Stationed At the Door

Stationed At the Door

Hi Friends,

I was just praying yesterday morning, when I received a two part vision.  The first part came in answer to a question concerning the writing and sharing of these visions.  

What I saw was a tiny little potted plant.  The terra-cotta pot was so small, 2” in height and 2” in diameter.  An equally small plant was growing in the pot.  It was flowering with several small red flowers, somewhat like a begonia.  

I was asking the Lord, “So few people seem to be reading my blog.  And very few ever share with another person.  Is this benefiting anyone, or is it simply a futile task?”

My answer came with the flower.  I believed that he was telling me not to despise small beginnings.  I know when the Lord spoke of the mustard seed, that he said it was one of the tiniest of seeds, but it would grow into one of the largest of garden plants.  So I understand, that I will keep writing what the Lord shows me.  I would ask you that, if you benefit from it in anyway, would you be willing to share it with someone? A friend or neighbor, or someone you know would be interested in reading.  Thanks so much!!

Now the second part of the vision, is altogether different.  I looked at the “pointer” finger on my left hand and notice two puncture wounds and small tears.  What came to mind was a snake bite.  The two fangs would have penetrated the finger, but in attempting to shake it off or pull away from the fangs, the skin tore back slightly.

I tried to think of anything that could have created two narrowly spaced identical puncture wounds and the tears, but could not think of a single thing that would do it.  I am resolved to believe that it was a snake bite.

One of my very first visions about the church I attended years ago, involved a snake.  I will share that with you.

I was in a church with theatre seating.  I was to the right of center while facing the stage.  I looked to the left and saw an extremely large snake moving down the center section of the rows of seats.  The snake came from the upper most rows and moved downward toward the stage.  I looked and saw my daughter on the far left of center, and wanted to warn her of the danger.  I made it down to the front row to find the snake had disappeared.  I looked behind me and saw an infant seat on one of the chairs.  The baby in the infant seat, had the face of one of the  associate pastors.  I knew that this “baby,” was a demon/serpent disguised as the pastor.  Suddenly, the baby dropped it’s pacifier, so without thinking, I picked it up and placed it in the “baby’s” mouth.  The baby sucked on it and gave a look of pleasure.  I turned around to look at the stage, and I saw another snake standing upright as a man with his arms folded across his chest.  The snake wore a fedora upon its head.  I saw his eyes peaking out to look at me.  He seemed quite pleased with himself, however I knew who he was.  He was the very same snake that had been moving down the center section of the seating, but now disguised himself as a man.

This was a warning vision, which occurred nearly a year and a half before, the church split occurred.  The Lord wanted to warn me of the pastor who was the reason for the split.

The Lord wants us to be aware of the devil’s schemes.  I was not able to see the sin at the time, but as it unfolded, I saw how God protected me and others from the emotional shaking that occurs with any church split.  About five days before the Sunday of departure, God gave me a vision.

It was a beautiful summer morning, and I found myself in Chicago, near the Lincoln Park Zoo, standing in a shallow pond that was about calf height in depth.  The morning sunlight sparkled on the water.  As I looked around me, I saw several people just like myself, standing in the pond.  Then we all walked out of the pond and to our parked cars.  I spoke to a man as he went to his car, speaking of the beautiful morning and wishing him a good day.  At the time of the vision, I felt hope about the future.  I was unaware of the split that was going to occur,  until these plans were revealed the next day.  God was protecting us all, from what was soon to take place.

God gave me this beautiful vision of a new morning. “My mercies are new every morning.”  I knew God was showing me that we would experience a new day, a new start.  Within the next day or two, after finding out about the plans to leave, the core church, I was having mixed emotions, but because of the vision, I knew God was watching over me.

Then, the morning of the departure, God opened my eyes.  I knew that the church that was splitting away was in the wrong, so that even though I went with them that first morning, God allowed me to see the sin, the rebellion, the pride, and even the hidden sexual sin, that later came to be exposed.  That is why we always pray, “Lord, whatever is hidden in darkness be brought to the light.” God opened my eyes so that I was able to see how they chose scriptures in the sermon, to justify their sinful actions.   I resolved to return to the core church and not follow them down the wrong path.

God is faithful and merciful.

