The King - Jesus!

The King - Jesus!

Hi Friends,

I hope all is well with you and your family!  Today I am writing about the Lord. About who he is to me.  About his wonderful nature, and his love and faithfulness to us!  I am so overwhelmed by his grace and mercy. Over and over again he reveals his love, his healing, his concern for the things that concern us.  How he operates through us when we pray and seek him. Truly a wonderful God we serve!

As I have been on a quest to find my new home or ministry, the Lord has been speaking to me.  Sometimes with words, but more often with pictures or visions in the mind’s eye.

I want to share a few things that have happened recently.

For almost 8 weeks I had a mysterious pain in my chest.  When I sneezed, I would get a sharp pain just to the left of center, near the sternum.  At first I believed it to be in my lungs. I searched a bit on the internet for “chest pain caused by sneezing.”  I found an article which attributed this pain to pleurisy or pleuritis. Which is an inflammatory condition in the lining of the lung.  So I thought that I should see a doctor.

The physician’s assistant listened to my chest and said that my lungs were clear, so she wanted to rule out a heart problem.  So she did a resting EKG. Which turned out to be perfectly normal. Then she decided that I needed a chest x-ray to see if there was something eluding detection.  She sent me downstairs to have the chest x-ray. The first results came back that afternoon. She said that they see a “shadowy spot on the the x-ray.” So she was recommending that I get a CT scan.

Before this point I had already begun praying because it seemed that there might be something more to this than I was expecting, since I have always been in great health.  The doctor’s office was going to get the CT scan approved with my insurance company.

Suddenly, my daughter called me from out of state, and told me that her husband had a growth that spontaneously fell off his chest.  They rush to the hospital, and they performed a clean-up surgery and stitched him up and sent him home with instructions to not lift anything, and to not hold anything next to his chest for two weeks.  My daughter was panicking because she had a toddler and an infant which both needed constant lifting and holding.

So after I cancelled the appointment with my doctor, I left for Ohio.  During that time, I had intermittent pain in the chest. One night I couldn’t sleep because it bothered me so.  Once I returned home, I called the doctor to set up the CT scan, assuming that it had been approved. However, I was surprised to find that it had been denied.  So I called the doctor. She told me that the initial positive reading was reviewed and they determined that the “shadowy spot” seemed to be nothing - so the CT scan was not needed.

Throughout the days I was praying for healing, while at the same time rebuking the enemy for the intermittent pain.   I know the devil would love to sell us something, that we should never buy!

Over time the pain, seemed to shift to the breast tissue.  (The enemy wanted to continue his marketing plan with me!) But I decided to get a mammogram anyway, since I hadn’t had one in many years.  

Two days after the mammogram, I got a call from the Imaging office telling me that I needed to come back for another mammogram, and an ultrasound as well.  They said that, “There were several small calcifications which may have involved the nodes.” So I made another appointment and continued praying, rebuking the enemy, and declaring that I was the Lord’s healed.  

That next week, just before going into the imaging center, I called my sister from my car and asked her to pray with me.  I had not told anyone other than my husband about this. I knew my sister could, and would, believe for miracles. Both she and I have had many personal testimonies of God’s power, love, and compassion expressed through miracles.  So we stood in agreement on God’s love and faithfulness. Then I went in, to the appointment.

First they said, they only needed to take a mammogram  of the left side and an ultrasound of both.

After taking the 3D image and the ultrasound, I waited in a small changing room for the tech who would give me the test results.  As I waited, I just prayed, knowing God’s love and faithfulness had always kept me in peace. Finally, the tech returned and said, the radiologist wanted to scan the right side too.

I thought, maybe he saw something on the ultrasound.  So after the mammogram of the right side, she went to see the radiologist.  I waited once again, continuing to pray.

She came back after while, and said the radiologist wanted to do it again.  So we took another picture of the right side. And then as before, she left the room to see the radiologist.

As I was praying, I heard God speak to me. He said, “You are all right, but they will want you to come back in six months.”  It was only a few seconds later that the tech burst into the room holding onto the file and saying with a happy tone, “You’re all right, but we want to see you back in six months!”  

With excitement, I told her that God had just spoken those same words to me, just a few seconds before she entered the room!  She looked at me somewhat in shock. I was able to tell her about the Lord and his faithfulness to me. She was eager to listen, because she probably came to the realization that the reason the first mammogram that show calcifications were not visible in the second mammogram or the ultrasound, was that God had performed a miracle on my behalf!   

I then proceeded to share with her a few other miracles  that God had given us. So it is now my opportunity to share them with you.  

I told her about our dog, Emily, who was poisoned, and lost her eyesight.  The dog developed tremors, and then became blind. My daughter and I prayed everyday -  multiple times a day - every time we fed the dog, every time we walked her. Basically we prayed all day!  (Because we home schooled, the time and opportunity were available to pray.) After nearly 6 weeks of praying, one morning we woke up to find that our dog’s ugly baby blue opaque eyes turned a beautiful chocolate brown!  The tremors had left and she had perfect eyesight!   

So never give up - keep praying!

