Our Walk with God

Our Walk with God

Hi Friends,

Have you ever been at the crossroads of life, where you know that God is leading you somewhere, but you are not quite sure where it is?  Well, that is where I find myself today. I thought you might want to take this journey with me.

We are all children of God, and he loves each one of us, but we are different too.  Just as you may have three children, which can have three different personalities and three different sets of likes, dislikes, things that motivate them and things that they try to avoid.

We are the same, and God knows our hearts and he knows how he wants to use each of us.  He knows how he has gifted us with both strengths and weaknesses. God is awesome, creating such a large and diverse universe, and yet is aware of the smallest detail, counting even the hairs on our head.  Truly a wonderful, holy and magnificent God we serve!

I am writing today about several visions the Lord has given me over the last two weeks regarding a change in direction for my life.  I hope you can put yourself in my shoes for a few moments, and ask yourself some of these same questions, that I asked God.

What would you have me do with my life?

Where would you have me fit into the body of Christ?

What God given gifts do I have that you would like to develop, and use in me?

How am I to bless the church and the people around me?

How can I bless you?

What changes would you like to see in me?

What are the lessons that I have yet to learn?

Is there anything in my belief system that holds me back from being who you called me to be?


Now to share the visions:

Water glasses

First I saw a clear glass tumbler filled with water and three ice cubes, which was quickly removed.  In its place, I saw a similar glass with five, small, mostly melted ice cubes.

What do these two glasses of water represent?  I believe that these glasses represent belief systems.  The glass with three ice cubes, I had originally thought to represented the Trinity.  I had supposed that the glass was quickly taken out of the way, because it is a doctrine that is universally accepted and describes the primary Christian belief. However, I was mistaken about the meaning of the glass of ice water.

The glass that I saw after the first was removed was a glass with five almost melted ice cubes.  I believe this glass represents the five fold ministry: “It was he who gave some to be apostles, some to be prophets, some to be evangelists, and some to be pastors, and teachers….” Ephesians 4:11

Once I understood that the five nearly melted ice cubes represented the five fold ministry, I could then see that the three newer ice cubes represented a different focus or belief.  The three ice cubes represented the three ministries most accepted by the older established churches: evangelists, pastors and teachers. These ice cubes were newer, having melted only a bit.  They represent the currently held belief that only these three ministries should be operating in the churches today.   The belief is that prophets and apostles were only God ordained positions given to certain people in the first century.  

The five ice cubes that were nearly melted, represent God’s original design for the church.  All five ministries were needed then, and are still needed today. These separate ministries are for the purpose of equipping the church. “to prepare God’s people for works of service, so that the body of Christ  may be built up until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.” Ephesians 4:12-13

God uses the ice to show which came first.  The five fold ministry was always God’s plan and still is to this day, because the ice is not yet melted! The three new ice cubes show that this is an idea that came along much later, and is not God’s chosen design because it was taken out of the way immediately!  God was showing me that the original design (with five) will replace the later one (with three). This is a prophetic announcement. The churches that continue to diminish the original teachings of God, will be taken out of the way!  Remember that God has the authority to remove the lamp stands of churches that are not true to him.

Water Glasses and Cowboy Boots

First I see four water glasses the same style and size as the ones above.  I am carrying all four of them in my hands, at the same time. Then I look back over my shoulder and see three glasses left behind.  One is like the first four, and the remaining two are shorter and wider. I realize that I can only carry four at once, and think to myself, I’ll go back and get the other three.

Next I see just the toes of cowboy boots.  The boots are made of a cream colored leather and the soles which are visible along the outline of the foot were stained a dark brown.

These two visions were received together, so they are meant to be interpreted together.  The water glasses represent my son’s friends. We can have one or two boys over at our house, and the next day have seven  or more. It is quite common for me to be carrying glasses of water or flavored seltzer into my son’s room for his friends and himself. Of course I feed them too!

The cowboy boots represent one’s walk with the Lord.  It is not clear exactly who is wearing them, but because of the vantage point from which I see only the toes, it appears that I could be wearing them. Perhaps, wearing them is something I am to consider.

I would like to show you an analogy that I saw.  Cowboy:_______ as Shepherd: sheep.

The blank would be filled in with “cattle.”  So it would read: Cowboy is to cattle as Shepherd is to sheep.  Therefore the cowboy’s relationship to cattle should be similar to a shepherd’s relationship to sheep.  Both take care of their animals. One takes care of the herd and the other takes care of the flock. The act of taking care is called shepherding, herding or pastoring.  

Seeing the two visions together, I believe that the Lord wants me to try on the cowboy boots to shepherd or herd the boys.  Sheep are docile, and are relatively easy to keep together. Cattle or longhorn steer, being larger animals, need the help of horses to keep them moving together. Sheep follow the master’s voice, and cattle - who knows?  I do not know much about them, only what I learned on educational television like “Rawhide,” and “Bonanza.” I assume, they are a bit more difficult, although rams have horns too!

I think God is using this analogy because, they are not yet sheep.  They are boys without a shepherd.  Hopefully, they will trade in their longhorns for the ram’s horn and become Jesus’ devoted disciples.  I am sure that is what God intends to do. (That’s going to take the Holy Spirit a whole lot of prayer!)


