Unopened, Unused and Forgotten

Unopened, Unused and Forgotten

Yesterday, while I was praying, someone tapped me on the shoulder.  I looked around; I was all alone.  I thought it was the Holy Spirit, or perhaps an angel.  But I knew the Lord was trying to get my attention.  I closed my eyes and went back into prayer.  Suddenly there was a vision.  I was stooping down and looking inside a kitchen cabinet.  On the shelf of the lower cabinet were 4 cereal boxes, lying on their sides in a single stack.  I recognized them to be boxes of "Wheaties, the breakfast of champions."  At least that is what we heard on television years ago.  

Next, I found myself standing in a Victorian parlor, across from a chaise.  It had an ornately carved mahogany frame with a dark finish.  The upholstery was a heavy, dark floral brocade,  On the seat of the chaise were four Bibles in their zippered covers, lying on their sides and stacked one on top of the other.  

Even though this vision's message seemed clear, and straight forward to me, I realized that it had to be considered extremely important, because the tap in the shoulder meant "Pay attention."   In the past, I have prayed for people that are unaware of the Lord's ways, or for people that needed be made aware of something, for God to"wake them up," and to "get their attention!" 

I remember a time several years ago, when I needed to talk to the senior pastor to get a decision before Monday.  I felt that it was imperative, I could hardly sleep myself, but I prayed that Friday night, "Lord wake him up!  Put my situation on his heart!" 

The next morning was Saturday.  I was waiting, hoping to get a call from the senior pastor.  Then at ten o'clock, the administrative pastor called.  He told me that the senior pastor had called him that morning, and had approved my ministry.  He was going to arrange a meeting with the woman heading the women's ministry so that things would be ready for me to start Monday.   Wow! I was so amazed and excited.  God moved a mountain for me!  And he did that by tapping the pastor on the shoulder, and placing me on his heart.  "All things are possible for those who believe."  

If God ever taps you on the shoulder - Pay attention!  He wants you to know, that what he is about to say is important!

So, I tell myself, "Pay attention. This is important to God."  This is what I believe the vision's message is about:

In the first part of the vision, I saw four boxes of  "Wheaties."  The slogan,"Wheaties - the breakfast of champions!"  was created by the advertising firm to convince the American people, that if we wanted to be champions, like all the athletic celebrities, then we better start our day with Wheaties.  They wanted everyone to believe that an athlete's training table, was to be built on good nutrition, and that Wheaties was the perfect food, first thing in the morning. 

However, where were these boxes of cereal in the vision?  They were basically hiding on the shelf of a lower cabinet.  The intention was good, in that there were four boxes.  But they were unopened, unused, and forgotten.

Now in the second portion of the vision, we see a similar stack of four items.  But these are Bibles, in their zippered covers.  The intention again is good; one cannot have enough Bibles.  But if you noticed, they are unopened, unused and forgotten.  Now it is significant that the chaise is found in a Victorian parlor.  During that era, the parlor was only used for show.  It was only used when an important guest came to visit, otherwise it was off limits to children and "roped off" to everyday use.  Do you suppose that the Bibles were there only for show?  Do you suppose, that they were not used, because they were not considered important for everyday use?

I believe that the American people have lost the desire to read.  The television, the computer, and video games are consuming our time.  They've taken our minds captive.  It seems that our children are uninterested in conversation with adults, and prefer socializing by texting and social media.  On one occasion, I found all the teens and twenty year old's sitting in the living room, all texting and being entertained by their phones and the youngest on the video game.  They were not interested in talking with one another.  

What about books themselves?  Is anyone reading?  How many bookstores have closed?  When was the last time you went to the library?  Just by the fact that you are reading this blog, shows that you belong to an exceptional group of people!

But putting all this aside, if we do not read our Bibles, how will we know truth from falsehood.  If there is false doctrine being put forth, could you recognize it?   How can we stand on the promises of God if we do not know what they are?  How can we use the Bible to train up a child, if we cannot quote a single scripture that is pertinent to the occasion?  How can we transform our minds from the worldly point of view, if we do not read the Bible and reflect on its wisdom?  How can we argue the tenets of faith with a non-believer, if we can't use scripture and examples  to support  our beliefs.  We must read and study to know, and be able to influence, others for the Lord.

