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Hi Friends, this vision I received yesterday morning.  It is about appearances.  What is true?  What is false?  What do things seem to be?  My father was an attorney.  He spoke to me once about appearances.  He believed that appearances are so important in life.  From a legal standpoint, what things appear to be, are of utmost importance, to a judge or to a jury.  He said to me, “It doesn’t matter what the facts are that counts; it is what the facts appear to be that matters most.”  What he was teaching me was this: a person falsely accused, could be convicted of a crime he did not commit, simply because the facts appeared to be true.  Even though the truth may have been presented, those facts did not appear to be true or convincing as the incriminating facts that were also presented.

In the Bible, it is stated in a similar way: "Now the overseer must be above reproach.…….He must manage his own family well and see that his children obey him with proper respect. (If anyone does not know how to manage his own family, how can he take care of God’s church?)”  1 Timothy 3:2-5  

This means, that he lives his life in such a way, as to never appear, to be doing anything questionable.  My father was teaching me to do nothing  that would cause others to accuse me falsely.  He wanted me to be concerned for who my friends were, and what activities I chose.  My father believed his position of respect in the community was very important.  For that reason, he believed that our behavior reflected on him.  I remember my father commending my brother, saying that Eric never lied to him.

The vision has four parts, and each speaks of a different aspect of human character.  God is placing us on his potter’s wheel, and is molding and shaping us into his image.  We will always be a work in progress until we are changed.  “In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet:  for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.“ 1 Corinthians 15:52

The Vision

I.    The vision begins with  a man dressed in a black and white houndstooth checked suit.  

II.   Next I see a row of yellow brick apartment buildings.

III.  Then I see a small round mirror with a concave or bowl shaped red frame.  The overall size was only about two and a half inches in diameter.  The mirror itself was only one inch.

IV.  As I am looking at the red framed mirror, I hear a voice say, “All in a timely manner.”

Going back to the idea of appearances, we can see that fashion can create an image of who we think we are, or who we want others to believe we are.  Last night, my youngest son, left the house with his baseball cap turned sideways and tilted in such a manner, as to cause me to think of young gang members. I instantly questioned myself, “Does he know what  his hat is saying to others?  Has he found some questionable friends to hang out with?  Is he simply trying out a new look?  Well, I questioned him today, and he said, “Mom, it’s only a hat.” Again, I go back to what my father said,  It is not what the facts are, it is what do the facts appear to be.”

I understand that fashion is something that changes over time. So, I need to share with you my thoughts about what the houndstooth check suit means to me.  By looking at the photo I chose for the post, you may decide that the suit is quite fashionable, highly attractive, or even avant garde.  But my reaction, prior to selecting the  photo, was anything but that.  I would describe a man’s black and white houndstooth checked suit as old fashioned, coming from the era of go-go boots (1960’s).  I consider the suit to be  flashy, not serious, not business like, not formal.  Imagine for a moment how a full suit in this fabric might appear.  In the photo, you only see the jacket, as a sports coat.  A full suit is just too much pattern.

However, God sees things quite differently.  I believe he is showing me the characteristic of being two faced, without integrity, and as one who has one foot in the world, (black) and the other foot in the kingdom of God (white).   I am reminded of the scripture, that I am sure you are familiar with: “the man that is double-minded,unstable in all that he does.”  This passage actually talks about someone who does not believe God fully, but has doubts. “He who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind.  That man should not think he will receive anything from the Lord; he is double-minded man unstable in all that he does.”  James 1:6-8

The black and white suit also represents hypocrisy.  We may appear to those we want to impress one way,  but then to our families we show another side.  People may appear to clients or a boss as being trustworthy, but it could be quite the opposite.  My son complained of a church we attended when he was a teenager.  He said the girls worshipped as if they loved the Lord, and after youth group they went into the halls and “hung on the boys.”  This is one example of hypocrisy.  He complained also that the associate pastors were “hitting on the young girls.”   This is also hypocrisy.  It says in the word, “God’s name is blasphemed among the Gentiles because of you.”  Romans 2:24  We need to be people of integrity.

