That's My Baby!

That's My Baby!

I just released a vision last night, that God had me retract this morning.  It was called "A Race to the Top."  So, I asked God, "What do you want me to share today?  Do you just want me to pray?" 

Well, I believe that this is the vision he wants me to share with you.  It is about the importance of prayer for the churches and ministries that we are involved in.  Just as I was writing this sentence, I received an email from a missionary whose name and location we are not to speak of, in order to maintain his personal safety, and his family's protection.  So as you read this, think of your own ministries and churches for whom you need to stand in prayer.

This vision begins with me receiving 3 white oval discs.  One was placed under my feet, one I sat upon, and the last was placed behind the small of my back.  I found myself floating above the surface of an outdoor pool.  There were several young children enjoying the water, one was a girl about 10-12 years old.  When she came up out of the water, I noticed her long dark hair and her pretty face.  

The sun was shining.  Suddenly I began moving over the water to another location in the pool.  Then I began to rotate, so that I could not see where I was going.  I was moving backward.  I had moved from an outdoor pool with bright sunlight into a fairly dark indoor pool.  Suddenly, a lean man with dark hair yelled at me saying, "Stop! Can't you see that my child is blind?"

I turned to look.  I saw a newborn baby whom the man held up with one hand over the water.  The baby was completely naked.  The man let go of the baby and he dropped him into the water, totally submerged.  I quickly reached two hands into the water and pulled the baby up by his head.  As the baby came out of the water, I prayed aloud, "Be healed in the name of Jesus."  I held the baby up, and moved my finger in front of his eyes.  The baby responded with moving and blinking eyes.

I declared to this man, "See, the baby would not be able to do this, if it could not see!"  However, I saw that the left eye was still not right.  It appeared to be red and dilated.  I immediately thought to myself, "I need to continue praying so that this eye will appear normal."  While still in my vision, I remembered that Jesus had to pray twice for a man to receive his sight, for the man said, "I see people walking about like trees!"  Then my vision ended.

I believe that there will be many miracles to come from God's manifested presence in this ministry.  I have prayed much about where to go and I believe God has called me to intercede for them.

In the vision, the three white discs represent the Trinity or perhaps three angels.  Moving over the water, being carried by the three discs, symbolizes moving with, and moving by the power of the Holy Spirit.  " they were carried along by the Holy Spirit."  2 Peter 1:21

The two different pools represent different domains.  The contrast is strong.  One pool is full of happy children.  The sun is bright and its light sparkles on the water.  This is the kingdom of light, the kingdom of God.  The other pool is indoors, in a confined space, dark and uninviting.  This is the kingdom of darkness.

The young pretty girl coming up out of the water, represents the church.   She is the radiant bride of Christ.  By contrast, the lean older man with dark hair who held the baby, stood next to another man, shorter with gray hair.  These men were demons, who preferred the darkness of the indoor pool.  

The new born baby represents the new ministry/church that was just being launched.  The baby was vulnerable, naked, and in the hands of a wicked demon who claimed it was HIS BABY!  

The demon, didn't want me coming near the baby.  He wanted me to know that the baby was his - to do as he pleased with it.  And he demonstrated his pleasure and power over the infant, (the ministry) to kill it. not wanting even a hope of beginning its mission. 

Not only did the demon dropped the child into the pool to destroy it, but I believe, that in the presence of the Trinity (the three discs), he had to let go of what did not belong to him.  He had no real authority over this ministry, because it was God's own.   

God uses us in his plans.  It was through action that the baby was drawn out of the water, and it was through prayer that the baby's eyes were opened.  However, the left eye was still not right.  It was red and dilated.  When I saw the baby's eyes, I asked God, "Can I pray that the baby sees?"

That was my prayer in the vision, and at the same time, it was the answer to my question, "Should I join this ministry?"  I knew then, that I was called to pray for the church/ministry to "see."

That is my prayer.  Every day we pray for our churches, for our leaders, for our nation, that they receive God's direction, that they "see" what the Lord would have them see.  Prophecy is really a necessity.  It is an indicator of health in a church, ministry or nation.  How can we know that we please the Lord, or are doing what he asks of us, if we cannot see what he is showing us, or if we cannot hear his voice?  Jesus said, "My sheep hear my voice."  John 10:27  And he also says, "Whoever has ears, let them hear what the Spirit says to the churches."  Revelations 2:7

I always pray too, that "Whatever is hidden in darkness, be brought to the light."  Anything that stays in the darkness, remains in a place where the enemy has dominion.  That is why we need to confess our sins one to another.  Chains that are forged in darkness, are broken in the light.

So, I encourage you to pray and keep praying for our churches, our ministries and our nation. And God bless you!



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