Warning to a Nation

Warning to a Nation

I am writing to you today, about a message that God gave me to warn people of judgment, to call people to turn their hearts to God, and to be faithful to him alone.  This message was given late October 2016.  It was a message given in four parts:

First I see an aerial view of a house.  Surrounding the house is a piece of string, creating the outline of the property.  A pair of scissors are open with its blades prepared to cut the string.

Next I am in a car driving by a hotel.  I speak out these words: "I am not a property owner.  I am a property manager."

After this I find myself in a master bedroom looking at the bed.  I hear God's voice say:  "I will let the people say for themselves." 

Then I find myself at a bathroom sink.  There is a sharpened pencil and a pen just to the left of the sink.

The meaning of this four part vision, I knew right away.  I am just sharing with you now, because this message is meant for our generation, and at this time.  This  message is urgent, because it brings a warning.  

In the last chapter of Revelations, The angel spoke to John saying, "Do not seal up the words of the prophecy of this book, because the time is near.  Let him who does wrong continue to do wrong; let him who is vile continue to be vile; let him who does right continue to do right; and let him who is holy continue to be holy."

Those words are frightening.  If you really think about it, the Lord could come back at any moment for his church, and only 50% of the church will even be ready.  (Jesus spoke of the wise and foolish virgins.)  The five wise virgins who had oil for their lamps (representing the presence of the Holy Spirit) were ready to go into the wedding banquet.  The five foolish virgins (also part of the church, the body of believers) were not ready.  "And the door was shut.  Later the others also came.  'Lord, Lord,' they said, 'open the door for us!'  But he replied, 'Truly I tell you, I don't know you.'"  Matthew 25:10-12

This vision is calling us, the church, to choose whom we will serve.  Let me show you the meaning as I believe it to be.

The first part of the vision shows a house from an aerial point of view.  This represents God's point of view.  He is looking down at the house, which metaphorically would refer to a nation.  An example of this would be "the house of Israel" referred to the nation of Israel.  The string forming a border around the property represent the borders of our nation.  And the scissors which are ready to cut the string, represents God's hand in judgment, ready to allow our borders to be breached.

This is the potential outcome.  We need to see why would he allow this.  We need to understand God's heart and his grievance against us.

In the second part of the vision, I am in a car, driving past a hotel.  The car represents the way we go, and the manner in which we live,  As I drive past the hotel, I declare God's message of truth:  "I am not a property owner.  I am a property manager."

"The earth is the Lord's and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it..."  Psalm 24:1

The hotel, represents the world.  The hotel has places reserved for people, but they are only guests of the hotel, simply passing through and staying only a short while.  The hotel or world belongs to God - we are only here for a while.  People lived here before us and there will be people coming after us.  We do not own anything.  We are not property owners, we are only stewards of the things that God owns.  Not only that, we cannot say that we own ourselves, because we  make up God "treasured possession." Psalm 135:4  

"You are not your own; you were bought at a price."  1 Corinthians 6:19-20

God wants us to know, that he did not create us so that we could do as we please and ignore him, as if he were not there.  We are here to bring glory to God - to please him, to love him and to obey him.

In the third part of the vision, I am in a master bedroom, looking at the bed.  God's voice is heard, "I will let the people say for themselves."  The bed represents his covenant relationship with us.  Jesus is the bridegroom, we, the church, are his bride.  The marriage bed is where the covenant that was made earlier, is now consummated.  It is a decision that he allows us to make on our own.  God does not force his will upon us, he gives us freewill to choose to serve him, to be in relationship with him, or to go our own way.

Just as a husband wants his wife to be pure, and to be faithful throughout the marriage, God wants and expects the same of us.  Many times throughout the Old Testament, God referred to the nation of Israel as an adulterous wife, who had taken many lovers.  The lovers were the gods of the Canaanites.  The Israelites rejected God as their "king," and wanted to be like the nations around them, having kings of their own choosing.  They wanted to fit into the world's system.

Today, the church (the body of Christ) can become ensnared by pursuing the things in the world.  She can be wooed by money and all that it buys.  Her lovers can be homes, cars, clothing, vacations, honor, respect, success, and notoriety.  The world chases after theses things.   But these same things can take believers far away from their devotion to God.  "Do not love the world or anything in the world.  If anyone loves the world, love for the Father is not in them." 1 John 2:15   Anything that turns our heads, or causes us to give place to it ahead of God and our devotion to him, is sin.  

A quote given by our pastor earlier today, really impressed me as being true.  The quote given was this: "Why is it always easier to say "No," to God, than it is to say "No," to the things you substitute for God?"

Isn't this what idolatry is?  Why do we believe that we have nothing to repent for?  Why do we think that we are always right, and justify our ways, rather than feeling remorseful?  What holds us back from our total devotion to God?

The last part of the vision, was God speaking to me once again, telling me that I needed to get the message out.  The pens and sharpened pencils were God's command to take care of business:  Get the message out! 

The message, is this:  Our nation's borders, are at risk of being breached.  What does this mean?  Drugs are already being smuggled in.  Terrorists, and people bent on destruction are aching to have the chance to penetrate our land and slaughter our people.  North Korea, would love to send a missile our way.

Many of us who pray ask, "Why is the church so ill prepared?  Why are they so distracted, so unconcerned?  There seems to be a lack of prayer and genuine repentance?"  

God said he would be a shield around Jerusalem, that he would gives us peace on our borders.  But this is a conditional promise, not an absolute statement.  We have to keep our agreements with him.  I have quoted from Isaiah 58 often, as well as 2 Chronicles 7:14.

When will the church wake up?  Will we realize only too late, that the doors are shut, that we were the foolish virgins, that carried no oil in their lamps?  Jesus calls to us:  "To him who overcomes I will give the right to eat from the tree of life, which is in the paradise of God."  Revelations 2:7

So please pray.  Please call out to God for our nation.  Please give your all to him.  Live for him, and him alone.  If we the church do not pray for our nation, then we cannot blame anyone but ourselves.  We have to do away with our slanderous comments about the political figures and the parties they represent.  GOD WILL BRING DISCIPLINE - DO NOT THINK HE WON'T!

Please join me in sharing this message with people that you know who maybe touched, changed, or motivated to pray on behalf of the church and our country.   I know that God will "reward those who diligently seek him!"  God bless you! 




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