Fiery Trials Part 2

Fiery Trials Part 2

Hi Friends,  I am writing again, because the message the Lord has given me, I believe is something he considers very important.  This is about persecution, in a place you would not expect to find it.  Nonetheless, it exists, and we need to know how to handle it.

This is the vision:

I was in a large open room that resembled a rehab/exercise facility.  The trainer that was showing me around, spoke about a certain piece of equipment and how to use it, because as he put it, “You have cancer in your leg.”  And he touched me on my left calf.  I looked immediately at him and declared, “I rebuke that in the name of Jesus!”  Then, turned to face the open area, to the left of a tall wall.  I shouted as loud as I could, “I rebuke that in the name of Jesus!”  Then, I shouted even louder, “I rebuke that in the name of Jesus!”  There was no one immediately visible, so I sat down on an apparatus, and nestled myself into its seat and back, which seemed somewhat like a lounge chair within a pod.  

From behind the wall, came a man dressed in formal business attire, wearing a mid-calf charcoal grey, wool dress coat.  He was reprimanding me saying that I had behaved inappropriately in their facility.  That it was not allowed, and I would have to leave.  Then a woman came up to me, who I now recognize as being my daughter’s confirmation instructor, who I respected, as being well versed in the Bible, and its teachings.  She looked at me sternly saying, “What in the world were you thinking?  You can’t say things like that in here!  Your behavior is unacceptable!”

I got out of the pod/chair and began walking.  Now several other people joined in escorting me out of the building.  At this point I became apologetic, and even started to cry, being overwhelmed at their insistence on proper protocol.  

After the vision, I asked myself, “Why did I succumb to agreeing with them?  Am I so fearful of man, fearful of what others think, that I coward?  Why was I not able to stand up for the Lord and defend my faith.  I thought to myself, "If this is merely a practice run at defending my faith and not betraying God before others, then I have hopelessly failed."  Just like Peter who denied the Lord three times, I was apologizing and even crying!  Wow!  I am certainly not prepared for real persecution!  What I was doing by rebuking the words of the trainer, was turning back the curse of cancer, to where it came from - Hell.  I was not going to buy what the enemy was selling.  He can keep his cancer, I am fearfully and wonderfully made!  We are commanded in the word of God to "Take every thought captive and bring it into the obedience of Christ."  2 Corinthians 10:5-6.     And that is what I did.  Nothing more, nothing less.  We please God when we demonstrate obedience.

What I am not pleased with was my reaction to criticism.  This is the Fear of Man.   God spoke to me once, as plain and as clear as a bell, he said, "As long as you are fearful of man, I cannot use you, for you are already being used."  

From that moment forward, I became aware each time, how I reacted to criticism, and accusation.  I realized my Achilles' heel, was having the need to please people.  There was no doubt that I was a people pleaser and a conflict avoider.  God was showing me that I was being used by the devil, rather than being useful to God.  Things had to change - and apparently this is still an issue for me.  The devil will knock at the door that opened for him before, so we have to ask God to slam the door, and seal it shut!    

After finishing writing and publishing my last post, Fiery Trials, I realized that this present vision places the focus on "Preparation for persecution." 

Everyone will be tested.  Prepare yourself for what is coming.  Persecution is coming to the church.  Not only the church in other parts of the world, where it is intensifying, but even within the walls of the American church, by the very people who attend.

I remember when my children were young, I used to take them to the river walk to feed the ducks.  One day while at a nearby pond, I brought bread for the ducks.  It was nearly sunset, and a flock of ducks flew overhead and landed in the pond.  My children and I were sitting on a picnic table watching them land.  We broke up the bread to throw to the ducks as we had done so often at the riverwalk.  The ducks scrambled for the bread, making quite a commotion.  There was one very large white duck, (could have been a goose), that did not appreciate the ruckus we were causing.  It was evening and I could tell that this duck wanted everyone to settle down for the night.  The duck stretched his neck up as high as he could and thrust his chest forward with his wings spread.  He walked towards us like a gunslinger in a showdown.  I took the cue.  Scooping up a child under each arm I ran to the car!  

People, in general, can react to things they do not understand in fear: fear of the unknown, fear of losing control, and fear of change.  When revival comes to the church, and even before it happens, some members of the church will not appreciate the move of the Holy Spirit.  They will not tolerate things that are different, and things they are not used to.  Change threatens them.  Like the duck or goose, they will want everything to be predictable and timely, above all properly constrained.  The comfortable, the complacent, and those that prefer the status quo, are going to take issue with those who are moving in the gifts of the spirit.  Do not be surprised to find even leaders in ministry, teachers, and those who have their egos wrapped up in the church life, to attempt to stifle the move of God or revival.  Like the Pharisees of Jesus' day, some will persecute those that don't meet with their approval.  Do not deny it.  Do not hide it.  Be aware that it has been going on, and will intensify.  Instead prepare yourself, to stand with God.

The devil will try to bring disunity, and dysfunction, to the local church bodies.  He will use jealousy, envy and condemnation to silence the voice of the Holy Spirit.  This is one of his powerful weapons to block, hinder, and suppress the work of God from going forth.  The Bible tells us to be aware of the enemy’s schemes.  He will try to cause offense leading to a spirit of rebellion.  The Bible says that rebellion is as witchcraft.   

How should we react?

We must submit to one another in love.  We must not point the finger of blame, or align ourselves or agree with the devil, but we must walk in love and prefer another over ourselves.  What this may mean for you and me, is that in spite of “correction” by well intentioned people, we are to honor their position, but with all respect, continue to do the Lord’s will.  When Paul stood before the Sanhedrin, he said to them:

“‘My brothers, I have fulfilled my duty to God in all good conscience to this day.’  At this the high priest Ananias ordered those standing near Paul to strike him on the mouth.  Then Paul said to him, ‘God will strike you, you white-washed wall!  You sit there to judge me according to the law, yet you yourself violate the law by commanding that I be struck!’”

“Those who were standing near Paul said, ‘You dare to insult God’s high priest?’”

“Paul replied, ‘Brothers, I did not realize that he was the high priest; for it is written:  ‘Do not speak evil about the ruler of your people.’”  Acts 23:1-5

So by Paul’s example, we are not to speak against or slander those that may be critical of us.  “I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people - for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.”   1Timothy 2:2

Let us be prepared for the inevitable.  Let us not get tripped up in small things.  Do you remember the shoelace?  Keep things tied up and neat:  “Those who consider themselves religious and yet do not keep a tight rein on their tongues deceive themselves, and their religion is worthless.  Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this:  to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.”  James 1:26-27

It was God’s intention, that we do not overlook this important interpretation of the last vision, I wrote about in “Fiery Trials.”  This is yet another way that the enemy tries to trip us up.  His purpose is to hinder the church, by causing division and strife.  But God’s word says,  "I will build my church and the gates of Hades will not overcome it.  I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven;  whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.”  Matthew 16:18-19  

The devil can use anyone to cause offense - even you and me!  So we need to check our motives, we do not want to buy into the enemy's lies and “bring down the house.”  

“A foolish woman tears her house down with her bear hands.”  Proverbs 14:1  

“A house divided cannot stand.”  Mark 3:25    Let us be instruments of peace, not instruments of disunity and discord.  

Thanks for praying with me for the American Church and for a true revival!  Let’s believe that God will send an outpouring of his Holy Spirit soon!  Maranatha!  Come Lord Jesus!




Fiery Trials

Fiery Trials