Prayer - God's Heart

Prayer - God's Heart

Hi Friends,

I hope all is well with you and your families.  Today I am writing about several visions the Lord has given me concerning things for which he wants us to pray.  I guess you might consider this prophetic prayer. The Lord usually drops in our spirits something that is on his heart, and so gives us a “burden” to pray through.  But these are critical events and circumstances that I am asking you to join me in praying, understanding that the prayer of agreement is powerful. The Lord asks us to partner with him, to accomplish his will upon the earth.


First I saw a yellow and white cat reclining on his side, with his head erect.  He is not moving, but resting in one place.

Next I saw an ambulance coming towards me in the distance.  Its lights were on and its sirens were blaring. It was dark outside and the rain was coming down.  

Then I saw a  man take a woman’s hands, and lifting his left leg, he places it on the left side of her groin, falls back upon his back and flips her over his head.

What I believe these visions mean:

The Cat

The yellow and white cat reclining on its side, came as an answer to a question I had asked of the Lord.  Since the evening before, and throughout the next day, I received call after call from people that wanted me to  pray with them. My question was,”Do you want me to go to this ministry tonight or stay home and pray?” The Lord responded with this vision.  The cat was lying on the floor, was comfortable and intent on staying put. His head was erect, showing his alertness, so I knew immediately what this meant.  God wanted me to stay home and be alert and ready to pray. It was only minutes after this that I received a call that the ministry for the evening was cancelled.  And that this same person had called me for prayer. These are divine appointments. We need to walk in the Spirit, so that we don’t run ahead of God, and miss what he wants to do.  

God is good.  We are instructed in the Bible to pray without ceasing.  There are many critical needs - and prayer is the only solution.  I would ask you, to ask the Lord to reveal a situation, or circumstance for which the Lord would have you pray.  He wants you to volunteer to help him carry a burden in prayer. “Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” Matthew 11:29-30  

There is an old hymn, which speaks of carrying our burdens to God:

“What a Friend We Have in Jesus.”

What a Friend we have in Jesus, all our sins and griefs to bear!

What a privilege to carry everything to God in prayer!

O what peace we often forfeit,  O what needless pain we bear,

All because we do not carry everything to God in prayer!

The Ambulance

In this vision, the ambulance is in the distance.  This represents the idea of the location of the critical need is at a distance.  It is raining and dark. I knew that this represented trouble in the areas struck by hurricanes and typhoons.  There are heavy rains causing flooding and power outages.

I believe God is asking us to pray for the victims of the hurricane “Florence,” in the Carolinas.  There are already 36 that have been killed. Many people are stranded in their homes with supplies that were supposed to be only for a few days.  Apparently there are many homes without power, and there are no roads clear, to get into or depart from, some communities.

Another disaster involving rain, and power outages is in the Philippines, and Hong Kong from the super typhoon, called “Mangkhut.” The death toll is at 65 but they believe it could climb to 100.  Mudslides, rain, wind damage, flooding, blocked roads, and patchy communications make rescue difficult.

God wants us to be concerned for the welfare of others.  Tonight we can go to bed in our comfortable, warm, dry homes with everything we need.  What a blessing! We should remember those that are suffering the loss of life and property. There are many people whose hearts are touched by God to go and help.  We thank you Lord, for volunteers, rescue workers, and those that go, to offer help in anyway they can. And we pray for healing and restoration for these precious people who also need to know the Lord.

The Man Throwing a Woman

This vision shows a man taking down a woman.  When I first saw this vision, I looked at it and thought, is it possible to do this?  It looked like the woman’s head would be crushed by the force of the impact. I thought this really looks like there is intent to cause harm.  I decided to look on the internet for martial arts moves that might resemble this. So I did a search and found the very move I had seen in the vision.  It is called, “tomoe-nage” a move referred to as a  “sacrifice throw.” The man seeing an attacker running towards him, would grab the shirt, or the arms, and use the attackers momentum to throw the person over his head and behind him.  It is called a sacrifice throw, because the thrower ends up somewhat vulnerable having landed on his back.

This vision is not about the “war between the sexes.”  But it is about a real battle that rages in the heavenlies and that manifests on our earth. The man represents mankind, and the woman represents the devil.  As I began praying about this vision asking the Lord to give me more specifics, I was lead to this passage of scripture:

“Then Jesus told his disciples a parable to show them that they should always pray and not give up.  He said: ‘In a certain town there was a judge who neither feared God nor cared what people thought. And there was a widow in that town who kept coming to him with the plea, “Grant me justice against my adversary.”’

“For some time he refused.  But finally he said to himself, ‘Even though I don’t fear God or care what people think, yet because this widow keeps bothering me, I will see that she gets justice, so that she won’t eventually come and attack me!’”  

And the Lord said, “Listen to what the unjust judge says.  And will not God bring about justice for his chosen ones, who cry out to him day and night?  Will he keep putting them off? I tell you, he will see that they get justice, and quickly.” Luke 18:1-8

I have been praying in earnest for several people who have been accused falsely, or are facing difficult cases in court.  Yesterday, my son had a court date regarding a simple “fender bender,” where there was damage done to both cars but had been settled and completed long ago by the insurance companies.  The case was to determine if my son should receive points on his driving record or if it should be deemed an accident. He has appeared in court now, three times. However the officer and the woman in the other car, did not show up on any of the three occasions.  So the case was dismissed. I believe this is the first fruit of the open cases that remain.

