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Let it Rain!

Hi Everyone,

I want to share a two visions that I received several weeks ago, during intercession at the church.  We have experienced God’s presence in a wonderful way.  People are being baptized with the Holy Spirit, and we have had both healings and miracles.   For such a long time,  we have been praying for revival and for a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit.

These are the visions:


The first vision was an open vision.  While we were in a time of praise, and worship, the music stopped and I opened my eyes. I saw rain all around me coming down.  It was as if the rain were falling in a shower the circumference of a golf umbrella about 42” diameter.


This was not an open vision, but I saw myself standing at the front of the church.  Suddenly ropes, 2” diameter, were coming from above, all over the church.  A rope fell in front of each of those worshiping.

What I believe the visions mean:


The first vision was of rain.  I believe it came as a result of our prayers.  We have been praying for a long time now,  for the Lord to pour out his Spirit upon the church.  The rain represents this outpouring.

“Let us acknowledge the Lord; let us press on to acknowledge him.  As surely as the sun rises, he will appear; he will come to us like the winter rains, like the spring rains that water the earth.”  Hosea 6:3

The visitation of God has come in the past, by the manifestations of a burning bush, as a pillar of cloud, or a pillar of fire.  The visitation of God came as Jesus in the flesh, and after his death and resurrection, he sent the Holy Spirit, not only to visit us, but to remain with us, as our counselor, our comforter, and the one who leads us into all truth.  He is the one who comes at the time we are born again.  But now in the church, we have been waiting for a greater outpouring of the Holy Spirit as it was on the day of Pentecost.

Many of us who have been baptized with the Holy Spirit, have also experienced the two revivals in Brownsville, FL and Toronto, Canada.  Those of us who have tasted of the Lord’s overwhelming presence,  his miracles, and wonders, long to see his manifest presence and power return.  This is the rain for which we have been praying.

I  believe that the open vision of the rain surrounding me, tells me that the power of the Spirit is already here.  But for the church as a whole, to experience his presence, and receive a greater outpouring of the Holy Spirit, we must all be seekers of God, and to hunger for more of him.  We must allow and make room for the Holy Spirit, for he will come in power.

How do we prepare for an outpouring of the Spirit of God?  Jesus told the disciples to wait.  “Do not leave Jerusalem, but wait for the gift my Father promised, which you have heard me speak about.  For John baptized with water, but in a few days you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit.”  Acts 1:4-5

We know that they didn’t just sit around playing cards, or watching TV.  They were waiting with great anticipation, wondering about the “gift,” and about the “Holy Spirit.”   I am sure they read the word, prayed and worshiped, (quietly), everyday, and continually.  I am sure  that they were praying for strength, and  that their faith might not fail, remembering Peter’s fear and how quickly he denied the Lord in the moment of testing.

So we must do the same.  Praying that we would have the unity of the Spirit, as they did in the upper room.  We must pray that we will not fail the Lord in our  moments of testing.  “At that time his voice shook the earth, but now he has promised, ‘Once more I will shake not only the earth but also the heavens.’”  Hebrews 12:26  

We know that we will all be tested.  With the Holy Spirit’s fire, will also come the fire of testing.  “If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first.  If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own.  As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I  have chosen you out of the world.  That is why the world hates you.  Remember what I told you: ‘A servant is not greater than his master.’  If they persecuted me, they will persecute you also.  If they obeyed my teaching, they will obey yours also.  They will treat you this way because of my name, for they do not know the one who sent me.”  John 15:18-21

If we compromise with the world, then we deny the Lord.  If we love what the world loves, then we are going to miss what the Lord would have us experience.  If we want the Lord more than anything else, if our passion for him grows like a fire within us, then revival will come, and souls will be saved.  It will take devotion on our part.  And a desire to seek the Lord, above all else.

God gave me a vision years ago concerning a revival.  I thought he wanted me to pack my bags and go to Toronto.  But instead, he spoke to me, saying:  “No, I want you to pray that revival comes here!”   