I also told the tech about a baby that was supposed to be born with Down’s syndrome and was completely restored:

Two ladies and myself decided to come to Church for 30 days and pray from 10 PM to 5 AM.  That first night we met, one of the ladies, was a nanny. She came in with an urgent prayer request.  Her employer, now pregnant, received news earlier that day that the baby would be born with Down’s Syndrome.  The power of God rose up immediately, and we began rebuking the demonic power behind the condition. Our prayer turned to declaration and then to  prophecy. When we were done praying, I told my friend, “Go and have her get a second opinion. I know the baby’s all right!”

Almost a year later, I got to hold the baby.  He was a perfectly made, baby boy, perfect in every way!  Praise the Lord! Thank you Jesus! You did it again!    

I even told the tech about another baby with a rash that was so bad the mother wrapped her baby like a mummy.  The mother told me, “The baby itches so much that he scratches himself and bleeds.” She said that they had gone to several doctors, but  not one of them was able to heal him. The baby in a carrier was only 9-10 month old. His face looked miserable, he was tormented by the rash.  I grabbed some homeschooling moms standing nearby and prayed for this baby, whose mom I had never met before. Again, the power of God was there to heal.  And prophecy came forth about this child as well.

One month later, at a home school bowling event, I happened to see this woman with her baby again.  She was so excited. She told me that her baby began healing right after our prayer. I saw that the baby was no longer wrapped up, but wearing a short-sleeved t-shirt,  His skin was smooth and perfectly healthy! God had given us a wonderful answer to prayer! He is good! He is faithful! He is full of love and compassion! He simply loves us!  

How can we possibly thank you enough Jesus?  You are such a blessing to us!

After sharing these stories, and excited about seeing what had happened to me, the tech wanted to know where I went to church.  We exchanged phone numbers, and I invited her to go with me for coffee, and to come to church on Sunday. Hallelujah!

God wants to heal and show his glory and power over his physical creation.  After all he created the whole universe, he can do anything he wishes. Isn’t it wonderful to know that God loves us and hears our prayers!

Now I have one more story.  It’s another recent miracle:

My husband told me of a young woman  who came to his office once every week.  She had told him that she was currently suffering with breast cancer in its fourth stage.  My husband asked me to pray for her, and her family. She had a husband and three small children.

I gave her a call; we prayed over the phone for healing and salvation.  Just this past week, I felt that God wanted me to pray with her in person, so I went to the office.   After introducing myself, we sat down, talked a few minutes and prayed again. She shared with me that from the time she got off the phone weeks ago, that all her pain left. and it had  not returned! Wow! I was excited for her! God was doing something!

The next day I told my husband that after she and I had prayed over the phone, several weeks ago, she had been pain free!  Then he told me that she had shared with him what her doctor told her. After reviewing her blood work, the doctor said, “I don’t know what you are doing, but keep it up.  Your white blood count is that of a normal healthy person!”

Another wow!  God is great! She is healed in the name of Jesus!  Wow! Hallelujah!

A Vision

Now I have just one more wonderful thing to share with you.  It’s a vision that I received while at a new church. We were in a time of prayer usually referred to as “soaking.”

I was standing under a rock overhang -  or perhaps it was a ceiling in a canyon, because there was plenty of daylight.  I looked up and saw the reddish, pink and yellow rock above me. Suddenly the rock  began melting! I am simply amazed, watching the rock melt. It formed down turned peaks, like it was getting ready to drip!

At that time, I remembered a passage in scripture:  “the mountains melt like wax before the Lord.” Psalm 97: 5  I realized that God was showing his might and power to me.  I believe he wanted me to know that he approved of this church. He was saying, “My presence is in this place.  I am welcomed here.”

Every church should make room for the glory of God!  I wished I had shared the vision with the pastor of that church.  I know it would have blessed him.  But the pleasure of sharing it will be reserved  for another day.  Perhaps tomorrow - Sunday!

All these awesome testimonies, I can’t help but give God the glory!  I love you Jesus!  Below is a link to a song that my mind is playing right now!  I hope you like it!

“The King is here!  The King is here! Hallelujah, God you’re here!”   

I also want to share the entire 97th Psalm:

Psalm 97

1 The Lord reigns, let the earth be glad;
    let the distant shores rejoice.
2 Clouds and thick darkness surround him;
    righteousness and justice are the foundation of his throne.
3 Fire goes before him
    and consumes his foes on every side.
4 His lightning lights up the world;
    the earth sees and trembles.
5 The mountains melt like wax before the Lord,
    before the Lord of all the earth.
6 The heavens proclaim his righteousness,
    and all peoples see his glory.

7 All who worship images are put to shame,
    those who boast in idols—
    worship him, all you gods!

8 Zion hears and rejoices
    and the villages of Judah are glad
    because of your judgments, Lord.
9 For you, Lord, are the Most High over all the earth;
    you are exalted far above all gods.
10 Let those who love the Lord hate evil,
    for he guards the lives of his faithful ones
    and delivers them from the hand of the wicked.
11 Light shines on the righteous
    and joy on the upright in heart.
12 Rejoice in the Lord, you who are righteous,
    and praise his holy name.

Hallelujah!  Be blessed!  I pray that you will received your deepest heart's longing!  I hope you will be forever in the Lord's presence!  Come Lord Jesus!

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