My husband’s young cousin has a court date tomorrow.  This is a much more serious case than a “fender bender.”  It was an accident where there was a loss of life - his dear friend.  We are praying for the Lord’s mercy. I believe that the vision is speaking of a “throwing out.”  I am praying that the case will be “thrown out,” for the lack of evidence showing him to be responsible.  God is merciful. And I believe that in spite of opposition from the prosecution, the Lord has the last say.  I am believing for a complete reversal, and healing and restoration in this young man’s life.

Please join me in praying that there will be insufficient evidence to convict him of causing harm.  Please pray that he will be able to forgive himself for the loss of his friend, If he feels that he could have avoided the accident.  Please pray for his friend’s family and fiance, for the loss of their loved one.

May God bless you for your tender hearts to pray on behalf of another.

The next case, kept me up all night.  I was concerned for the accusations against Judge Kavanaugh.  In every way he seems to be a God-fearing man. The determination to undermine his appointment to the Supreme Court has been relentless.  Now the accusations that have been brought forth could possibly be a ploy to delay his acceptance.

When we pray for a circumstance like this, we should pray that the Lord’s will be done.  We need to pray in the Spirit, so that we would not pray amiss. No one really knows what took place so many years ago.   But I thank the Lord that in our nation, we are considered innocent until proven guilty. And I thank Jesus all the time that he has forgiven me of the things I have done in the past. When we sin, we need to repent.

“Blessed is the man whose sin, the Lord does not count against him, and in whose spirit there is no deceit.”  Psalm 32:2

“As far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us.”  Psalm 103:12

“I will forgive their wickedness and will remember their sins no more.”  Hebrews 8:12

The battle that seems to be raging in Washington, and broadcasted over the media, is not the real battle.  The battle that is really going on is the one fought in the heavenlies. The enemy is not flesh and blood, but the enemy is the devil, who wants to kill, steal and destroy.  The devil’s weapon of choice is lying. His tactics are to cause confusion, and to deceive the people so they support the lie, causing division in all sectors of our nation. The enemy uses fear as his most powerful weapon.  When people are filled with terror, they become irrational, defensive, and self-righteous. This is the proper environment for rebellion. It is like a fire out of control. The enemy is rather pleased with himself right now, for all the chaos his is able to cause.

We need to not fight with people.  We need to fight the enemy on our knees - in prayer.  When we bind the forces of darkness in the name of Jesus, they are bound in heaven.  When we command the powers of darkness to loose those taken captive by sin, in the name of Jesus, they are loosed in heaven.  People bound by fear, anxiety, greed, lust, those given over to perversity and lying can be can be set free. We pray for the Holy Spirit, to have his way in a person’s life.  The spirit of truth, goes forth, and accomplishes the Father’s will, setting people free of wrong thinking, and evil intentions. Only God knows the heart, and he is the only one who can effect a change.  

There are four more people that I am praying for their court cases:

There is a sweet man who is going through a terrible divorce.  I will call him “John.” Please pray for his wife to see what she is doing to the entire family.  She is a believer, who has been enticed by the flesh to leave her husband and seek personal pleasure, and a life of her own.  “A wise woman builds her house, but with her own hands the foolish one tears her down.” Proverbs 14:1 Pray for godly sorrow and a repentant heart for this woman, and for her husband to stay the course, as a man of God.

There is a man whose business is in jeopardy due to an employee having an accident involving several cars.  There are people he believes that are taking advantage of the situation, bringing lawsuits that will cause his ruin.  We believe that Jesus is our deliverer, and that “He will keep in perfect peace, those whose hearts are stayed on him.”  Isaiah 26:3

With God, all things are possible. Matthew 19:26

No weapon formed against you shall prosper. Isaiah 54:17

“He will bring to light what is hidden in darkness and will expose the motives of the heart. 1 Corinthians 4:5     

There is a Christian woman married to an American, held in a Pakistani prison on charges of blasphemy.  The charges are fictitious. While working in the fields, she simply drank water from the source provided to all the workers. The Muslim women felt that she had no right to drink from the same source as they.  Her name is Asia Bibi and the courts want to give her the death sentence. Please pray that in spite of terrible conditions and abuse, that her faith does not fail. Pray for the higher court to overturn the death sentence.  And please pray that the worldwide community would put pressure on Pakistan to release her.

There is another Christian man, an American pastor, Andrew Bronson, who is held in Turkey for crimes of terrorism.  When the attempted military coup in Turkey failed, the president arrested all those believed to have taken part. Andrew Bronson was just swept into the lot, and now is held captive.  President Trump is putting pressure in the form of sanctions on Turkey until his release. Please pray that he is released soon, and that he is divinely protected by the Lord.

The world is not a safe place for Christians, and our Jewish friends.  Please keep them all in your prayers. And may God bless you for your faithfulness and your willingness to stand in the gap on behalf of those who need the Lord to intervene.

Unity in the Spirit

Unity in the Spirit

The Temple, the Church and the Holy Spirit

The Temple, the Church and the Holy Spirit