This time it was a voice, “I want you to go where you can use your hands.”  For me this means a ministry where I can lay hands on people and they will receive the Lord’s healing or the Baptism in the Holy Spirit.  He does not want me to be a part of a ministry which puts out the flame of the Holy Spirit. Or merely gives “lip service,” to the power of the Holy Spirit. 

God uses his power to confirm his gospel message.   "because our gospel came to you not simply with words, but also with power, with the Holy Spirit and with deep conviction." 1 Thessalonians 1:5

The power of the Holy Spirit comes with healing, deliverance, the Baptism in the Holy Spirit, signs, wonders, and miracles.  This is God’s intention to build his church with power just as in the first century when there was explosive growth.  It is hard to deny the truth of God’s word when you see signs.  “Signs will follow those who believe. In my name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues; they will pick up snakes in their hands; and when they drink deadly poison, it will not hurt them at all; they will place their hands on sick people, and they will get well.”  Mark 16:17-18

A Black Sock

After the voice, I saw a vision of a black sock with a label across the toe.  The words were upside down and written within two vertical bars and arrows like the greater than and less than signs:

I< brand name  >I.    I looked at this word upside down and I thought to myself, “This sock does not match my other black sock."  While seeing the vision, I ask, "Is is legal?” 

The sock, like the cowboy boot, refers to a person’s walk, and at the same time , represents a covering for the individual.  When I see the fact that the label on the presented sock does not match the sock that I normally wear, it makes me believe that God is pointing out a significant difference in claims and realities of a ministry that I am considering joining.  I was very impressed by a ministry whose proclaimed focus is on healing and the power of the Holy Spirit.  But God is warning me with the question that I proposed to myself in the vision, “Is it legal?” Here I am asking God about my concern for doctrine about the Baptism in the Holy Spirit and speaking in tongues.

In my own personal experience, and as I have been taught in Pentecostal churches, as I find the Bible up holds, and as I believe to be true, the Baptism in the Holy Spirit is given with the initial evidence of speaking in tongues.  To date, I have only heard one person give testimony about receiving the Baptism in the Holy Spirit without speaking in tongues, and it was the leader of this particular ministry.  I have been asking God for the truth about this matter:   Is it possible to receive the Baptism in the Holy Spirit without the initial evidence of speaking in tongues?   Now I believe that by this vision, God has confirmed that the label I< brand name >I  which did not match my other sock representing my personal experience, nor follow the teaching of the Holy Spirit as I understand the scriptures to mean, that what the leader is calling the Baptism in the Holy Spirit is not correct.  We are told time and time again in scripture, to be careful of doctrine that is not Biblical, and would lead us away from the Lord.  So to me this is a red flag!

A Ped - Footie

After this black sock appeared, several minutes went by and then a “ped” dropped into my lap.  A ped is a disposable “footie” that shoes stores provide for people who come in to try on their shoes, but are not wearing their own socks.  This ped just fell into my lap. I believe that God is saying that the ministry to which he chooses, will suddenly appear to me.   

I experienced something like this happening about two and a half months ago.  An opportunity to teach an Italian Bible study just fell into my lap.  My husband and I were invited by a friend to dinner at her home.  After accepting the invitation, she informed me that the Bible study that had been cancelled for the evening, was to go on that night after all - and that she wanted me to teach it.  I did not speak Italian, but it didn’t matter to her, so I agreed to lead it.  I was part of a Spanish ministry for 3 years and then joined a Spanish church for an additional 3 years, so I was comfortable with the fact that I wouldn't understand everything they might say.  Fortunately there were those who spoke both English and Italian, so we had very good, lively, interactive discussion with everyone participating.  It truly was a God thing!  Now  as we meet together, interest in the word of God and a hunger for him is growing!

So, I am expecting a similar thing to happen.  God will just drop this ministry into my lap, for I want to be in his perfect will.

A Blonde Woman

Yet, I must describe two more visions.  First I saw a large blonde woman standing at the reception counter of doctor’s office.  She leaned slightly forward and said to someone, “I have only one more appointment.” I believe that God was directly me to investigate still another ministry.  At this time I do not know which ministry, but I know that when God closes one door he will open another.  We are to wait upon him for that door to open.   

A Fly on a White Table

The last vision was of a housefly that landed on a white table.  He took a few steps, turning his body around to face me. The fly looked at me, but did not do anything else.  He simply looked in my direction.  

There is an expression, “I’d love to be a fly on the wall.” This really just points out the fact that most flies in a room go undetected. They have an ability to see and hear what is happening in the room without anyone noticing them.  The Lord is warning me that, others including the enemy, can see and hear what is happening in my life.  I need to be aware of the enemy’s schemes to distract me, put up roadblocks, or cause doubt or fear.  The enemy wants us to take our eyes off the Lord, and focus on negative facts or feed on fear and lies.  Although the word directs us to maintain our focus on Jesus.  “In all your ways acknowledge him and he shall direct your path.” Proverbs 3:6

Prayer is essential whenever there are decisions to be made.  Revelation, wisdom and the Holy Spirit will lead us into all truth.  So this is where I am at the moment. I am waiting upon the Lord. It is a good place to be, resting in him!  

Be blessed and be in tune with God!



Bondage, Rejection and Shame

Bondage, Rejection and Shame