Our Calling

Our Calling

God gave me an eight part vision about the calling he has on our lives.

When God calls us, we come as we are, yet we know that the journey will change us.  There will be times when we feel vulnerable, and exposed.   At times we may feel abandoned, and alone. God allows these experiences to shape us.

Jesus began his ministry by calling his disciples.  He said to them, "Come, follow me, and I will make you fishers of men."  Matthew 4:19.  By this we understand that his main purpose was to save mankind.  

How does a fisherman catch his fish?  He first casts out a line.  He gives it slack, so it falls to a depth that fish might see.  He may tug at the line to catch a fish's attention.  Then he waits quietly for a nibble, He may pull again gently to encourage the fish to bite.  Once it bites, he pulls a bit harder, to make sure the bite is secure.  Then he reels it in, making sure that the line does not break.  Finally, the fish is caught in the net and taken off the hook.

God uses many techniques, people and circumstances to make our "election" sure - that we will be his forever. "He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance."  2 Peter 3:9  

He doesn't want us to be like a fish that got away.  We are blessed when we are fully his.  There is no part of us that would choose to leave him.  We can trust God and know that each one of us, our friends, our families, our neighbors and all the nations of the world can be saved.  But we have to do our part.  "How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news."  Isaiah 52:7  

So God's plan for all of us is that we become good fishermen.  If we are called by the Lord, we should not be content to merely pray and give money to missions.  We should give the Lord every part of us: our hands, our feet, our mouths, and certainly our hearts for his use. "You are not your own; you were bought at a price." 1 Corinthians 6:19-20

The vision God gave me is about the calling to serve him.  Our calling, though individual, will always have at the core, a desire to know God and to see all men come to know him as well. 

The vision I received, began with a shirt with one sleeve cut off.  God is telling me, that to be called, is to be called to a perhaps difficult life.  The right arm represents strength.  We can not trust in our own strength.  We cannot rely on other people, saying of a person, "He's my 'right arm,' I don't know what I'd do without him!" Instead we must trust in the Lord's strength.  He asks us, "Is my arm too short ?" Numbers 11:23

And we reply, "No, Lord, your arm is not too short.  Your arm is our strength.  When we are weak you are strong."

The sleeve was cut off, to show us that we must be willing to be separated - to be cut off from the ones we love, "If anyone comes to me and does not hate father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sister - yes, even their own life - such a person cannot be my disciple."    Luke 14:26-27  What this means, is that by comparison, familial love should pale in comparison to our love and devotion to the Lord. 

The sleeve cut off, shows us that in order to be his disciple, we must be willing to be exposed.  God has given me many visions of partial nakedness.   This represents shame, and embarrassment.  The fear of doing anything that would expose us to ridicule, shame and embarrassment is powerful.  It can cause us to avoid those situations and people.  When God presents us with a command that brings fear into the picture, we can choose to be disobedient and opt for self protection. 

But God will test us with shame over, and over until we become "fools" in the eyes of the world - fools for him.   I have often said to the Lord, with tears in my eyes that I prefer to be a fool for him, than to win the respect of men.  To think that God will only bring us honor and exaltation for doing what he expects of us, is just simply untrue.  God will test us on every level in everything.  "Whoever is ashamed of me and my words, the Son of Man will be ashamed of him when he comes in his glory and in the glory of the Father and of the holy angels. Luke 9:26  

In other words, if we are more concerned about how we are viewed in the eyes of others, then obeying the Lord, then he will be ashamed of us before his father.

The second part of the vision was a white truck.  The truck represents, for me, my two sons.  But the message, is for all of us.  God is saying that in order to follow him, we must be willing to give up our sons, to let them go their own way.  We cannot hold onto things and people that really belong to God.  We are stewards for a time, but we must ultimately release them to the Lord.  God wants us to trust him, He said, "Do not be anxious about anything, but with prayer and petition present your requests to God, and the peace of God will guard your hearts in Christ Jesus."  Philippians 4:6   We must be willing to give our children to God, and trust him for their salvation.

In the third part of the vision, I saw a mother nuzzle her small child.  God wants us to nurture and take pleasure in the love we have for him, just as a mother takes pleasure in the natural easy, and unhindered love she has for her child.  God's desire is for us to be close, so intimate with him.  He values a heart that seeks him, that wants to hear his voice.