Now I must share a recent vision about another plan of the wicked one, to attempt to enter through the door to the offices, of the church.  Over the past two months, I have now received three visions about personalities that wanted to come into the church.  I mentioned two of them in a former post entitled, “Seeking Wisdom.”

These were two demons disguised as women.  The first I recognized as a demon, so I did not open the door to her.   However, to the second one, I opened the door, believing that she was an ordinary woman coming to  pray.  Instead, she brought “gifts” which I did not see her carry as she walked toward the office door.  But as she was about to enter, she stooped down at the threshold and placed her little gift boxes on the open threshold.  Both women were definitely demons.

Now just a few weeks ago, I received a vision of a short, round man wearing a suit and a contrasting vest.  He had no tie, but dressed himself with gold accessories: cufflinks and a gold I.D. bracelet.  He was standing outside the door to the office, looking up at me with his eyes, yet, attempting to shield his full face from my view.  With his eyes, he was asking permission to come inside.  I knew again, that he was another demon.  I refused him entrance.

I did not realize that by starting prayer every morning at church, that I would become a gatekeeper.  Thank you Jesus, please give us all wisdom and discernment to see the plans of the wicked one.  Let us not succumb to temptation or be lead astray by deceiving spirits.

We are encouraged by the apostle Paul, to pray for our leaders.  “Keep watch over yourselves and all the flock of which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers.  Be shepherds of the church of God, which he bought with his own blood.  I know that after I leave, savage wolves will come in among you and will not spare the flock.  Even from your own number men will arise and distort the truth in order to draw away disciples after them.  So be on your guard!  Remember that for three years I never stopped warning each of you night and day with tears.”  Acts 20:28-31

It is so important to cover our pastors and leaders with prayer, because the word warns us, “Strike the shepherd and the flock will scatter.”  The enemy wants to bring down the church by causing division, splits, introducing false teachings and worldly views that cause the church to give place to sin.  Our pastors will be held to a higher standard, so we must hold them up in prayer.  They need wisdom, guidance, and discernment.  They need to be men and women of faith, never giving into fear or their flesh.  

Since I have received these three warning visions, it is imperative, that our leaders are equipped with  the spiritual gifts, and the desire to live a holy life, and instill those same values in the flock.  We must trust in God to protect us from false shepherds - those who do not spare the flock.   

Now coming full circle, I think of the vision of the snake bite.  Even though, I was obviously bitten, I did not suffered any harm - Praise the Lord!  God protects us!  

In Acts, chapter 28, Paul after surviving a shipwreck, was bitten by a viper, that was hidden in the firewood.  Paul shook the snake from his hand into the fire, and suffered no ill effects.  The islanders, expected him to swell up or suddenly drop dead, but nothing happened.  God protected him.  

"And these signs will accompany those who believe;  In my name they will drive out demons; they will speak in new tongues; they will pick up snakes with their hands; and when they drink deadly poison, it will not hurt them at all;  they will place their hands on sick people, and they will get well."   Mark 16:17-18

Thank you Jesus, for you are our protector.  You are our shield.  You are our strong tower into which we run!  So we continue to believe that the Lord will guard us, and protect us from the plans of the wicked one.

So not only do we pray for our pastors and leaders, but we need to pray for the entire church, in all its denominations, because we are brothers and sisters in Christ, and we are his representatives here on this earth.  We need to pray that the enemies plans are brought to nought and that no weapon formed against the Church will prosper!  The battle belongs to the Lord.  He will protect, defend and build his Church.

The rock upon which the Lord builds his Church is this:  "'But what about you?' he asked.  'Who do you say I am?'" 

"Simon Peter answered, 'You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.'" 

"Jesus replied, 'Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by flesh and blood, but by my Father in heaven.  And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my Church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it.  I will give you the keys to the kingdom of heaven;  whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.'"  Matthew 16:15-19

So this we take as our commissioning.  We are to be gatekeepers, and prayer warriors.  We are to be faithful to serve our Lord and our church.  Bind whenever you see is not of the Lord and loose what has been taken captive by the wicked one.  We commit ourselves to the Lord's purpose and provision.  Come Lord Jesus!  Bring your revival!  Bring it soon! 

Salt of the Earth

Salt of the Earth

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