A Flooded Bus

A Flooded Bus

Hi Friends,

I am excited to share with you a vision and another conference.   Wow! God is up to something! Always! We are not aware of all that he does, for every day is new.   We are faced with new situations and opportunities each day. Some seem like blessings and some seem like trials, but in all of this, God is faithful.  “‘I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11  Wow!

There was another conference this past week, and today was the last day.  I chose to stay at home and get the videos online as they were released. It has been a blessing.  Several friends of mine were able to watch with me. Today we were so blessed by one of the speakers.  We felt the Lord may have a special purpose or mission for our prayer group. We have already experienced so many answers to our prayers, yet we wanted to seek God for a commissioning of our group.  

The speaker made it known that his intercessory team were able through a word of knowledge to locate lost or abducted children.  So we are fasting and praying for God’s direction.


Years ago, God told me to pray for a revival, a real outpouring of the Holy Spirit over our nation.  He gave me a vision of a woman dressed as a meteorologist standing in front of a map of the United States.  Suddenly flames started shooting out from the map, near where Toronto was. After the vision, I was so excited, I asked God, “Do you want me to go to Toronto?”  (Years ago, I had been to Toronto twice for their revival, and prior to that I went to Brownsville, FL to experience their revival.) I was ready to pack my bags! But — God spoke to me, “No, I want you to pray that the revival starts here.”

So  for the last 15 years, I have been praying for revival in our nation.  One of the speakers, told us, “The revival is already here, we just need to step into it.”

So I know that revival, a visitation of the Holy Spirit with power, signs and wonders will come — and soon!  Hallelujah! Even though I have received much by watching the videos, I now regret not having gone in person, primarily because of the impartation that comes with the laying on of hands.  

 Years ago, at both the Toronto and Brownsville revivals, I received impartations and was forever changed. When many of us from our local church came back from the Brownsville revival, a major shift was evident in worship and the manifest presence of God. Manifestations of the Spirit, and the power of the Spirit were common occurrences. Many lives were change, as people became baptized in the Holy Spirit, and spoke in tongues.

On the morning of the 2nd day of the conference, I received this vision in four parts:


First I saw the number 809 on a road sign next to a road.  The Biblical meaning of the number eight is “new beginnings.”  God created the earth and life on it, within the first seven days.  The eighth day is the beginning of life on the earth, in its completed stated.  So eight represents a new beginning.

The Biblical meaning of the number nine is finality, or judgment.  The Lord died in the 9th hour. “When he had received the drink, Jesus said, ‘It is finished.’ With that, he bowed his head and gave up his spirit.”   John 19:30 His work on the cross was complete.

The number nine can also represent judgment, because God’s temple in Jerusalem was destroyed on the ninth day of the month of Av, in the Hebrew calendar.  The second temple (Herod’s temple) was destroyed on the same day in the year 70 AD. God is very specific about times and dates.

As I read to find a meaning for the number zero, I found that as a mathematical concept, zero did not make its appearance in mathematics until 130 AD. This was 34 years after the completion of the book of Revelation. Therefore there was no mention of the word or the idea of zero in the Bible. So I took this to prayer, and God gave me the next vision.

A Barrel Tumbler - A Lock   

When I asked the Lord to explain what the zero in the vision meant, He showed me a silver metal barrel tumbler, like that of a bicycle lock.  There were no numbers to line up. There were only many small vertical lines. It reminded of the computer binary system of 1 and 0 except, on the barrel tumbler, there are only short lines like “1.”  No zeros were seen.

I believe that the Lord is showing me that the number 809 represents God himself.  Jesus said, I am the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End. Eight represents the beginning, and Nine represents the end.  The barrel tumbler is a lock that guarantees concealment of everything that falls between the beginning and the end. Everything belongs to God. He is the Alpha and the Omega, and the zero is everything that God is.  The lock would require one to know the combination or code to open it. Who would have the combination? Only the Lord.

“Jesus said, ‘But about that day or hour, no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.’”  Matthew 24:35-36 This scripture shows that somethings are hidden even from the Son.

“Who has known the mind of the Lord?  Or who has been his counselor?” Romans 11:24   The Lord’s mind is something hidden from mankind.

“And I saw a mighty angel proclaiming in a loud voice, ‘Who is worthy to break the seals and open the scroll?’  But no one in heaven or on earth or under the earth could open the scroll or even look inside it. I wept and wept because no one was found who was worthy to open the scroll or look inside. “

“Then one of the elders said to me, ‘Do not weep! See, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, has triumphed.  He is able to open the scroll and its seven seals.’” Revelation 5:2-5 In this example, only the Lord is worthy to open the scroll to look inside. It is hidden from mankind.

“Surely the Sovereign Lord does nothing without revealing his plan to his servants the prophets.”  Amos 3:7 Now this time, we see something the Lord is willing to share with us. He will share with us, his plans, If we honor him with our time, our obedience, and our trustworthiness.

These are exciting times for true believers. The prophet Joel foretold about the last days in which we live: “And afterward, I will pour out my Spirit on all people.  Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions. Even on my servants, both men and women, I will pour out my Spirit in those days.”  Joel 2:28-29

We will know the Lord’s plans, if we are in intimate fellowship with him.  “Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things which you do not know.”   Jeremiah 33:3

Jesus said, “My sheep hear my voice;  I know them, and they follow me.” John 10:27

So these things that Lord desires to share with us, are precious, and are made known to us, as we seek him. However, his revealed will, and his character are shown to us in the written word, the Bible.   That is why it is so important to read the Bible and spend time with him in intimate fellowship.  “Draw near to God and he will draw near to you.” James 4:8

God wants us to know him in truth. He does not want us to create a god of our choosing, by attributing to him characteristics which do not describe him, and views he does not hold. You can see this in the gods of false religions. Their gods have human traits and weaknesses. Their gods accommodate the human sinful nature. Our God, instructs us to put to death our sinful nature, so that our spirits, in with the Holy Spirit who indwells the believer, can have fellowship with God.