The fourth part of the vision shows an infant all by himself.  An infant is helpless when he is by himself.  He depends upon his parents for all his needs.  God speaks of his love for Israel. "Then I passed by and saw you kicking about in your blood, and as you lay there in your blood, I said to you, "Live!"  Ezekiel 16:6

"I bathed you with water and washed the blood from you and put ointments on you.  I clothed you with an embroidered dress and put leather sandals on you.  I dressed you in fine linen and covered you with costly garments.  I adorned you with jewelry: I put bracelets on your arms and a necklace around your neck, and a ring on your nose, earrings on your ears and a beautiful crown on your head."  Ezekiel 16: 9-12

In the beginning of my walk with the Lord, he showed me through several visions, what I should expect and be prepared for.  In these visions I found myself walking alone, but each time I was going in the opposite direction of everyone else.   He was saying through these visions that with the call of God, will come a life that is contrary to what the world is doing, where the world is heading and what the world values.  The Bible says, "Do not love the world or anything in the world.  If anyone loves the world, love for the Father is not in them."  1 John 2:15

 If we belong to God, we are called to a life that will be continually moving against the crowd, and against the culture around us.  But God promises to equip us and prepare us for the tests that will come our way. "For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction and many enter through it.  But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it."  Matthew 7:13-14

The next part of the vision shows a man on a horse, staring ahead.  He seems so alone.  Even though there were other people around on foot, they were each staring ahead too, but in other directions.  Each seemed detached, lost, hopelessly wandering.  They were nomads without purpose.  God was showing me the lost.   So often we are too busy, too involved and wrapped up in ourselves that we do not see them, and do nothing to help them.  As I saw this part of the vision, I thought to myself,  "Lord, let us not be insensitive to these people.  Let us not look the other way, or be so consumed with our own thoughts that we do not see the lost around us and do nothing."

Then I saw the sixth part of the vision, I saw a man with dark hair and a heavy moustache.  He was looking through a chain linked fence.  His hands and fingers held onto the fence.  Then he  slowly let go, until only his fingertips touched the fence.  I asked myself, "Is he a refugee?  Is he someone in detention?"  I did not know those answers, but my heart was  troubled.  He needed help.  He seemed desperate and without hope.  

To be God's disciple, we must love what God loves, and hate what he hates.  He want us to feel compassion for the lost and for the unfortunate.  He wants us to show love to those who have lost hope and have nowhere to turn. We must share the gospel and offer our love and assistance to those in need.

In the seventh part of the vision, I see a 6' long, hard cardboard tube about 6" in diameter.  I knew this was a tube used as a spool on to which yard goods or fabric is rolled.  But this large tube was standing upright, next to my door.  As I looked at it, I thought to myself, "Should I recycle it?  Should I throw it away?  There must be another use for it, it seems a shame to throw it away."

The tube represents value.  What value do we see in things?  And what value do we place on people?  Are all things to be tossed out?  Is there any purpose left in this item?  Many times people see themselves as too old.  They believe that it is too late for them - that life has passed them by - that there is nothing left for them to do.  What they could have done for the Lord, has past the point of opportunity. 

But God says,  "No!"  As long as we have breath, we must continue to work for him.  The nails are not yet on the coffin.  The spirit is still in the body.  "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!"  Philippians 4:13  

Life is short, but it is not over, till it is over.  We can do God's bidding as long as we are willing.  "As long as it is day, we must do the works of him who sent me.  Night is coming, when no one can work."  John 9:4

The last, the eighth part of the vision, is a single bean on a plate next to a serving of food.   Years ago, my 3 year old son did not want to eat even a single bean.  Just one little bean was his "ticket" to go swimming at the pool.  It was difficult to eat, even though he wanted to swim.  He finally, with much ketchup, put it in his mouth.  But he gagged!  We told him that if he didn't swallow it, we would not go.  Finally, he ate the bean and we went swimming.

God was showing me that there is a calling on each one of us.  But we have to "Eat the bean," if we want to go with him.  Jesus said, "Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me"  Luke 9:23   The road may be difficult, but if we never submit ourselves to God, and commit to God's way, we will never fulfil the purpose God has for our lives.  We will have "missed our calling."


















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