Ants, Cars and An Owl

Ants, Cars and An Owl

Hello friends, I am writing about a vision I received this past Monday.  September 18, 2017.  It concerns prayer, and the enemy that would love to stop it.

The Vision in Six Parts


First, I saw the familiar logo used by the General Electric Company.

Next, I saw a view of ants in a screened in cage.  The view was greatly magnified so that the ant  in the foreground appeared to be about two feet in length.  The wire screen was tight enough to keep the ants from escaping.  The ant in the foreground clung onto the screen of the cage as it was suddenly dropped with a loud crash onto the floor, just in front of me.  In spite of the impact, the cage remained intact.

After that, I saw the top view of a round brown object.  Two very small triangles, resembling arrows were painted on the brown surface.  Then I saw a paintbrush make a small thin red stroke upon a white ground. Suddenly, the view zoomed out to reveal the head of an owl.  I was amazed to see that someone had painted a thin red line not on paper, or an inanimate object, but on a live owl!  The owl’s eyes were staring directly at me.  It’s golden yellow eyes were intensely focused.  A look of indignation was upon its face.

In the fourth part of the vision, I saw several cars in a row.  The view was of the rear end of the cars, their hatches, trunks, and tail lights.  Each of the cars, although different in style, were all the same color: a pale champagne gold. The tail lights were red in contrast.

In the fifth part of the vision, I saw the top of a human head.  The hair was blonde, parted down the center and divided into two short pigtails.  The 3D view rotated towards the back of the head.  The lower portion of the head was clipped tightly to the head, with men’s hair clippers.  Then the view rotated again to the front of the head.  Just below the pigtails the hair was cut to make short bangs as in a traditional men's hairstyle.  The features of the face were not visible. Only soft forms created a human face, neither male nor female.

This last part of the vision came later that afternoon, while praying for an understanding of the vision:  

I saw a young lion cuddling with its mother. The cub stretched up to his mother's face and she responded with a loving nuzzle.

This is what I believe the vision means:

The GE Logo

The GE logo represents power.  Not electrical power, but supernatural power, the power of God.  The power of God is released through faith, prayer, an obedient life and true worship.

The Ants in the Cage

The ants in the cage are believers. They are in a cage, because the enemy, wants to curb, and outright stop prayer from going forth.  The cage being thrown down, is the enemy's show of disdain for God's people.  The cage, is the entrapment, and snares of the devil, designed to keep the people of God so busy, so distracted, so overwhelmed with problems, issues, and commitments, that they have very little time to pray.  No prayer - no power.  

Years ago, God gave me a vision of ants, which at the time represented people the prayer ministry.  In that vision there were many ants moving all over the top of an ant hill.  As I watched the ants, I noticed that none of these ants were carrying anything.  No food, no soil, no load. Having watched ants work as a child, I knew that they always worked together, carrying a load for a while, then passing the load off to another ant. They were then prepared to carry a load that another ant would pass on to them.  But these ants were not taking anything down into the tunnel, nor was anyone of them coming up from the tunnel. The ants remained on the top of the mound and its surrounding area doing nothing but aimlessly walking about.  They were accomplishing absolutely nothing.

God had shown me that because of disunity, the intercessors were going through the motions of praying, but nothing was really getting done.  A lack of trust, among the intercessors, jealousy, factions, and believe it or not - power struggles, hindered their prayers.  This behavior was an abomination to God, clearly sinful.  

I believe the purpose in Monday’s vision is to point out, what the enemy is doing to keep prayer from going forward.  I must say that in spite of the plans of the wicked one, we are still experiencing miracles and answers to prayers.  And this happens because of persevering faith and a desire to see God’s will done.  Hallelujah!  Even so, many of God's people are experiencing a lot of difficulties. The enemy is keeping us so busy “putting out fires,” that some of us find it difficult to manage our time and set aside time to devote to prayer and seeking God.  

In the vision, the cage was thrown down.  The enemy’s intent was to cause harm, to “rattle the cage,” to annoy, to irritate and to cause confusion.  The enemy would like to jostle us around to cause misunderstandings, and hurt feelings that lead to discord and disunity.  It is the prayer of agreement that has power. We need to be on our guard against the schemes of the enemy, and in so doing, we protect unity.

The Owl

The next part of the vision concerns the owl.  The owl represents wisdom, not the wisdom of man which is foolishness to God.  The wisdom sourced in man is worldly; it does not reflect God’s view.  “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.”  Isaiah 55:9

The painted arrows on the owl are pointing to the owl’s eyes. The arrows are in effect saying: “Get wisdom. Though it cost all you have, get understanding.  Cherish her, and she will exalt you; embrace her, and she will honor you.  She will give you a garland to grace your head and present you with a glorious crown.” Proverbs 4:7-9

The owl’s look of indignation was a response to the red paint stroke on the owl’s forehead.  It was an attempt to add to the wisdom of God.  The red paint can be seen as a “correction,” like a teacher attempting to correct a paper.  But in this case, the red is a glaring mark, perverting truth and wisdom.  The mark is not meant to be there - ideas, and especially, humanistic, ideas are a blemish to the true wisdom of God.  Our culture’s wisdom is often in direct opposition to God’s commands, his truth, and his word.

