, his faith and faith in the word of God which he is so firmly planted, is also changing. We also must note that the vision of the dog on the skateboard reminded me of the Trojan Horse. This is also significant because it was a mission based on deception.

This is a warning to all of us who are believers.  When we begin in the faith, we receive instruction by various teachers, preachers and pastors.  As we go, various people speak into our lives, and may make convincing arguments for why an extraneous teaching should somehow become a focal point in ministry or in doctrine.

Some people can take one concept that they have become convinced is true, and make an entire faith based on that one thing.  Unfortunately, this can lead them down the wrong path, or can cause confusion among others as they hear of these “new” ideas.  Before long the person is in error, attempting to justify his position with other scriptures he may twist to conform to support his premise.  

Let me give you an example that came to mind as I thought about the vision.  We have a well meaning, highly dedicated believing friend, who has come to believe something that he heard from a brother in the faith.  He believes so strongly, that it is true, that he will not accept any ideas that refute his belief. Even though there are so many scriptures that oppose this, he will not entertain the possibility that he could be wrong. 

This places him in a dangerous position where once someone “goes off,” in error, it becomes an open door to more error attempting to justify his belief.

We are warned so often in the Bible against false teachers, and false prophets.  We must pay attention and know scripture for ourselves. I remember a pastor years ago, say that when banks, or the government train people to recognize counterfeit bills, they have them study only the real bills.  They study to become familiar with the type of paper, what it feels like, what it looks like, its various colors of fibers, and inks. They study the lines, and the marks, the tiniest of details, so that when something comes that is missing something or something is added, or just not quite right, they will immediately reject it as counterfeit.

That is how we should know the Word of God.  That is how we are to recognize the voice of our Lord, and distinguish it from an impostor.

Paul commended the Bereans for their diligence in studying scripture.   For after they heard Paul’s message, they went to search the scriptures to either confirm or reject his teaching.  We are to take in the full counsel of the Word of God.

This second interpretation is vital to Christians.  We must know the Word of God, or we could very easily be persuaded to believe a lie.

We have to finish our race well.  We have to finish with our faith intact, and know and be known by our Lord Jesus Christ, (Messiah).

The Woman and the Air Mattress

The woman was sitting on the ground.  I believe the woman represents a demon or the devil.  She is attempting to hold her ground. She has laid claim to the ground.  If you remember that those who went out west to claim land for themselves were called “squatters.” 

And there is a provision in the law that gives squatters what is referred to as “squatters’ rights.” A squatter is a person who does not own the property upon which he occupies.  If the owner of the property does not assert his legal rights as owner, and have the person removed from the property, by law, (varying by state), the squatter can take legal claim of the property after a statutory period is completed.  The legal name for this is adverse possession.

Demons can take possession of property without someone’s consent.  Through unconfessed, unrepentant personal sin, and generational sin, a demon becomes a squatter. If the person engages in lifestyle sin, and has no intention of giving it up, the demon remains and influences the person’s behavior, and will.  

Thank the Lord there is no statutory period by which the demon takes permanent possession!  We can turn to the Lord during any period of time. However there is one example I can see to the contrary.  Do you remember Pharaoh? He hardened his heart so often with the Israelites. He would let them go, and then turn around and change his mind.  But after the tenth plague, when his first born son was killed by the angel of death, it says, “But the Lord hardened Pharaoh’s heart and he would not listen to Moses and Aaron, just as the Lord had said to Moses.”  Exodus 9:12 Because of this hardening, the Lord removed any future opportunity for repentance for Pharaoh, and he was drowned in the Red Sea.

There are New Testament examples as well: Ananias and Sapphira, (Acts 5:1-11) and Herod (Acts 12:20-23)  Peter gave Ananias and Sapphira each an opportunity to speak the truth. They both chose to lie so they were struck down by the Lord immediately. 

Herod is another example. He chose to accept the praise from men who honored him calling him a god. The Lord saw that he did not choose to correct them stating that he was only a mere man and a king, so he was struck by an infestation of worms and died a horrific death.

“The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom.”  Psalm 111:10

In the vision, the demon was a woman.  The air mattress was army green. God uses angels to administer judgement, as in the plague of the first born sons. He uses armies to administer judgement, as with the Assyrian and Babylonian armies against Israel and Judah. And he uses the forces of nature to administer judgment, as when the Red Sea swallowed up the Egyptian army.