The row of yellow brick apartment buildings represent another human trait, that of being fearful.   Because we do not want to appear foolish, or ignorant, we can develop fears about such things. The yellow buildings represent fear, the fear of man, what others think and say about us, and the fear of the unknown, fear of “stepping out”.  Fear of failure stops people from trying a new endeavor or living out a dream.  Fear of the unknown, or fear of man, can keep us from fulfilling the call of God.  When we try to stay within the boundaries of comfort, we actually lose our freedom and never accomplish all that God wants to do through us. We speak of “stepping out in faith.” and without faith it is impossible to please God.”  The yellow apartments are the places we go to where we can feel safe. We can be safe at home, where there are no significant threats or challenges.  We can sit  in the pews at church, surrounded by the people we like, and are like us.  Or we could step out in faith and see what God might do to bring new people into our lives.  If we remain only in comfortable surroundings, with those we are familiar with, we may just miss a richer and more fulfilling life.  It would be an utter shame to miss God’s calling simply because of fear.

The mirror, being as small as it was, represents a very narrow focus.  Our interests, may revolve solely around us.  We need to see a much larger view than can be had by using  a tiny mirror.  The mirror can only reflect what is placed in front of it.  This mirror may pick up a portion of a face - perhaps a single eye if held close, and only the face if held at reading distance.  When we become focused only upon ourselves, we become unaware of the people and circumstances around us.  How do they feel?  What are they going through?  What are their concerns and needs?  If we cannot see the needs of others, we become incapable of seeing anything from God’s perspective.  We have to become sensitive to God and sensitive to his love for others.  

Years ago, God gave me a vision, and spoke to me saying, “Put up your periscope!”  We use to see periscopes in the old war movies with submarines, and even on cartoons.  (If you want to see a real one, you can go to the Chicago Museum of Science and Industry and walk on board a real German submarine that was captured in WWII.)  

God wants us to put up our periscope, to get above the circumstances surrounding  us, taking the focus off our problems and placing it on  the Lord.  Having a higher vantage point, allows us to see as the Lord sees, not as the world sees.  

Again it is about appearances.  What do things appear to be?  And, what are they in truth?  Do you remember the Old Testament story of the prophet Elisha, that wanted his servant, not to focus on what his natural eyes could see, but on what God would make possible for him to see. “When the servant of the man of God got up and went out early the next morning, an army with horses and chariots had surrounded the city.  ‘Oh my lord, what shall we do?’  the servant asked.  

‘Don’t be afraid, the prophet answered.  ‘Those who are with us are more than those who are with them.’  And Elisha prayed, ‘O Lord, open his eyes so he may see.’  Then the Lord opened the servant’s eyes, and he looked and saw the hills full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.”  2 Kings 6:15-17

Next I thought about the words that were spoken “All in a timely manner.”  There were several times in scripture where timing was an issue for God.

“Is it a time for you yourselves to be living in your paneled houses, while this house remains a ruin?  Haggai 1:4  God was questioning their priorities.  They took the wood that was given for the construction of the temple and the rebuilding of Jerusalem, and saw to it that their homes were finished first.  Then they were resting prior to starting on the designated work of rebuilding the Temple of God.  They were choosing to place their personal comfort ahead of their concern to please God.  

The Lord has always been concerned for time:

“My time has not yet come.”  John 2:4

“Father the time has come.  Glorify your Son, that your Son may glorify you.”   John 17:1

“And he will appear a second time, not to bear sin, but to bring salvation to those who are waiting for him”  Hebrews 9:28

I wrote about one of my visions on an earlier post, I called, “Time is Running Out.”  I saw a digital alarm clock with the numbers running off the face of the clock and falling onto the floor.  God was showing me then, and reminding us once more, that time is running out.  I know this has to do with salvation and the second coming of Christ.  We need to respect the time we have on this earth,

We will have to give an account of our use of time, and talents.  So the Lord warns us to be ready, to not say, that He (our master) is “a long time in coming,”  Luke 12:45 and in so doing, become unfaithful stewards of what God has entrusted to us.  We do not want to waste time, money and the gifts he has given us.

In Summary

God wants us to live in a way that is above reproach.  

He wants us to be people of integrity:  to be who we claim to be, and to be who we appear to be, to not be counterfeit, and to not be hypocrites.

God wants us to believe in his word, to trust him and not doubt.  We are to overcome our fears, and to move in faith, to fulfill our calling

He wants us to take our eyes off ourselves, and focus upon him.  “With God all things are possible.” Matthew 19:26

And lastly, he wants us to respect the time.  For the time is short and there is much to do in the kingdom of God.  Let us be, all we can be, in Christ Jesus!


Love, you all!  Be blessed!