The Cars

The row of gold colored cars represents heaven’s preparedness to answer our prayers.  The cars are each different, because every prayer is unique, and requires a personal response from a personal God. Jesus said, “For your Father knows what you need, before you ask him.”  Matthew 6:8  

The cars are all colored a pale champagne gold, because gold can represent something of great worth.  God’s provision, his deliverance, his healing, and  his guidance can come in answer to prayer.  No monetary value can be placed on these heavenly gifts.  These cars may also represent God’s angels which are dispatched, to minister to the "saints."  A car is designed to carry both passengers and material goods.  In answer to prayer, God motivates people, and empowers people to live a holy, uncompromised life.  Through prayer, he provides all the things we need. The cars in the vision were parked, but they could be made ready at a moment’s notice.

The Hairstyle

The next part of the vision, shows what God is concerned for.  The single head with a young girls style on the top portion, and a boy’s cut on the lower portion, represents confusion with identity.  This is a spiritual problem that is manifesting among the youth today.  This is what God wants us to focus on in prayer.  The enemy wants to utterly destroy the next generation.  He wants them to be confused with what should be a given fact: sexual identity.  We see that his plan is to undermine the authority of the Bible.  He does this by attacking an important belief, that we are created in the image of God.  And that we were created male and female.  The enemy is using blatantly perverted behavior as an affront to God’s commands.  Anything that a culture will condon and accept as normal, but is contrary to God’s ways and the laws of nature that he alone establishes, calls God and his word into question, not in the eyes of believers, but in the eyes of the millions of unbelievers.   

This is probably the most vicious attack the enemy can make to discredit the Bible, and God’s authority by parading these character traits, and identity preferences as “normal,” as an everyday occurrence.  Prayer must be used to bring this stronghold down.  We cannot sit by and allow our nation and the people around us to destroy the next generation’s faith.  We have been given spiritual weapons which are powerful in demolishing arguments, vain imaginations and pulling down strongholds.  

This lie that the enemy would have the next generation accept as “undisputed fact,” as “scientific,” as “natural,” undermines the family, marriage, and God’s design for each individual to live an abundant life, and a life at peace with God.  To the unbeliever, to the one embracing and promoting the lie, there is nothing wrong.  “This is the way of an adulterous woman:  She eats and wipes her mouth and says, ‘I’ve done nothing wrong.’”   Proverbs 30:20  

A worldly argument might be, “What harm is there?  What difference does it make, it they are happy?”  Only the believer understands:  “There is a way that appears right, but in the end it leads to death.”  Proverbs 14:12  

The Lion and her Cub

The last part of the vision, is a promise of God, for restoration, and peace.  The cub found comfort in his mother.  The cub is the younger generation, he finds contentment and joy, knowing he is loved.

We as the mother lion, must surround our cubs with prayer.  We need to show love to this younger generation because they have so much to contend with from the enemy.  He entices them with material possessions, and the desire to be well liked, to fit into the culture of the day.  He feeds them a steady diet of violence, and sensuality in video games.  He nurtures them with television shows that promote promiscuity, and ungodly lifestyles.  He sings over them songs of violence, sex, drug use, defiance, rebellion, self gratification, and contempt for people.  He whispers to them lies:  “Nobody likes you, no one wants you around, you are ugly, you are stupid, you’re a spaz, you’re a loser….”  And on it goes into the night, voices and lies planted into their hearts.

We must show our love by our actions, our words, and our prayers.  Let us love as the Lord loved.  And let us fight the good fight of faith, never giving an inch to the enemy.  Let us pray for our cubs, that they would be free of the chains that bind them.  Let us fast, pray and believe for their deliverance.

In Summary

God wants us to be a powerful force against the evil one.  Binding and loosening, in the name of Jesus, praying in the spirit, taking captive every thought and vain imagination, pulling down strongholds, (ideas contrary to the truth of God’s word), declaring those things that are not as those they were, praying without ceasing, and worshiping God in spirit and in truth.

We cannot be distracted, with things that look as if they are important, and take time away from prayer.  I would like to quote from a favorite book of mine, by Oswald Chambers: My Utmost for His Highest, Oct. 17 "Prayer does not equip us for greater works - prayer is the greater work."  

We need to know that God will provide.  We need to trust God for miracles, provision, and healing.  We need to pray for the next generation, that they will have unshakable faith that can move mountains, a faith that will not succumb to temptation, and a faith that can withstand persecution and hardship.  We need to lead the next generation. We need to be those people who will challenge the next generation, as Paul did.  “Follow me, as I follow Christ.” 1 Corinthians 11:1

A Challenge!

Are you living a life worth following?

That is definitely worth "chewing on."   Let's keep praying and believing God for our children, our neighbors, our nation and the world.  Be blessed! 

Draw Close to Me

Draw Close to Me

Ready or Not!

Ready or Not!