Kill, Steal and Destroy

Kill, Steal and Destroy

Hi Everyone, I am writing today about a vision the Lord showed me about three weeks ago.  It was a warning vision.  At the time, I wasn't sure of what I should be warned.  But today  I know that what the enemy plans for evil, the Lord will turn around for good. "in all things God works for the good, of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose."  Romans 8:28

This was the two part vision:

I.  I saw a wolf or large dog come from my right and attack a small dog.  He was able to get his entire mouth around the small dog’s back.  He bit as if to devour him, but then let him go.

II.  Then I was driving my car, and began to change to the right hand lane.  A black car tried to pass me on the right side, but I didn’t see him because he was in my blind spot.  There was nearly a collision.

Two nights ago, my son was driving home from work at 11:00 p.m.  He glanced down at his cell phone - it might have been my text message that I had sent to him at 11:07.  As he glanced down, the road before him was turning to the left.  He misjudged his position on the road and when his eyes came back to the road, there was a telephone pole in front of him.  He attempted to turn to the left to avoid the collision, but “the steering wheel froze and the brakes locked up.” He slid and crashed into the pole.  The car’s front end engulfed the pole.  The engine and everything moved towards the driver, upon impact, yet the air bags inflated, and my son lived.  Hallelujah!  God saved him from death!   He was badly shaken up, believing that he could have died or in the least have been seriously injured.  But there was no physical harm - not a scratch, or even a pulled muscle.  He heard a ringing in his ears momentarily because of the exploding airbags, but that was all.  I cannot tell you how thankful I was!  We hugged, with a overwhelming sense of awe and thankfulness.  Tears came to his eyes - he was greatly shaken.  

I told him, “Jesus loves you so much!  You are still here with me!  You are alive because Jesus just saved you!  Do you see how he protected you?”   God’s grace and mercy kept my son safe!  Oh how wonderful is the Lord!

Now, as we were thankfully and joyfully “celebrating” God’s love and faithfulness, that next day, we heard of another accident whose outcome was quite different.  

Just twenty hours before my son’s accident, my husband’s cousin's son was home from the service for a Christmas break.  He was driving with his best friend, also in the service.  They had come from a pub just a mile from his home, when a large gasoline tanker collided with his car.  He came out of the accident with a few cuts and cracked ribs, but his best friend did not make it.  The entire front end of the car was crushed. with the greatest damage on the passenger side of the car, where his friend was seated.  There was no apparent damage to the tanker, and the driver was unharmed.   

Unfortunately, because my husband’s cousin was coming from the pub, it is possible that his perception was impaired by alcohol, and that he had caused the accident. This is a very serious situation.  His entire future may be forever changed.

We do not know who was at fault.  Perhaps the trucker was tired, overworked, and fell asleep for a second.  He may have  been distracted in thought or by a cell phone, as my son had been.  We don’t know the facts, but we do know that our young cousin was drinking.

I am asking you, friends, to pray for him.  He has always been a sweet and loving boy - and now a young man.  Please pray for mercy, peace and comfort.  He has to deal with his feelings about the loss of his friend, and the potential legal ramifications of the drinking, driving and loss of life.  Pray that the driver of the truck will be honest in his recounting of the accident.  And pray that the court will show mercy and favor to both men.  “He will bring to light what is hidden in darkness and will expose the motives of the heart."   Corinthians 4:4

“Mercy triumphs over judgment.”  James 2:13

In the first vision, the wolf attacked the small dog, but let him go.  God has the last say.  He allows the devil to have limited power on the earth.  What the evil one planned to harm my son (in the first accident), God will turn around for his glory.  My prayer is that the accident will cause my son to appreciate, the true love of God, and his saving grace and power.  I pray that he will want to know the Lord, and keep his ways.

Our young cousin was also attacked by the wolf.  The wolf carried away his friend.  I am praying for the Lord’s mercy for his friend’s soul.  We do not know whether this young man was saved, but the word of God says, “ I will have mercy upon whom I have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I have compassion."  Romans 9:14   Only God knows the heart.  But, still I pray that God would be merciful.  

The black car in the vision represents the plans of the devil to cause harm.   The car came from the far right hand side, from a “blind spot.”  In the vision, I was caught off guard, for I did not see it coming.  We must be aware of the enemy’s schemes, we cannot afford any spiritual blind spots.  So often the enemy seeks out the weak ones, the old, the young, or those who have wandered from the flock, because they are an easy target.  The enemy is on the prowl to find someone to attack, someone who is unaware, or unsuspecting, or someone without defense.

Our young cousin and our son were both attacked only 20 hours apart, yet they both survived.  The wolf had to let them go.   

Jesus said to me once, “I keep my angels around about you, but you go your own way.”  It  was a terrible testony about me, that “I was going my own way.”  But at the same time, it was so encouraging to hear the Lord say that, “I keep my angels around about you.”

Jesus kept his angels around my son too.  And, as God provided protection and a second chance for my son, I believe that He will provide mercy for our cousin.  God's word say, "Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked.  A man reaps what he sows." Galatians 6:7  God wants us to know that if we sow seeds of sin, that we will reap the rewards of sin. Yet the reason, I believe that God may give him another chance is because of what he said to me about my sister:

When I wanted to tell her what she was doing was wrong, God said to me "Do not go where I have not sent you."  He did not want me to interfere with his plans for my sister.  He said to me, "Give her the same chance I gave you." 

So I believe that this event, even though the enemy brought death, God will bring something good from it.  I am praying that this very situation will bring our young cousin and his family to the Lord, in a very real and sincere way. 

Please keep him and his family, and the family of the young man who died, as well as the driver of the truck, in your prayers.  Regardless of the ultimate outcome, salvation of souls is of utmost importance.  “What does it profit a man to gain the world, but to forfeit his soul?”  Mark 8:36

Please pray for our young cousin to forgive himself, and for the parents and siblings of the young man that died, to forgive those who are found at fault.  Pray that no one will, through  gross error, blame the Lord for the outcomes of this tragedy.  We live in a fallen world, with the effects of sin all around us.  The devil, our enemy is out to kill, to steal and to destroy.  We cannot blame the Lord, for he does not tempt, nor cause anyone to sin.  He is a holy God and worthy of all our love and devotion.  Evil exists because evil exists in man, in the world and in the kingdom of darkness.

Jesus warns us that there will be trouble in our lives.  "I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace.  In this world you will have trouble.  But take heart!  I have overcome the world."  John 16:33

Let us commit our lives and the lives of our friends, our families, our neighbors and the entire world to the Lord's care.  Jesus, let no one die and leave this world, without knowing you!  "I have not lost one of those you gave me."  John 18:9

Come Lord Jesus!  Maranatha! 

A Yellow Backhoe-Loader

A Yellow Backhoe-Loader