We are praying for and anticipating a revival in our church and across our nation.  The Brownsville Revival and the Toronto Blessing which happened at nearly the same time came as a result of people seeking God.  Yet there was an element of which Pastor Kilpatick, of the church in Brownsville, spoke.  He called it, “the power of the blessing.”

Yes, prayer was important, Kilpatrick did not diminish its value, yet he claimed that the blessing was the catalyst that made the revival happen.  It was working with the Holy Spirit and with God’s will, rather than working against it and hindering the move of God.

This is my recollection of what Pastor Kilpatrick said about how the revival began:

He said that he came to church early in the morning to pray with the Lord.  He would begin like this, “Oh Lord, we spent all that money on an orchestra pit, and we don’t have a single horn!  And Lord, we need a choir, ours is so small, and doesn’t sound like much of a choir.”  He would continue going on down his list of wishes, and disappointments, presenting God his petitions with a total lack of faith.  Basically he was complaining.

One day, the Lord surprised him saying, “Would you stop cursing what I am trying to bless!”  The pastor, was so humiliated, he literally crawled out of the church, with a heart that was heavy, for he had offended God.

The next day, he came in with a whole new attitude.  He decided to bless everything!  “I bless this orchestra pit with talented musicians that will become known everywhere, for their sounds of worship. The music they write, and the songs they create, will change the nation.  I bless the choir, with voices that will sing to the Lord Most High and to the nations of the world!”   

These blessings he continued to pronounce over the Church.  Soon, someone called him and asked if he needed a musician who played the trumpet.  He received the first promise!  Before long this Church was in Revival and the nations came to them!  

When we went to Brownsville, we got in line at 5:00 in the morning so that we could get a seat in the main sanctuary for a service that began at 7:00 in the evening!  That is hunger - a hunger for the presence of God.  That is what revival is all about:  signs, wonders, miracles, healing, deliverance, and salvation.  Can you imagine anything better than that?!

That is what our nation needs!

Even the local police, instead of bringing law breakers to the police station, they brought them to church!  The men on the police force knew that these people needed God, not a cell.  Jesus changes everything!

There was a song called “Let it Rain!”  So many songs came out of the Brownsville Revival.  Pastor Kilpatrick’s prayers and his declarations over the music ministry proved to come true!

This is a must see video clip of a testimony of the power of God in the Brownsville  revival.  Please stop and see this!;_ylt=AwrDQymjEgBdlDUA6Em3mWRH;_ylu=X3oDMTBzM2wzMzdjBHNlYwNzcgRzbGsDdmlkBHZ0aWQDBGdwb3MDMjI-?p=the+Brownsville+revival&vid=13bf624525e99029a0e286bc48da9554&

You won’t regret this!

The Rope

The rope is God’s provision.  He knows our needs before we ask.  He supplied a rope in answer to our prayers:

There are times when we pray for an open heaven.  

There are times we pray for God to take us higher.  

We pray for everyone to seek him, and to find him.

Sometimes we simply cry for help.

He opens heaven to give us access to himself.  He lets down the rope, allowing us to have a divine connection with him.   And he calls to us, and provides a means for us to go higher.

“My sheep listen to my voice;  I know them and they follow me.” John 10:27  

“Draw close to God, and he will draw close to you.”  James 4:8

The rope is like Jacob’s ladder.  When the Lord wanted to speak to Jacob, he opened up a heavenly line of communication by giving him a dream:

“He had a dream in which  he saw a stairway resting on earth, with its top reaching to heaven, and the angels of God were ascending and descending on it.  There above it stood the Lord, and he said: ‘I am the Lord, the God of your father Abraham and the God of Issac…...I am with you and will watch over you  wherever you go…..’”   Genesis 28:12-13, 15     

The rope is like a portal, an opening to heaven where we can meet with God.  It is a divine invitation to connect with the Most High.  We need this connection for our very sustenance, and for his divine power.  

“Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and wonderful things that you do not know.”  Jeremiah 33:3

The rope is also like a bell-pull in a church tower.  Pulling on the rope calls everyone to assemble.  God wants us to seek him corporately:  “Do not forsake the gathering of the brethren.”  Hebrews 10:25

“I was glad when they said, ‘Let us go up to the house of the Lord.’”  Psalm 122:1

“For where  two or three are gathered together in my name, there I am  in the midst of them.”  Matthew 18:20  

Sometimes the bell-pull in a church tower is used to call people to in a state of emergency.  In our troubles, we call out to God for his help, and he answers:  “When he calls to me, I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble; I will rescue him  and honor him.”  Psalm 91:15

The rope is also like a bell-pull in a large house, that is pulled to inform a servant that he is needed.  Jesus is our example of a leader-servant:  Jesus said, “just as the  Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”  Mathew 20:28

“I have set before you an example, you are to do as I have done for you.”  John 13:15

“So the last will be first and the fist will be last.”  Matthew 20:16

So as we have been praying that people get connected to God, he is making the provision.  Because of the  Lord’s sacrifice, he has made a way for us to meet with him in a very personal way.  

Before the Lord’s death and resurrection, not everyone had access to the presence of God.  It was by the blood of lambs, and only once a year, that the high priest entered into the presence of the Lord.  At that time, he made an offering for the sins of the people.  The blood was sprinkled upon the mercy seat, in the Most Holy Place.

Now we can enter into the Lord’s presence, not with the blood of animals, but with the blood of the Lord Jesus, who died in our place, once for all - for our sins.  When he died on the cross, something happened that changed everything:  “At that moment the curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom, The earth shook, the rocks split and the tombs broke open.  The bodies of many holy people who had died were raised to life.  They came out of the tombs after Jesus’ resurrection and went into the holy city and appeared to many people. When the centurion and those with him who were guarding Jesus saw the earthquake and all that had happened, they were terrified and exclaimed, ‘Surely he was the Son of God.’”  Mathew 27:51-54

In the vision,  the ropes were those typically used for training gymnasts and others to develop arm strength.  A rope climb is a great challenge for most people to lift their own weight.  But those who choose to train with the rope, develop more strength.  Eventually, they can climb with only the use of their hands.  They hold their legs straight out in a straddle position, while climbing - not clinging to the rope.  This takes tremendous strength.

God expects each of us to undergo training.  The rope that is dropped in front of us becomes an opportunity to train ourselves with the word of God, with self-discipline, determination and perseverance through trials.  If we continue to  exercise our faith and place our hope in the Lord, we will not be disappointed.  God will come through.  “You will seek me, and find me, when you seek me with all your heart.”   Jeremiah 29:13

The dropped rope is also a provision of rescue.  I was reminded of Jeremiah the prophet, who was placed in the bottom of a cistern, in the city of Jerusalem, because his prophecy did not please the king.  Then, because of the compassion of one man, who sought the king’s favor on behalf of Jeremiah, he was rescued.  They let down a rope and old rags to protect his arms, they pulled him up from the cistern.  God is more than willing to hear our pleas for help.  He will come, because he is Faithful and True!  “I saw heaven standing open and there before me was a white horse, whose rider is called Faithful and True.  With justice he judges and wages war.”  Revelation 19:11  The Lord is more than willing to rescuing us from the plans of the wicked one, when we call out to him.

When we see these two visions together, we see that the Lord is showing us the way to become all that we can be, to reach more people for his kingdom.  He told me numerous times, whenever I wanted to do my own thing, and go my own way:  “I don’t want you to do --  I want you to be.”

I realize that I am not my own, I was bought at a price.  It cost Jesus his life to purchase me and you for the Father, to be his for all eternity.  We owe Jesus our all, and nothing less!

I hope you will seek the Lord with all your heart -- and find him!

Be blessed!

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Love you all!