The Flooded Bus

This vision was given next.  I saw a bus with four people seated on the driver’s side of the bus.  They were each sitting separately. Furthest from me was a minister that I knew, and just in front of him was his wife.  The two people in front of her were only partially in view. The scene was dark. The bus was filled with water that was also dark.  The water came up to the minister’s chin and that of his wife’s. They looked distressed.

This is not a good vision.  The water represents circumstances or people.  The day that I received this vision was the first day of the conference.  I was concerned for them, for the dark scene represented a demonic attempt to cause fear or actual harm.  

This vision reminded me of one I received years earlier, when I was seeking the Lord for direction regarding a certain church.  I had known this evangelist and his wife for about 12 years at the time they decided to open a church. God was faithful to give me a vision in answer to my question.

A Swimming Pool

I was outside at a swim club.  The day was bright and the sunlight sparkled on the water.  In front of me were children swimming and enjoying the water.  Suddenly, a young woman, with shoulder length hair came up from the water.  She opened her eyes, she was very pretty.

Then I found myself hovering over the pool.  I saw three white disks or pillows. I was sitting upon one of the pillows or disks.  One was place behind my back, and another was placed under my feet. Then,, I began moving backwards.  I was taken from the sunny outside pool, behind a wall, and into a dark indoor pool. Then I stopped abruptly.  Two men were in the pool behind me. One yelled at me with a angry, wicked voice, “You almost made me drop my baby!” I tuned and looked at the man.  He was holding a naked baby by the neck. He open his hand and dropped the baby into the water below. I immediately reached under the water to save the baby.  As I brought the baby out of the water, I saw that it was blind.

I asked the Lord, “Can I pray, that the baby can see?”  Then one eye was clear, and I knew that the baby could see from that eye.  However, I wanted the baby to be able to see with both eyes.

This vision can be explained fairly easily,  The young woman in the outdoor pool, represented the church.  I was taken in the Spirit behind a wall, which represents the supernatural realm.   The dark room represented the domain, or region of control, of the powers of evil. The dark water represented the situations, circumstances and people that are under direct influence of the devil.  The man holding the baby by its neck was the demon exerting its power over the baby. The baby was this new church, that was just beginning. Their first service was planned for that Friday evening in a hotel.  

I was seated on three cushions or disks representing the trinity.  I was being carried backwards to see what I needed to see about the church.  My question at the time was, “Should I leave my present church and join them, as they had invited me.”  

I knew by this vision, that the answer was “Yes.”  I asked the Lord if I could pray that the baby would see.  Because, God gave me visions, I believe that he was placing me there so that the new ministry would have someone who could see spiritually.

Now in the current vision, the minister and his wife are in a dark unlit bus, filled with water and going nowhere.  I thought to myself, perhaps they are in a difficult or dangerous situation, for the water was up to their chins. How much more would the water rise? They might drown. I better start praying!

I knew that they had gone to a prophetic conference. So I reasoned that the enemy did not want them to go to a conference where they might receive an impartation of power in the Spirit, to do the work of the Lord. The devil wanted to hold them back, to keep them from going to the conference. With the water in the bus, their plans to travel would be hindered.

I began to pray for them, and asked the Lord, “Would you help them, and confirm to me, by what danger or circumstance were they at risk? As I prayed, I received yet another vision:  

A Team on Chairs

I saw two rows of men seated on plain wooden chairs, placed on a large grassy playing field.  The men were dressed in navy blue uniforms with red baseball caps. They wore navy blue polo shirts with an embroidered emblem on the breast pocket, navy blue dress shorts, and navy blue knee socks.  The man in the center had a mustache. They were perched on the edges of their chairs as if ready to get up and go.

The baseball caps were red, which can represent sin, blood, blood shed or war.  The uniforms were blue, which can represent God, service to God, or royalty.

I have seen men like these in my visions before, so I believe they represent angels.  They are in service to God, and they are seated ready to be called into action. I believe that the red caps show that they are prepared for blood shed or war, depending on God’s mission.  I have had many visions that show that God dispatches his angels when we pray.

 Angels are messengers, as well as God’s servants who bear the sword.  I believe the Lord’s answer to me was that there was a demonic plan to hinder, or harm the minister and his wife as well as the other two people on the bus. God was showing me that he was dispatching his team of angels to fight. The demonic forces who attempt to hinder God’s people from receiving his anointing, power and calling God will bring down.

The Lord said, “I will build my church and the gates of hell will not prevail against it.” He wants his church to be victorious. Conferences like these build the church, by anointing and empowering believers to carry his authority. If you remember, in the last post, “Take Back the Ground,” the Lord gave me a message for the church. “Arise. Take back the ground that was given over to Satan!”

God wants us to be over comers, not to be overcome by the world and its values. Let’s pray for one another that we would all overcome our weaknesses, our sins, and temptations of the flesh and of the world. Remember: “To him who overcomes, I will give the right to eat from the tree of life, which is in the paradise of God.” Revelation 2:7

And we all said, “AMEN!”

Please share this message with those you love, and those who need salvation and encouragement. If you would like to receive an email announcement of future posts, please go to the Contacts page and send me your email address. It is strictly confidential. I will never share your address with anyone. Be blessed!

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