The air mattress was army green, giving the idea of a military conflict.  The Lord’s angels fight against the powers of darkness, demons.  “He said, ‘Daniel, you who are highly esteemed, consider carefully the words I am about to speak to you, and stand up, for I have now been sent to you.’  And when he said this to me, I stood up trembling. Then he continued, ‘Do not be afraid, Daniel. Since the first day that you set your mind to gain understanding and to humble yourself before your God, your words were heard, and I have come in response to them.  But the prince of the Persian kingdom resisted me twenty-one days. Then Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me, because I was detained there with the king of Persia. Now I have come to explain to you what will happen to your people in the future, for the vision concerns a time yet to come.’”  Daniel 10:10-14  

 In the vision, it was the infilling of the air mattress that actually caused the woman to be knock off her seat and removed from the place she was occupying.  The air mattress starts out on the ground as a two dimensional rectangular piece of plastic. When it is fully inflated, it became a three dimensional object with force.  I believe that the wind, or air supply was the “mighty breath of God,” that inflated the mattress and ousted the demon.  

“Then that lawless one will be revealed whom the Lord will slay with the breath of His mouth and bring to an end by the appearance of His coming.”  2 Thessalonians 2:8

“By the breath of God they perish, And by the blast of His anger they come to an end.”  Job 4:9

“And He will strike the earth with the rod of His mouth, And with the breath of His lips he will slay the wicked.  Isaiah 11:4

The battles belong to the Lord.  He fights the enemy of our souls, the devil and his demons.  With his mighty breath, he blows them away! Hallelujah! When we pray, things happen in the heavenly realms.  Thank you Jesus!

The Third Vision - Flooding

There was water everywhere in all directions.  Since the intersection of the railroad tracks and the street was elevated, the water must have been quite deep everywhere else.  The water was only at the rims of the tires with the water flowing under the chassis of the car. My thought at the time of the vision, was to find a place of safety.  It would be impossible to take the car, since everywhere the car might go, the water would only become deeper. The water did flow down on the other side of the tracks, but that was where it would typically flood.

Floods can be dangerous while also causing great damage.  Sometimes a flood can represent people, or the culture. We can be completely surrounded by circumstances that press in on us or trap us.  We need to seek higher ground.  

God had given me two visions about this very thing.  One vision was of New York City, the waves of the ocean were pounding the buildings.  I was in a car with my daughter. There was a traffic light swinging over head because of the high winds.  The water was coming onto the hood of the car, so I told my daughter, “We have to leave the car.” Somehow we found ourselves at the base of a dirt and rock retaining wall about six feet high.  I interlaced my fingers to give her a boost up. There was a man on top of the wall who helped her up and then with a single arm, pulled me up. I looked into his face and asked, “Where can we go to higher ground?”  He said, “You are where you are supposed to be.”

By this vision, I knew that God wanted me to know, that no matter what may be my present circumstances, I should not worry or be concerned for I am where God wants me to be.   As I am typing this, I realize that it is still true today, for my present circumstances are both upsetting and confounding, regarding a church I am just starting to attend.

The other vision wasn’t really a vision, but a word that I heard when I was in prayer.  I heard a voice saying: “Put up your periscope.” What I believe the Lord was saying to me was to get above the water and all that surrounds me.  Look up and see from a higher point of view. “Peri” means around, and “scope” means to see. So He wanted me to look around and see what he would show me.  When we are surrounded by people, the world, the culture, we might only see what our natural eyes see, and through the filter that the culture provides. When we are in the Spirit, we can see in the Spirit, and we see what the Lord would like to show us. In this way, we are not so entangled, or confused by the various voices calling us. When we get alone with God, and we seek him for understanding, we listen for his voice, and the clamor of the world is no longer heard.

In the vision of the car sitting in the flood, there is no escape route available.  The water is only inches deep at the high point, but there is nothing to suggest that the water will simply recede.  I believe that the Lord wants us to look up, because our help comes from him. When we feel overwhelmed with our circumstances, we simply need to look up.  The Lord will supply the solution.

These three visions are really instructional. The Lord wants us to see that we have purpose, we have a calling, and we have a mission. He wants us to be so familiar with scripture, that we can recognize false teaching, and not accept it as truth. He wants us to know that the battle is not ours, but it is the Lord’s, and by his mere breath, he routs the enemy. He wants us not to get overwhelmed with the circumstances, but to look up and see that the Lord makes a provision for our safety, and our well-being. He alone is our savior, and our provider. We are greatly loved!

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