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A Red Bush w/Flames

Unbelievable! Unbelieveable!  To the very day a second time in a row! Unbelievable!  I cannot help myself!  Today is March 9th, and I am writing a vision that I received yesterday.  This is the 3rd vision on a March 8, that I have received in the last 3 years!  March 8, 2015 I received a vision for Bethany Church, after praying that God would show me something regarding our church.  I thought surely, God has something to say to us.  (I will post that one soon, just so you can see the change in the focus of the messages.)  

But last year, March 8, 2016, I received the vision for our church, that I called "Forsythia."  God was showing me that he was going to bring unity and revival to our church. That is why I named my blog after that vision, "Forsythia!"

Now a year later, March 8,  2017, God gives me another vision about revival.  And here it is today March 9th I am sharing this with you.

As I am praying, I see a large, intensely colored, red bush.  Scattered all-over the bush, and even within its inmost branches, are tiny flames that rest upon the branches, very much like small lights on a Christmas tree.  The small little flames remind me of the "tongues of fire," that came to rest on the disciples, in the upper room on the day of Pentecost, when they were all filled with the Holy Spirit.  

After praying, I went on the internet to find a picture of a red bush like the one in my vision. When I saw all the images of red bushes, I discovered that someone had given the name "burning bush" to the type of bush that I had seen. Again, I am overwhelmed!  God does not want us to miss his intention.  God caught Moses' attention with a burning bush, thousands of years earlier.  He wanted to speak to him and commission him to deliver his people from Egypt.  Moses caught a glimpse of something like fire burning on a bush, that didn't seem to get consumed.  He left was he was doing, to draw closer.  He heard a voice speak to him.  "Do not come any closer," God said.  "Take off your sandals, for the place where you are standing is holy ground."   Exodus 3:5

God's desire is to talk with his people, for us to know him.  "Draw near to God, and he will come near to you." James 4:8

"Here I am!  I stand at the door and knock.  If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him and he with me."  Revelations 3:20

God desires an intimate relationship with us.  The red bush is an invitation to experience God, to know him. "My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me."  John 10:27

The tongues of fire, is the promise of the Holy Spirit.  "And afterward, I will pour out my Spirit on all people.  Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions.  even on my servants , both men and women, I will pour out my Spirit in those days."  Joel 2:28-32

As I was writing, God wanted me to stop, and go for a walk with him.  As I came back, I sat down and grabbed my Bible.  I opened to an article, "The Fear of the Lord."

After reading and praying, I understood that this vision, of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit is conditional.  If we truly show the Lord reverence, honor, and fear him, then his promise will stand.  "...he rewards those who earnestly seek him."  Hebrews 11:6

He is not about to pour out his spirit upon people who are lukewarm and complacent.  We must truly dedicate ourselves to seeking him and understanding his ways.  We must stand firm when it comes to sin; to not give in to temptation.  God will not simply look the other way, as a parent might, who is too busy, or just can't be bothered, to take the time to discipline his/her children. "...the Lord disciplines those he loves..."   Proverbs 3:12

But we must remember and acknowledge that the fear of the Lord includes the fact that God has the ultimate power to throw into hell, anyone who is disobedient, and to think otherwise is simply foolish.  God is holy.  

The Revival in Brownsville, FL, years ago, brought masses of people from all over the nation, and other nations as well.  I had gone there twice in 1998 with members of our church.  We would get in line at 5:00 in the morning, to be able to get a seat in the church when the doors opened at 6:30 in the evening!  The Church had services every night, and ministry and teaching during the day. There were so many visitors, that they reserved Sundays for only the actual members of the congregation.

The masses came to experience the manifest presence of God.  Spontaneous healings and deliverance were an everyday occurrence.  The energy and the presence of God brought a divine reverence and fear of the Lord.  It was so real.  I saw a 5 year old just shake in her dad's arms.  People, could not stand.  Some would weep under the Spirit's anointing.  When the song "Mercy Seat" was sung, people literally, rushed to the altar, to get right with God.

So many people were saved during the week, they set aside Fridays for water baptisms.  I saw several young men give testimony of being delivered from a lifestyle of sin.  After giving testimony, each of them were water baptised.  When they came up from beneath the water, the power of God would hit them so hard, that they would shake violently.  It took several men to be able to lift each one of them out of the water.  

On another occasion, I saw an entire room of teens and college students take everything out of their pockets and empty them into a basket.  Cigarettes, jewelry for body piercings, and things I won't mention.  All because they were moved on, by the Holy Spirit to do so.  

At this same revival, we were told that the local police would not arrest people and take them to the police station.  Instead they brought them to the church where they could experience the power of God and be delivered.   

It was told to us by a member of the congregation, that one day a person coming to take care of the live plants in the sanctuary, went in to do his job.  He came out, crawling on his hands and knees, exclaiming, "What is going on in there?"

God wants us to know, that the fear of God is a prerequisite for the outpouring of his Holy Spirit.  If we want to see God's manifest presence and experience healing and deliverance for our friends and loved ones, and if we want to see our nation healed, then we must begin in earnest to pray, to fast and to be holy. "... for it is written 'Be holy, for I am holy.'"  1 Peter 1:16