The Lord showed me once, that the more scripture I knew, the more he could reveal to me.  I believe this is true.  We need to have a common language when we speak with God.  I am not referring to speaking in tongues, although it is so precious to me.  I know we speak in tongues all the time, which is so wonderful and necessary when we don't know how to pray, or we just want to worship him in the Spirit.  But he can speak to us using dreams, and visions which are visual means, and occasionally there is an audible word.  But other times he will speak to us by dropping a scripture into our spirits, that gives information, or guidance.

The following are a few helpful scriptures concerning the word of God:

"All scripture is God-breathed, and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteous, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work."  2 Timothy 3:16-17

"For the word of God is alive and active.  Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart."  Hebrews 4:12

Jesus used scripture to overcome the temptations of Satan:

 Jesus answered, "It is written: 'Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.'"  Matthew 4:4

"It is also written: 'Do not put the Lord your God to the test.'"  Matthew 4:7

Jesus said to him, "Away from me, Satan!  For it is written: 'Worship the Lord your God, and serve him only.'"  Matthew 4:10

If Jesus used scripture to defeat the temptations of Satan, shouldn't we use scripture to defeat the things that come against us?  That is why the Bible, the word of God, is called the "sword of the Spirit." "Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God."  Ephesians 6:17

"Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth."   2 Timothy 2:15

"For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine.  Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear.  They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths."           2 Timothy 4:3-5

The word of God is food for the spirit.  Our spirit needs the word of God to provide its nourishment.  Just as the advertisers of  "Wheaties, the breakfast of champions," encouraged us to begin our day with a bowl of Wheaties, we need to begin our day with the word of God.

However, too many of us neglect to put forth the effort to read the Bible and meet with God on a daily basis.  How can our spirits be healthy if we are not in communion with the Lord, or not reading his word?  When we read his word, we see what moves him, what pleases him, what is right and what is wrong.  And more than just rules for living, as if that were all there was, we experience the Holy Spirit speak to our hearts.   After all, the Bible comes with a tutor, the Holy Spirit.  "But when he, the Spirit of truth. comes, he will guide you into all truth."  John 16:13

So this message is quite simple, get out your Bible, and begin reading everyday.  When we commit to studying the word everyday, we are giving the word the opportunity to transform our minds, and our lives.  The word of God will mold us and shape us into "a vessel fit for the Master's use." 

I want to share an example of renewing and transforming the mind with the word of God:

A friend of mine has been reading the Bible everyday with her mother that has suffered for years with seizures.  She tells me that her mother had trouble expressing simple thoughts, she would get confused about things most of us take for granted.  After reading scripture, studying the Bible and praying every night with her mother, she has noticed that her mother's brain is being renewed and restored.   My friend said that her mother has made great gains, in reasoning, and articulating her questions and thoughts.  Even her brother has noticed the change in their mother's ability to converse, and express ideas.  Now her mom asks much deeper questions about scripture and God's love.  She even prays for her daughter!   This amazing transformation happened because her daughter took the time to read and study the Bible every day with her.   Scripture is truth, and the truth overcomes darkness.  Her mind is being transformed and her spirit is being renewed.

Another example of the word of God transforming a mind:  

Bill Gothard, the founder of the Institute in Basic Life Principles, and a Christian minister, testifies that through his childhood and teen years, his teachers were unable to help him learn. They would pass him each year to the next grade level, even though he was making very little real progress.  But sometime in high school he came to know the Lord, and was encouraged by a pastor to begin memorizing scripture.  No one ever expected him to change, but the more scripture he memorized, the more his mind became transformed.  He started getting better grades - in fact he became an A student!  Scripture is truth, and it has the power to dispel darkness, transform the mind, and renew the spirit.  

So, here is one last thought from James:  "Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves.  Do what it says.  Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like someone who looks at his face in a mirror and, after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like.  But whoever looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, and continues in it- not forgetting what they have heard, but doing it - they will be blessed in what they do."  James 1:22-25 

So I hope that you feel the Lord tap you on the shoulder, to say, "This is important!"  Because God wants us to know the word, so that we can use it properly.  Jesus loves us and wants the best for us, so let's get out our Bibles and start reading!   Be blessed!



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